Live In His Presence Soaking Instrumentals
The Elijah List Shopper - Detail
Alexander Scourby Audio Bible on CD
Audio Bible Suite - Alexander Scourby audio Bible Narration on 81 CD DVD and MP3 discs
CD# 1 KJV MP3 Bible - Firefighters for Christ
Church Communication Network, Christian leadership training
Download Free Online Audio Sermons
e-Sword - the Sword of the LORD with an electronic edge
Endtime Ministries - Politics and Religion Radio Broadcast Archives
Firefighters For Christ
JF Jeremiah Films Christian-based films-video and book productions~Christian movies, Christian videos, Christian films on VHS - Home
Light FM 89.9 - Good Friends, Great Music and a Message of Hope.
Online Talk Radio Station - BYD On Demand - Powered by
Revival Sermons at - audio mp3 sermon archive Art Katz
Revival Sermons at - audio mp3 sermon archive
RhemaFm 96.3
Seeking 4 Truth eSword
The all-in-one Christian Web Site Community - Praize - Christian Chat, Christian Singles, Christian Email and more...
THE EDGE Radio Broadcast Audio Files
The Miracle Channel - Canada's first Christian television station
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University Network Live Streaming Video
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Congregation Melech Yisrael, The Messianic Jewish Torah Observant Congregation, in Toronto, Canada We at Melech Yisrael con
Messianic music mp3, Downloadable Messianic music, mp3 praise and worship songs
One Jerusalem – Blog – Help Keep Jerusalem United!
Salvation is of the Jews
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Zola Levitt Ministries — Home
Well Known Online Teachers
AMERICAN VISION: A Biblical Worldview Ministry
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Heaven and Hell - 66-40 - K-House
Hosting For Everyone. Hosts your files. Uses a cluster of dedicated servers for fast file transfers.
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Keith Hunt - The Resurrection #1
Koinonia House - The Ministry of Chuck and Nancy Missler
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Preach The Word - Audio and text sermons from Northern Ireland -
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The Prophecy Club - Streaming Audio and Video
Topical Bible Studies - Koinonia House
UCB Direct Online-Chuck MisslerCds Australia
Welcome To Grace
Have you lost all meaning in your life. Think you may have joined a cult.Well come follow us thru the study thru all the known cults of Past,Present & Future.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
World NEWS-the rude awakening
A Wiccan awakening?
Ads using 'sexy' children condemned - National -
Adult world must let girls be girls - Opinion -
Bible in the News - World events in the light of Bible prophecy.
British National Party - Chairman Nick Griffin - Working to secure a future for British children
christ justified
Daryl Bradford Smith
Exposing the Homosexual Agenda
Four Corners
Future History -
ISRAEL AND MIDDLE EAST - Jerusalem Countdown by John Hagee, Judgment Day by Dave Hunt, Dateline Jerusalem by Zola Levitt, Israe
Meeting with the representatives of science at the University of Regensburg
My perspective -- What Constance thinks
Nazi Propaganda (1933-1945) - Joseph Goebbels
Popular Mechanics - Debunking The 9-11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story
Popular Mechanics - The Popular Mechanics Show
Power to admit child porn charge: court - Yahoo!7 News
SolarGeneral News and Information Portal, breaking news, news updates
White House & World News
WorldNetDaily Hitler's war on Christ
ZNet Commentary Israel in the EU
Ads using 'sexy' children condemned - National -
Adult world must let girls be girls - Opinion -
Bible in the News - World events in the light of Bible prophecy.
British National Party - Chairman Nick Griffin - Working to secure a future for British children
christ justified
Daryl Bradford Smith
Exposing the Homosexual Agenda
Four Corners
Future History -
ISRAEL AND MIDDLE EAST - Jerusalem Countdown by John Hagee, Judgment Day by Dave Hunt, Dateline Jerusalem by Zola Levitt, Israe
Meeting with the representatives of science at the University of Regensburg
My perspective -- What Constance thinks
Nazi Propaganda (1933-1945) - Joseph Goebbels
Popular Mechanics - Debunking The 9-11 Myths - Mar. 2005 Cover Story
Popular Mechanics - The Popular Mechanics Show
Power to admit child porn charge: court - Yahoo!7 News
SolarGeneral News and Information Portal, breaking news, news updates
White House & World News
WorldNetDaily Hitler's war on Christ
ZNet Commentary Israel in the EU
Other Cult Followings
Illuminati- 13 bloodlines - Google Video
Masons struggle with racial separation - Yahoo! News
The NEW AGE- The International Center For Reiki Training
The Saint Germain Foundation
The RCC- Catholic World News (CWN)
Illuminati- 13 bloodlines - Google Video
Masons struggle with racial separation - Yahoo! News
The NEW AGE- The International Center For Reiki Training
The Saint Germain Foundation
The RCC- Catholic World News (CWN)
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Bnai'Noach=The Sons of Noah

As Shown here in this Chart, there was Prophesies Made over the Sons of Noah.
For the Seedline of Ham, seen thru such figures of History as the Ancient Egyptians, Hagar, Ishmael, the Canaanites, Even Muhammad thru His own claim that he is a descended of Ishmael falls into the Seedline of Ham, Even Aboriginals would be counted in the seedline of Ham, Many African an Tribes of Dark appearance.
Though the Prophecy in relation to them show they will be slaves/servants, they have also been many Hamites in History in todays Present day who are famous like:
Martin Luther King jr, Malcom X, Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali, Samuel L Jackson, Ernie Dingo, Cathy Freeman, Ghandi, Chris Rock, Halle Berry, Sammy Davis Jr, Steve James, laurence fishburne, Morgan freeman, Clarence gilyard.
For the Seedline of Japheth, seen thru history as the ancient Greeks, Romans, thru to much of the many famous european empires such as the French, Russian, Byzantine, the British,scottish, irish, as well as the german empire, the goths, an the gauls, then there were the cimmerians.
Some of there Famous Historical figures being, King Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler(madman of germany), Colin Firth, Jean Claude Van Damme, Peter Sellers.
For the Seedline of Shem for famous people in His Seedline is, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob Aka Israel, All the 12 tribes of Israel, other famous figures, being Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samson, Eliezer, Nathan the Prophet, Samuel the Prophet, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Zechariah,Zephaniah, an All of the Prophets of the Tanakh, As well as Such Scribes of the Brit Chadashah(New Testament) Matthew, Mark, Luke, Shaul(paul), John, Peter, Jude.
Also Present Day Famous people of the Seedline of Shem being Binyamin Netanyahu, Ehud Olmert, Ehud Barah, Menachim Begin, David Ben Gurion, Al Jolson Barbara Stresiand,andy Patinkin, Cary Grant, William Shatner, Alicia Silverstone, Seth Green, Kirk Douglas, Goldie Hawn, Mel Brooks, Michael Douglas, Simon Wiesenthal, Ber Borochov, Jacob Freedman, Menachem Mendel Beilis , Jonathan Pollard, Leonard Cohen,Dutch Schultz,Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel, Famous Jews Al Jolson, Seinfeld Benny Goodman, More...
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Sadduccees of the Future-JWs,SDAs,WCC & The CHRISTADELPHIANS and the LIES THEY TEACH
Sadducees:30 AD(forerunners of Neo-Sadducees)
"the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit; but the Pharisees acknowledge them all." Acts 23:8"Sadducees" (who say that there is no resurrection) Lk 20:27
Neo-Sadducees: 2000 AD
Jehovah’s Witness Adventists (SDA) Plain Truth/ Armstrong (WCC)Christadelphians
Truth Eternal Christadelphian Predictions Reviewed in the Light of Bible Truth.
Various Domino theological systems
A. Edwin Wilson
Bible Audio Talks in MP3 - Downend Christadelphian Ecclesia
Bible Magazine Archives Books
Bible Magazine Archives
Bible Magazine - search for truth, Bible prophecy and more.
Chapter 5
Christadelphian History
Christadelphian Office Books
Christadelphianism ( 1 of 2 ) - D.King
CPRC - Christadelphian Preaching Resource Center
Home – Dandenong Bible Education Centre
Links for
search for hope - podcasts
TCO - - Welcome 1 2 (feel free 2 email a christadelphian like this 1 for all your questions)
The Remnant
THIS IS YOUR BIBLE Library The Danger of Cults(the christadelphian view of cult of which the dead cult leader is John Thomas)
Religion Christadelphian Predictions 70
Misc Bible Based Cults & Isms - Christadelphians Talks
Protestant Apologetics and Theology
WORD Bookstore Australia Product Details
Refuted The Christadelphian view of Resurrection, Judgement and Hell
The SDAs Audio Ex Adventist SDA Outreach Ex Adventist Outreach - Home
JWs JW Info Line Audio Tapes MM Outreach
"the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit; but the Pharisees acknowledge them all." Acts 23:8"Sadducees" (who say that there is no resurrection) Lk 20:27
Neo-Sadducees: 2000 AD
Jehovah’s Witness Adventists (SDA) Plain Truth/ Armstrong (WCC)Christadelphians
Truth Eternal Christadelphian Predictions Reviewed in the Light of Bible Truth.
Various Domino theological systems
A. Edwin Wilson
Bible Audio Talks in MP3 - Downend Christadelphian Ecclesia
Bible Magazine Archives Books
Bible Magazine Archives
Bible Magazine - search for truth, Bible prophecy and more.
Chapter 5
Christadelphian History
Christadelphian Office Books
Christadelphianism ( 1 of 2 ) - D.King
CPRC - Christadelphian Preaching Resource Center
Home – Dandenong Bible Education Centre
Links for
search for hope - podcasts
TCO - - Welcome 1 2 (feel free 2 email a christadelphian like this 1 for all your questions)
The Remnant
THIS IS YOUR BIBLE Library The Danger of Cults(the christadelphian view of cult of which the dead cult leader is John Thomas)
Religion Christadelphian Predictions 70
Misc Bible Based Cults & Isms - Christadelphians Talks
Protestant Apologetics and Theology
WORD Bookstore Australia Product Details
Refuted The Christadelphian view of Resurrection, Judgement and Hell
The SDAs Audio Ex Adventist SDA Outreach Ex Adventist Outreach - Home
JWs JW Info Line Audio Tapes MM Outreach
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Islam Cult Update:New Urls with important Info
Boy, 12, hangs self to mimic Saddam |
Faith Freedom International
Haddith - A Satanic Invention - Page 2 - Understanding Islam Community
Hitlerjugend - The Nazi, Jew-Hating Indoctrination of Palestinian Children
Home Site of Emir Caner
Home Site of Ergun Caner // President of Liberty Theological Seminary
Islam Review - Presented by The Pen vs. the Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam: the Facade, the Facts The rosy picture some Muslims are painting about their religion, and the truth they try to hide.
Jihad Watch
Mosquewatch Splat! Blog
SBS - The World News muslims say hilaly must go
Seven children dead in execution re-enactments |
Sheikh sparks outrage - National -
Terror suspect married days before London bomb attempt - World -
The Narrow Way :: Index
Use children as troops, says cleric |
Walid Shoebat - Former PLO Terrorist who speaks out for Israel
WalidShoebat - A Testimony of Faith to Redemption
War of 2 Worlds :: Index
Boy, 12, hangs self to mimic Saddam |
Faith Freedom International
Haddith - A Satanic Invention - Page 2 - Understanding Islam Community
Hitlerjugend - The Nazi, Jew-Hating Indoctrination of Palestinian Children
Home Site of Emir Caner
Home Site of Ergun Caner // President of Liberty Theological Seminary
Islam Review - Presented by The Pen vs. the Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam: the Facade, the Facts The rosy picture some Muslims are painting about their religion, and the truth they try to hide.
Jihad Watch
Mosquewatch Splat! Blog
SBS - The World News muslims say hilaly must go
Seven children dead in execution re-enactments |
Sheikh sparks outrage - National -
Terror suspect married days before London bomb attempt - World -
The Narrow Way :: Index
Use children as troops, says cleric |
Walid Shoebat - Former PLO Terrorist who speaks out for Israel
WalidShoebat - A Testimony of Faith to Redemption
War of 2 Worlds :: Index
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