Sunday, March 12, 2006

Cult Update:Islam

Shalom Gday All,
Ill be posting a whole lot of links in relation to Islam, some will be from there own websites, an others that will expose this Cult of Islam;
Study the Truth about Islam
Ahmad Jibril(muslim Militant an compulsive liar for islam)
As Indonesia tries Islamic law, US aims to help
Why can’t the Jews and Muslims live together in peace?
Islameyat(another website that exposes the lies of Islam from the middle east)
Faith Freedom Int'l
Islamic Sodomites Stories of Homosexual Islam
Quran Browser Online Program
Unnoticed, Democracy Gains in Southeast Asia's Islamic Countries
Internet Islamic History Sourcebook( a source book on all islamic violence in History)
Dictionary Knowledge on Muhammad
The Plain Truth About Islam
Prophet Of Doom(Deep Dark History of Muhammad)
Punishment of Adultery In Islam-
Stop the ACLU(Islamic Behind Kissers)
When Terrorism Outlaws Democracy - Australians Lose Rights for Ten Years
Dont Confuse the Facts-known cult that supports Militant Islamics
Harun Yahya(that admits Islamic Terrorism)-
Indonesia Law News
Islam Yesterday(look at how the Muslim wears Jewish Garb on 1 of the Videos, that is truely 1 that calls himself a jew an is of the Synagogue of Satan)
Forged Texts of the So Called Muslim Holy Koran
A Website done by a well known Antichrist
who supports Islam
Stephen Sizers website on Supportin Islamic Terror
Statement Regarding Anti-Islamic Web Sites on the Internet
PPP will fight for sharia law, Hamzah says
2nd draft(a good website that exposes Islamic Hypocrisy & Lies-
Voice of the Martyrs who has died under Islamic persecution-
Truth in Crisis-Focus on Islam-
KORAN commands to kill infidels
The Filth of Islam
War Of 2 Worlds lot of exposure on Islam-
The Quran Confirms the Bible Has Never Been Corrupted [Part 2]

Notes and References on Islam
by Chuck Missler
Paltalk, AOL and Yahoo Harbor Terrorists
Signing Off
"The Shofar Has Sounded, Hear Its Call"

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Cult Coverage:Beware the CloudBusters Part 1-Greenpeace New Agers

Shalom Gday All,
Cloudbusters what is it, what does it mean, what is there objective, an what things do they use, an believe in?
What is it:CloudBusters is a cult not only on yahoo, but also many other websites, an it has Objectives of its own to defeat its so called evil.
What Does it mean:A cloudbuster cult member would use things of the New Age/Paganistic Implements to defeat its So called Evil.
What is there Objective:To Clean the Worlds Atmosphere of Radiowaves, to cleaning all the so called dirt of the World.
What Things do they Use:They All use stuff like Crystals to make there devices called Orgone Devices, they also have people who are involved in the world of Psychics,Remote Viewers, they are also into the things like the pyramids, an pyramid power, Orgone Devices called Holy Hand Grenades,Tower Busters, an the list goes on, such as the use of Reiki, the use of mediums, they also have an CloudBusters-Agent section to gossip, an slander behind many peoples backs, an to unrighteously Judge them.
What Do they Believe In:The Believe if they all fight off the worlds known evil, they will all be righteous in there Little World, They also believe in many Conspiracy Theories , like the reptillian people like from the V Series that use to be on TV, of Shape Shifters, there is practically no true or perfect unity Amongst them seein many have been controlled by there Moderators Intent,believing its the only true way to save the World.
One Last Question that needs answering:Who gets caught up in it:Basically all of those who have experienced the new age(pagan) background, to those who have left the Churches,Synagogues, an even Mosques, to those who even have no involvement at all in a holy place.
Part 1 complete
Part 2 completed next post.
Signing Off
"The Shofar Has Sounded, Hear its Call"