Media release
For immediate release
A Day of History making as denominations lay aside their differences, unite, bring Australian flags in show of support for Australia and pray for the nation
Indigenous community was also thanked and acknowledged for “opening up”
It was a day of “history making” in Melbourne after more than 4000 people turned up for the united Australia Day prayer rally at Festival Hall in West Melbourne on Australia Day today to pray for the land and view the Prime Minister's personal address to them.
Catch the Fire Ministries president Danny Nalliah, who hosted the major prayer event, said it was a day of “history making” in a never before seen meeting where denominational differences were cast aside. He said the entire place erupted into cheers after the Prime Minister's message was aired.
“Denominations as diverse as Catholic, Anglican the Salvation Army, Uniting, Pentecostal and Baptist churches and many others came together to pray about the drought, poverty, youth suicide, terrorism and protection over both soldiers and farmers,” Danny said.
“There were so many who expressed to me that they never have seen a day like this where doctrinal differences were laid aside for the benefit of the nation.
“We also prayed against the scourge of youth suicide, the poverty many in our society face and for greater compassion for each other. Many had said they could never remember seeing such a large gathering of different denominations like this to pray for
“It felt like a show of unity all round as the Prime Minister expressed what a force for good Christianity had been to
“We were hearted to see everyone come together for the good of the nation and there were so many Australian flags. We also had an indigenous community leader speak also, there was such a show of unity, it was a great Australia Day.”
“We were also very happy to thank and acknowledge the Indigenous community for opening up this great land to us so we can all call
Christian leaders and congregations from most denominations throughout
Pastor Danny Nalliah is available for interview.
Media contact: Jason Golden on (0404) 952 768 or Sarah Champness on (0439) 615 413.
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