Thursday, April 27, 2006

Cult Update Urls:Exposing Islam

Rebuttals and Debates

Why Islam shuts down freedom of religionThis article provides a helpful overview on Apostasy in (1) the Quran, (2) the Muslim Traditions, and (3) Islamic Law. Read on...

The Imam Mahdi

Video & Audio Links:
Ex Terrorists appear on CN8 Your Morning (WMV, 16:25, 18MB)
Walid Shoebat and Zak Anani make O'Reilly Factor on Fox News (WMV, 4:55, 7MB)
Walid appears on Fox News July 11, 2005
Walid Shoebat finally makes Fox NewsWindows Media: [high]Flash 7: [low] - [high]
Walid Shoebat confronts Islamic supporters of terror on Irish National TV, exposes their hatred!
Gerry Ryan Interview 6/07/04 (MP3, 36:17, 4.3MB)

The Challenge of Islam Seminar

'Divine mission' driving Iran's new leader

How Allah Prays for the Prophet

Russian military stalls on reports Ukraine sold warheads to Iran

Were there Jewish and Christian Arabs before Islam?(Beware the webmaster is a known liar)

Salafi Publications

Islam Comic Book

The Meaning of the Word "Sala'h"


Christian-Muslim Debates

Memri TV

Is the Qur'an Written in Pure Arabic?

Americas Truth Forum



The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 1 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, President of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
3878 0 bytes rm
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The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 2 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, resident of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
1722 0 bytes rm
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The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 3 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, resident of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
1932 0 bytes rm
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The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 4 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, resident of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.

Islam Video Vedio

Prophet of Doom
Audio Version
Recognizing that it can be more convenient and enjoyable to listen to audio than it is to read a book, we have recorded an audio version of Prophet of Doom in its entirety for your convenience. Click on the links below to play the audio on your computer, save the files to your hard drive, burn them onto a CD, and/or load them onto your mp3 player.
We appreciate that not everyone has the time to come to understand Islam as thoroughly as it is presented in this book. If you are simply looking for a quick summary of Islam's true nature, start with Prologue - What Would You Do?. For a scholarly review, go directly to Source Material - Islam's Dark Past. For an insight into Muhammad's character, listen to Satan's Bargain, Pedophile Pirate, or Lustful Libertine. Islam's anti-semitic behavior is highlighted in The Anti-Semite, Mein Kampf, and Islam's Holocaust. To learn about Islam's connection with terrorism, listen to War Made a Profit, Good Muslims Kill, Tormented Terrorist, Blood and Booty, or Jihad. And for a good laugh, check out Would You Believe? or Dishonest Abe.
These links to the MP3 versions of the chapters are ideal for playing on your computer or downloading to an MP3 player.
Letter to the Reader
2.7 MB
Prologue What Would You Do?
21.8 MB
Would You Believe?
19.2 MB
Devils, Deceptions & Backrubs
17.4 MB
I Don’t Noah ’Bout This
16.7 MB
Dishonest Abe
23.7 MB
Can Qusayy Scam?
21.3 MB
Heart of Darkness
18.4 MB
With Whom Am I Speaking?
19.7 MB
The Abused Abuser
21.4 MB
Demented Deity
25.7 MB
Muddled Message
18.8 MB
Satan’s Bargain
24.8 MB
Delusions of Grandeur
25.8 MB
The Pedophile Pirate
14.6 MB
The Anti-Semite
29.9 MB
War Made a Profit
30.3 MB
Mein Kampf
31.5 MB
Good Muslims Kill
32.3 MB
Lustful Libertine
26.4 MB
Islam’s Holocaust
24.9 MB
The Tormented Terrorist
35.2 MB
Blood & Booty
31.0 MB
Legacy of Terror
33.7 MB
38.0 MB
Profitable Prophet Plan
36.6 MB
Prophet of Doom
28.3 MB
Epilogue What are you going to do?
7.2 MB
Sources Islam’s Dark Past
57.0 MB
Islam may claim its all nice and rosey on the Outside, but underneath, its nothing but dead mens bones.
Signing Off
"The Shofar Has Sounded, Hear its Call"

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cult Coverage:Pt 2;CloudBusters Unholy Trinity & Followers

The Deception within this cult come with great exposure of knowing someone working on the Inside of it, sharing this infomation with me.
To my Latest News of one of its members has developed an Agent List of suspected agents within the forum, not to mention also using some of the Real Names of the suspected agents just because of the use of there name for endangerment & privacy exploitation online.
An Because of that list the very peoples whose names appear on it, can sue him for reckless endangerment.

Who is this Cloudbusters Cult Unholy Trinity? An what are there main practising tools?For confidentiality reasons, I will not use there names in the forum that i have been told, but there Initials.

For the 1st I will call him JM: JM is the main moderator of the 1st cloudbusters forum, who works as there Political Religious Figure, He controls all speech within the room an only recently developed a new set of rules for his own justification.
JM has been in the practice of using cloudbuster devices for quite a while, as well as built his own devices.
He also provided a Test recently for someone within the forum who were having a bit of brawl between them, 1 within Australia, the 2nd being in the USA.
He tries to act the strong type, but truly would stick by his own agenda within the room than listen to anyone elses opinion or enlightenment.

The 2nd I will call her MKC:MKC she is a main supporter of the cult group, tends to talk without thinking of what she is saying. She isnt big into religion, but she follows the New Age Religion that tries to show itself as a greenpeace activist group.
At times she appears to have no self esteem in herself or in those around her, yet when something is bought up she seems to forget that she puts her hand in some hot water situations, that she hasnt grown in maturity in.
She doesnt talk much about the devices herself & her husband uses, but she trusts in the Image of the Orgone devices that they are really healing the planet when in reality, things are still falling down around her.

After covering the 3rd, i will cover there known sub followers as shared to me by ones within the forum relaying this infomation with me.

The 3rd next moderator in the forum is AG: No doubt this mans agenda is shown in the image he portrays himself to be as the "Dragon" , he is very zero tolerant in some things he does, but he to has his deep dark secrets, He has done the same thing as JM, for he too has taken the role Politicial & Religiously, ive heard reports from some members within the forum that he has outright deleted there msgs without the rest of the forum being able to see them, for them to judge an decide what is right.
He will only acknowledge certain things he is interested in.
The Devices he uses are some ive mentioned already within the others, He also uses the new age crystal wands for his work, with some known TB devices.
By what we have seen by them there is no true unity with them, but there agendas still remain the same, in taking out there aliens.
The known sub followers; Lh,Lr,Gr,PT,SB,CG,RO,just to name a few. Within the Next online report, I will show its Spiritual Fornication in the Sight of God.
Lh: Lh tries to appear as the room saviour, with his messiah mentality complex, claiming he knows everything right & wrong. Also making such ridiculous claims, as well as trying to show in his pride, he is better than anyone else.
He plays the forum like a lap dog 1 minute, an snake the next.
He also uses the known orgone devices, as well he is into psychic readings,dowsing, remote viewing, and is also thought he may be into radionics.

Lr:Lr tends to cop alot of the slack in the forum, but she humbly expresses her opionion within the forum. not alot has been shared with me, with what devices of the orgone she uses.

Gr:Gr is known ive heard that he wanted to make a legal movement in the forum of which i heard he freely expressed it in the forum, for defamitive comments, of which he is still legally able to do.Its also known that he doesnt really trust some of his comrades within the forum.
The known orgone devices he uses are scarab rings, the main Cloudbuster device,the Towerbusters & HHGs, with a possibility that he may have delved into the Genesa(still waiting on confirmation on this).

SB:SB as a known follower of this cult for the past couple of years, he appears to be very straight & upfront in some of the things he says, but is also very observant in the way SB responds, he is also seen as a suspected Agent on Lh Agents List, as is Gr on his list, an a couple of others.
I dont know what to overall think of SB, but probaly a total nutcase lookin for company of his own common agenda.
Its been reported to me that SB uses the Genesa Device, an it seems to be his only link to this cloudbuster cult forum.(not known what other orgone devices he uses).

CG:CG is usally very outspoken in the forum, but for quite a while, ive heard report that he hasnt been on much, he does & use known Orgone Devices, an its been reported to have been the 1st to bring up about the Genesa device in the forum.

RO:RO appears to be very straight in his belief in the forum, where others basically arent allowed to speak about God the way they want to, RO has had the Leighway given to him to speak his mind on the Orgone & God subject.
Its not known what devices he uses of the orgone or if he uses any of them all.

An to Lh, I only Heard today that you are willing to be put to the test by anyone in the forum, or on your AgentList.
Im not on your Agent List, But Im willing to Test you & your abilities in your witchcraft.
Signing Off
"The Shofar Has Sounded,Hear Its Call"