Documents Cults Index
The Concise Oxford Dictionary, fifth edition, describes the word CULT as n. from F. culle or L. cultus - worship; system of religious worship; devotion, homage to a person or thing.
A cult is a religious perversion. It is a belief and practice in the world of religion which calls for devotion to a religious view or leader centred in false doctrine. It is an organised heresy.
The purpose of this book is to present the teachings and characteristics of most of the cults which exist in Australia today. The author has categorised the cults into three basic groups.
Group A: Cults deriving from a Christian basis.
The first section of this book will deal with the beliefs and practices of those cults which have been derived from a Christian world view. Such cults might loosely be termed "Christian cults," which does not mean that they are Christian, but only that they derive from Christianity and have beliefs which are a distortion of the orthodox Christian faith. A "Christian cult" may be defined as a religious group which claims to be Christian, but deviates in one or more significant aspects from the historic Christian faith.
Group B: Cults with an Eastern mystic basis.
The second section will be given to an examination of the beliefs and practices of those cults which derive from an Eastern religious and philosophical background. There are many such Eastern cults operating in the Western world today.
Group C: The Occult.
In this section the author will be examining the beliefs and practices of the various occult groups and practices common in the Western world today.
From the commencement of the Christian church in the first century A.D. it has had a continued fight with various cults. In the first century, for example, the Ephesian Church had a problem with the "Nicolaitan" cult (Rev. 2:6). Little is known of this cult, other than the fact that the members of this cult followed the teachings of Nicolaus of Antioch, and they were given to immorality. There was also a problem cult operating in Colossae, as is evident from Paul's letter to the Colossian church. It would appear that certain members of the Colossian Church had broken away and formed themselves into exclusive groups, practicing a variety of mystical rites. During the second century the church had to trouble from a number of Gnostic cults, which significantly departed from the truth of the gospel. The members of these cults claimed to possess knowledge that the ordinary members of the church did not have. They believed that matter was evil, and they denied that God created the world. Among the more notable leaders of the Gnostic cults were Valentinus and Marcion. Like many cult leaders today, these men claimed to be instruments of God, through whom the Holy Spirit was working. They were responsible for leading many people astray in the second century.
Why are there so many cults? The apostle Paul answers this question in his letter to Timothy. He explained to Timothy that the cults are really the work of Satan, who works through evil spirits to deceive people into believing false teaching. (1Timothy 4:1) The Bible teaches that cults are Satanically inspired and their doctrines are the doctrines of demons. False doctrines, such as those taught by Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, are not simply the production of men. Millions of people are deceived by these doctrines, which leaves us with little question concerning their origin. As Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians,
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Corinthians 4:4).
One of Satan's most successful ways of deceiving people and blinding them to the gospel is through the cults. Presenting the gospel to people caught up in the cults is a very difficult thing. The author recalls a very frustrating time that he spent with some Jehovah's Witnesses, seeking to convince them of their error. Yet no matter how convincingly he presented the teachings of the Bible, these people were unmoved. The author's arguments seemed to make no impression at all upon them. When you are dealing with people in the cults, it is important to realise the control that Satan has on their minds. If you are going to effectively win them for Christ, then you need to be in much prayer for them. When you are dealing with the cults you need to be aware that you are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers of darkness. (Ephesians 6:12)
The apostle Paul warned the elders of the Ephesian Church to be careful to guard the congregation from false teachers. He prophesied that false teachers would arise from among them and would seek to lead the saints astray (Acts 20:30). The author has seen the effects of the cults on members of the church and knows of one incident where a woman showed many signs of being genuinely converted, yet was led away into a cult. This is not uncommon, many have left the church to be caught up with cults. The Bible does teach that it is impossible for those who are God's children to lose their salvation. Jesus taught, it is impossible for the elect to be led away into total apostasy. (Matthew 24:24) Jesus will never allow anyone to pluck His children out of His hand. (John10:28). However, even though a genuine Christian cannot fall away from Christ, it is possible for a Christian to fall into error. A true believer may be deceived for a period of time and be led into some form of error. That is why it is necessary to be aware of these false teachings. It is the particular responsibility of elders to protect the congregation from error.
The apostle Paul stopped at Miletus in order to warn the elders of the Ephesian Church about false teachers. He told them that false teachers would actually arise from among them - from their own membership. The interesting fact is that many cult leaders have arisen from within the church itself. For example, Charles Taze Russell, who was the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses, was originally a Presbyterian, and later he became a Congregationalist. He finally decided that there were too many problems in the various denominations and so he started his own cult. The founder of the Mormons, Joseph Smith, was a member in an orthodox Christian denomination, as was also Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science. The apostle John warned of deceivers who seek to lead the saints astray. He wrote,
"Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the Antichrist." (2 John 7)
The term "deceiver" means one who goes astray. The reference to these deceivers "having gone out into the world", appears to mean that they had originally been members of the church. The cults have been used by Satan to lead many away from the church. They are a great deception of the devil and once people get caught up in them they are very difficult to reach with the gospel.
Have you lost all meaning in your life. Think you may have joined a cult.Well come follow us thru the study thru all the known cults of Past,Present & Future.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Cult Report:Christadelphianism Pt1
circa. 1848 by Dr. John Thomas
Claim the Bible as their only authority
Each group independent
Elpis Israel by John ThomasEureka by John ThomasChristendom Astray From The Bible by Robert Roberts
The Christadelphian belief system was founded by John Thomas about the year 1848. He was an English physician who immigrated from England to the United States. Originally a Congregationalist, he joined the Campbellite movement in the United States, known as the "Disciples of Christ," and soon broke away from their ranks when he was accused of holding to strange doctrines.Sometime between 1834 and 1848, Thomas began his church, or group. During that period he started producing in 1834 the publication "The Apostolic Advocate" and in 1842 the publication "The Investigator" and in 1847 the publication "The Herald Of The Future Age."The original name of his group was "The Royal Believers In New York." It was not until the era of the American Civil War that it became necessary to give the group a proper name in order that they be recognized as a religious institution so that members could refuse military service. It was at that time the name Christadelphians was coined by John Thomas, meaning Brethren of Christ.Christadelphians claim that the Bible is inerrant and the source of their truth, yet the doctrinal positions that they adopt differ radically from what the Bible actually says. This is the same difficulty faced by Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventism and Christian Science. All of the organizations came into existence because of the personal beliefs developed by their founders. The system of beliefs developed by the founders and subsequent leaders, were then placed over the Bible, and then it was claimed that the Bible supported the predefined belief system. Ways were then found to "interpret" Scripture so that it said what the predefined beliefs asserted, rather than having doctrinal belief conform to Bible teaching.Like many religious leaders who originate their own systems of belief, John Thomas was a self-proclaimed authority on what he said was the truth of the Bible. He began by stating that his beliefs were the only true beliefs and that the Christian church was then an apostate church, having abandoned the truth of the true gospel, as he defined it, sometime around the 4th century. As a result, those pastors, teachers and writers that represented orthodox Christian belief were all deceived, deceivers themselves and their words and beliefs were all lies. With a single statement, John Thomas dismissed as deceivers the greatest minds in Christian history: great Reformation leaders such as Theodore Beza, John Calvin and Martin Luther, also such Puritan divines such as Thomas Boston, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Manton and John Owen, also others such as the Baptist John Gill and the Methodist evangelist George Whitefield. Such a fortunate circumstance occurred with the coming of John Thomas, in that he was able, after 1400 years without the "truth", to rediscover the "true" gospel of Jesus Christ so that he and his followers could escape from the apostate religious system and find the "truth" as John Thomas defined it. The question must be posed as to why the people in the previous 1400 "apostate" years were not nearly as discerning or dedicated to finding the truth as John Thomas. It must also be claimed that Jesus Christ was also remiss in not being able to prevent His church from becoming apostate, which directly contradicts the Scripture:
"I also say to that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."Matthew 16:18 (NAS) This same sequence of events is seen in the Mormon church, when Joseph Smith also claimed that the church went into apostasy in the 2nd or 3rd century and all then current churches were in error and also apostate. He claimed that God revealed to him that he should not join any existing church. After 1,500 years of apostasy, he had discovered the truth through the revelation of the golden plates which an angel revealed to him. Jesus Christ was not able to keep the gospel message revealed to humanity during those 1,500 years, but again it was a fortunate circumstance that Joseph Smith came along just in time to receive the revelation for himself and his followers. Apparently Jesus Christ was also remiss in the Mormon belief system also, because he was again not able to prevent His church from becoming apostate, which directly contradicts the Scripture (Matthew 16:18).Religious leaders, like John Thomas, are not content to become pastors and teachers, subjecting themselves to Biblical authority. They wish to establish themselves in a ruling position, by which they exert authority over their adherents and also determine the content and meaning of all doctrines that they teach. For the most part, these leaders realize that they are unable to establish a new religion of their own creation, since most people would ignore that approach, leaving those leaders with very small congregations, existing in obscurity. Using that approach, the goal of the leader, to exalt themselves, would not be accomplished. In order to give themselves a head start and an existing base of support, so that they can promote their agenda, those leaders establish themselves in positions relative to existing orthodox belief, giving the impression that they are true believers. It is at that point that the outrageous claims are then made, claiming that what beliefs are currently established in the Christian church are, in fact, heretical beliefs as a result of some supposed apostasy in the past. They then claim that orthodox beliefs are not taught in the Bible, but are the "doctrines of men" which are established in place of the true doctrines of Jesus Christ and the apostles. These leaders claim that written statements of belief embodied in creeds, catechisms, writings and sermons of orthodox preachers, pastors and teachers are doctrines of man and are in error, or are doctrines of the devil. Many times they attempt to identify those doctrines as having been passed on by the Catholic church, since anti-Catholic sentiment is used to brace their claims.
The protestant world, while it deludes itself with the conceit that "the Bible, the Bible alone, is the religion of protestants"-while it spends its thousands for its circulation among the nations in their native tongues-is itself hostile to the belief and practice of what it proclaims. The Bible alone is not its religion; for, if it were, why encumber its professors with the "Common Prayer," "Thirty-nine Articles" and all the other "notions" of a similar kind? To believe and practice the Bible alone would be a sufficient ground of exclusion from all "orthodox" churches.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, chapter 1 It is quite amazing to see the process in action. After making their outrageous claims, these leaders then state that they alone have the real truth, and then proceed to do exactly what they condemn orthodoxy for having done. They establish their own doctrines, creeds, catechisms and statements of belief in place of those of orthodox belief. They give their own sermons, write their own magazines and print their own books, with voluminous words of their own creation, much of which has no relation to Biblical truth. They do exactly what was their original goal; to establish themselves as the creator of and authority over religious truth. They claim a greater ability to know the truth, they receive direct revelation from angels, they receive direct revelation from God or discover previously hidden books or translations of Scripture.They presume themselves to be prophets and make prophecies regarding future events that are not true and do not come to pass. When the prophecies fail, the believers in the organization ignore the reality and the leaders cover their failures with new interpretations and new prophecies that supersede the old. The process continues as adherents willfully ignore the reality that they are listening to the doctrines of false teachers and false prophets, and so they deceive themselves by their unwillingness to admit to the corrupt nature of their leader.John Thomas claimed to discover the truth through the brilliance of his own mind. Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, claimed to discover the truth by revelation of the golden plates which conveniently disappeared after being translated. Charles Taze Russell, founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, claimed to discover revelation from the messages of angels. Ellen G. White, the founder of Seventh-day Adventism claimed to discover the truth through her trances and visions. In no instance were these founders able to present credentials that verified the truth of their claims. The prophets of the Bible, Jesus Christ and the apostles all had credentials that could be seen and verified. They could perform miracles, they could prophesy accurately 100% of the time, they knew the thoughts of other people and they could raise the dead. What credentials were John Thomas able to present? His only credentials were the claims that he made.John Thomas' first major work, Elpis Israel, (Hope of Israel), was a book written about 1848 while he had returned to England for a time. The book was very popular in England and established the Christadelphian belief system there, which is still strong today.As a doctrinal framework for his later beliefs and teachings, it served its purpose well. As a repository of truth, it was a failure. In the book, John Thomas makes many statements which not only have no Biblical foundation, but are not scientifically correct as well. Yet, he wrote the book, stating that this was the truth as he had discovered it, and people could base their salvation on what he wrote.Three statements of error in the book, Elpis Israel.
The Bible teaches a previous race of beings lived on earth prior to Adam and Eve.
Let the reader peruse the history of the creation as a revelation to himself as an inhabitant of the earth. It informs him of the order in which the things narrated would have developed themselves to his view, had he been placed on some projecting rock, the spectator of the events detailed. He must remember this. The Mosaic account is not a revelation to the inhabitants of other orbs remote from the earth of the formation of the boundless universe; but to man, as a constituent of the terrestrial system. This will explain why light is said to have been created four days before the sun, moon, and stars. To an observer on the earth, this was the order of their appearance; and in relation to him a primary creation, though absolutely pre-existent for million of ages before the Adamic Era. This teaching is a theory only, and regardless of the Biblical verses that are used in an attempt to support what is claimed, it remains only a theory, with the Bible providing no valid evidence.Geologists have endeavored to extend the six days into six thousand years. But this, with the Scriptural data we have adduced is quite unnecessary. Instead of six thousand, they can avail themselves of sixty thousand; for the Scriptures reveal no length of time during which the terrene angels dwelt upon our globe.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2 This teaching is not new, having been very popular at the time of John Thomas and is also embraced by many orthodox believers today. It is commonly embodied in what is known as the "Gap Theory" and proposes that there is an undetermined span of time between verses 1 and 2 in Genesis chapter 1 which accounts for the millions of years attributed to the age of the earth by scientists.This theory came about, not because one would come to that conclusion by reading Genesis chapter 1, but because religious leaders were intimidated by the claim of archaeology that the earth was millions of years old, yet Genesis seemed to teach that the earth was very young; namely in the thousands of years. In order to reconcile the Bible to what was considered to be irrefutable scientific evidence, the Gap Theory was developed. Those leaders were willing to subject the Bible to the belief system of a corrupt world rather than subjecting the corrupt world to the truth of the Bible. While claiming that the religious world was apostate and taught false doctrine, John Thomas was willing to accept the doctrines and beliefs of a Godless world and place them ahead of the teachings of the Bible, which he claimed was inerrant. The hypocrisy of his actions is apparent. The Genesis narrative states that both the heavens and the earth were created at the same time. To presume that the heavens and the earth were created at some time in the far distant past and then corrupted by a previous race of beings on the earth, so that the heavens and the earth had to be recreated, is to deny the flow of the narrative. It also presumes that the heavens were also corrupted in addition to the earth, which would mean the heaven of God would also have been affected, a position which cannot find support in the Bible.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesis 1:1 (NAS)
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts.Genesis 2:1 (NAS)
"For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day..."Exodus 20:11 (NAS)God Himself affirms the six day creation and nowhere in the Scripture is it indicated that the creation account in Genesis is a "recreation" of a previously existing earth and heavens. The "Gap Theory" is one of the "doctrines of men" that John Thomas claims to denounce, but adopts for his own convenience.
Man is the same as cattle, birds and other creatures.
"This celestial orb, which is a world or system of itself, is styled 'the earth.' It is the habitation of races of animals which graze its fields, lurk in its forests, soar through its atmosphere and pass through the paths of its seas. At the head of all these is a creature like themselves, animal, sensual and mortal. He is called 'man.'Elipis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 1 So begins the process by which John Thomas denies the existence of an immortal soul in man. If man has no immortal soul, then his life is no different from the animals and plants; a claim that John Thomas then begins to assert and attempt to prove in chapter 2 of his book.
The dogma of an immortal soul in mortal sinful flesh has eaten out the marrow and fatness, the flesh and sinew of the doctrine of Christ; and has left behind only an ill-conditioned and ulcerated skeleton of Christianity, whose dry bones rattle in the "winds of doctrine" that are blowing around us, chopping and changing to every point of the compass.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2
Their systems send "souls" to their account as soon as death strikes the bodies down. Some torment them in purgatory, or in an intermediate state; others send them direct into unmitigated punishment; while both, after they have suffered for thousands of years before trial and conviction, re-unite them to their bodies and if it be asked for what purpose? System replies, "to be judged!" Punish souls first and judge them after! This is truly human, but it is certainly not divine justice. The truth is, that this article of the creed is brought in to defend "orthodoxy" against the imputation of denying the resurrection of the body, which would be a very inconvenient charge in the face of the testimony of God.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2 John Thomas, in his zeal to exalt his own opinion of what constituted the justice and testimony of God, stated that which is false and denied what is plainly written in the Scripture. But, it was not the goal of John Thomas to preserve the justice and testimony of God, but to present a justification for his own doctrine regarding the lack of a soul in man. Since he taught that man has no eternal soul, and there is nothing at all eternal within man, then at death, man ceases to be in all respects. The reality of his definition is that man is annihilated at death. John Thomas then taught that man will be resurrected (this can only be a recreation, since there is nothing eternal in man), the righteous living on the earth forever and the unrighteous to be judged by God and then sent, once again, to oblivion and annihilation as their eternal "punishment." John Thomas ridiculed what he claimed is orthodox belief, that the wicked go immediately to a place of punishment at their death before being judged, and are then resurrected with spiritual bodies in order to then be judged and sent to a real and eternal hell. However, he ignored the foolishness of his own system in which a person is resurrected from annihilation only to be judged and sent to annihilation again. In addition, in Christadelphian belief, there is taught a more pernicious doctrine than that which it is claimed is found in orthodox teaching, in that Christadelphians teach that there are individuals who die and are never resurrected to face a judgment by God. Among these individuals are babies who die, pygmies in Africa and those who have never heard the truth. In orthodox belief, all people are resurrected from the dead and all face a perfect judgment by Jesus Christ.This system of belief, developed by John Thomas, fails, in that the apostle Paul refutes the notion of annihilation at death:
Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord -- for we walk by faith, not by sight -- we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord."2 Corinthians 5:6-8 (NAS) If one is "absent from the body" then it is not the body that is the person, but that which is "absent." If that which is absent is at "home" with the Lord, then it must be that which was originally given by God. It was clearly taught by the apostle Paul, that it was not the body in which he was going to appear in the presence of the Lord, but that which constituted and defined his true being, which was not part of or attached to the physical composition of his body.In regards to John Thomas' alleged claim of the punishment being exercised by God prior to judgment being pronounced by Him, which he stated is asserted in orthodox belief, he set up the statement as a "straw man" instead of indicating the true doctrine of orthodox belief. Orthodox doctrine does not teach that man is punished before being judged, but has been judged by God prior to the creation of the world. John Thomas should have read his Bible a little more closely, given God greater credit regarding His justice and paid greater attention to the words of Jesus Christ:
"For God did not sent the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. he who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil."Jesus Christ, John 3:17-19 (NAS) Judgment has been made by God, prior to the birth of every person, and prior to the creation of the heavens and the earth. God is not limited to time and space in relation to any action that He might take, including the time of His judging of human beings. The judgment of God is not limited to a sequence of events in which judgment proceeds from an action on the part of another. God's judgments are expressed through His omniscience, His righteous judgments being expressed at any point that He might choose.
All who dwell on the earth will worship Him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.Revelation 13:8 (NAS)
"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'"Matthew 25:34 (NAS)
Oxygen, nitrogen and electricity compose the elements of the life or the "breath" and the "spirit" given to man by God.
The atmosphere, which extends some forty-five miles in altitude, and encircles the globe, is styled the expanse, by Moses; and the breath of God, in Job. It is a compound body, consisting when pure of nitrogen and oxygen, in the proportion of 79 of the former to 21 of the latter, in 100 parts. These are considered as simple bodies, because they have not yet been decomposed; though it is probable they have a base, which may be ruach. This may exist free or combined with the elementary constituents of the neshemeh. Uncombined, it is that wonderful fluid, whose explosions are heard in the thunder, whose fiery bolts overthrow the loftiest towers, and rive the sturdy monarch of the woods; and in less intensity gives polarity to light, the needle, and the brain. These three together, the oxygen, nitrogen, and electricity, constitute "the breath" and "spirit" of the lives of all God's living souls.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2 John Thomas reveals his total misunderstanding of the elements of life and the means by which God granted life to humanity. His presumption that the elements of oxygen and nitrogen are simply uncombined components of their base, ruach (spirit of life), and are combined with the components of the bodies of living beings, neshemeh (creatures), to form living creatures, is indicative of his personal beliefs in applying very old and erroneous ideas regarding the composition of matter and the universe. Indicating that this ruach is a combined fluid of nitrogen and oxygen; these components also existing in an uncombined state where they are said to cause the explosions heard in thunder and also cause the polarity found in magnetism. His claims are a scientific absurdity, since thunder and magnetism have no relationship to the presence of nitrogen and oxygen or any combination of the two, either with themselves or with some other mysterious substance. Apparently believing that the elements, when formed into a body, are capable of producing life with the application of electricity, John Thomas appears to adopt a belief that is strangely similar to that expressed by Mary Shelly in her book, Frankenstein, in which the monster is infused with life by being subjected to lighting strikes during a storm, and with which John Thomas would have been very familiar. John Thomas applies false personal beliefs and false scientific beliefs to an explanation of a Biblical doctrine, and in the process creates false doctrine that he equates with and states as truth.John Thomas believed his knowledge, although inferior and deeply flawed, was of such superior quality that he could explain the nature of life outside the reality of what the Bible actually taught. By attempting to redefine the terms and constituents of life, and deny the existence of an eternal soul, John Thomas created an erroneous explanation for the origin and nature of human life and revealed himself to be a false teacher.
One of the hallmarks of false teachers, is their fondness for attempting to prophesy the future. Exactly why they attempt to do this is unknown, because the attempt always results in failure. In this matter, John Thomas was no exception and expressed his personal beliefs in his writings. In his first major work, Elpis Israel, John Thomas attempted to outline the events of the book of Revelation in reference to history as it had occurred up until the writing of the book in 1848. Instead of viewing the events as future, he assigned a historical meaning to the majority of the events, adopted a Preterist view of the book of Revelation, and in the process spun tales of monumental error.It has been impossible to expunge from the book all the errors that were written, especially in the third part which is virtually entirely in error, but the various editions that have been printed over the years reveal the gradual removal of the portions in which he made errors that are an embarrassment to Christadelphians. Sections have been removed and rewritten, such as those noted by the publisher in the 1924 edition,
"On pages 357, 358, paragraphs indicated which were either lacking in clearness, or rendered erroneous by lapse of time, have been re-written on the basis of later expositions by the author." Cloaking the reason for the removal of the portions in doublespeak, the publisher, C.C. Walker, says that items were "...rendered erroneous by lapse of time..." The actual meaning is that John Thomas predicted that events would take place in the future, and when the time came for their fulfillment, they did not come to pass. So the references were removed in order to cover his false prophecies, deceive later readers into believing he never made the predictions and give the impression that later statements represent what John Thomas had always believed, which is also a deception.Additional changes were also made to the book by the publisher for various other reasons, including the following,
"On page 50, the reference to the nature of the resurrection-body on its emergence from the grave is corrected, in harmony with the author's preface to the fourth edition, and Anastasis, a later work on Resurrection and Judgment." Statements that were made originally were changed in order to conform to changes in doctrine and belief that were stated at a later time, so that the book might conform to later Christadelphian beliefs.John Thomas was also very clever in asserting his prophecies. He spends the major portion of his dissertation, Elpis Israel building his case for the coming of Jesus Christ around the years 1864 -1868, but he couches his comments in a disclaimer by which he wished to cover himself in the event of an error:
"Is this, indeed, the true ending of Daniel's 1,290? And, if so, is A.D. 1865-6 the ending of the 1,335, as well as of John's forty and two months? If it be, then there is an epoch upon us of four years in any day of which Christ may come as a thief. . . . This appears to me, at this writing, to be the correct interpretation of the times. It is, of course, impossible to say that the interpretation is without error. The ensuing years will determine this point beyond dispute. while I write, it is the most satisfactory to my own mind. I have thought that Daniel's 1,290 terminated in 1864, and his 1,335 in 1909. But in writing the exposition of this chapter, the fact of the great earthquake-resurrection of the witnesses being exactly 1,260 years after the promulgation of the civil law of the city, and the hour of 30 years added, bringing us to the beginning of the pouring out upon the desolator of the Holy Land, that which is determined (Dan. 9: 27), or 1,290 years afterwards -- I do not feel at liberty to persist in rejecting my original conviction that the 1,290 ends in 1820; and the 1,335 forty-five years after, or in the epoch current with 1865-6 or thereabouts." By stating his disclaimers, John Thomas could say that he never actually prophesied, with assurance, that certain events would occur at a specific time, and so he gave himself a back door by which he could escape criticism. As time would show, he needed the disclaimer, because what he claimed would occur did not come to pass. Even today, Christadelphians use his disclaimers to say that he never claimed to be a prophet or prophesied future events. So, Christadelphians cover the errors of their founder and presume that they did not exist and have no consequence. At the same time, in the face of the evidence revealing the error of John Thomas' prophetic teaching, they assume that he is absolutely correct in his teaching regarding salvation, resurrection and the lack of an eternal soul in man. So they place their eternal destiny in the hands of a man who spoke falsely, and they assume that they are secure in their beliefs.FALSE PROPHECY #1Attempting to equate the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation with historical events up until his time, John Thomas stated the following:
"The judgment upon Ireland has been sitting since 1786. That crisis was the beginning of a retribution of seventy-five years. This period is called THE END the end of the last period, of the continuance of modern Europe, as organised into ten kingdoms, and the Holy Roman Empire in the days of Charlemagne. A.D. 1786 was the beginning of the end, 1848 the concluding of the end, and 1864 the termination of the period. The events of these seventy-five years are the fulfillment of the following words concerning modern Europe: The Judgment shall sit and they shall take away of his (the Little Horn's or Holy Roman) dominion, to consume and destroy it to the end. After 1864 Ireland and the rest of the world will enter upon a new era, in which peace, righteousness, and blessedness will reign in the midst of the nations."Gospel Banner, November 1864) Equating the year 1864 with the demise of the Holy Roman Empire [Catholic Church], John Thomas equates that time with the coming of Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom on the earth. The Catholic church has more power and influence today, Jesus Christ has not returned and the kingdom has not been established. John Thomas spoke a false prophecy and proved himself a false prophet.FALSE PROPHECY #2Speaking of the resurrection noted in Daniel in Daniel 12:13, John Thomas says the following:
"But in a few years, that is, about 1866, when the 1335 years terminate, he will arise to his inheritance in the Kingdom of God."Anatolia, 1854, p. 97 The resurrection noted in Daniel is at the return of Jesus Christ, prophesied in Daniel 9:24-27, 12:11-12, and directly precedes the return of Jesus Christ, John 5:28-29. John Thomas was specifically stating that the return of Jesus Christ was to occur "about 1866, when the 1335 years terminate..." Since Jesus Christ did not return in 1866 or any year at or "about 1866," and has not returned in the approximately 136 years since that time, then John Thomas is revealed to be a false prophet. No explanations or excuses can change what he wrote and claimed. John Thomas spoke a false prophecy and proved himself a false prophet.How many false prophecies does it take to make a false prophet?
"'But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him so speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.' ''You may say in your heart, 'How will we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?' When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.''"Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (NAS)
In the same way that current Mormon belief differs from their stated authority of the Book of Mormon and the Bible, Christadelphian belief differs greatly from their stated authority, the Bible. The differences are not imaginary and are not contrived, but are very real and point right to the core of the difficulty in Christadelphian doctrine. When organizational doctrine differs from Biblical doctrine, one must be renounced for the other, and since Christadelphian doctrine is claimed to be the "reestablished" original gospel, then what the Bible claims must be changed through a new "interpretation" or assertion that what the Bible says is not what it means. This process is also seen in Mormon and Jehovah's Witness apologetics. The Mormon church claims the Bible as one of their scriptural authorities and then state that it has been changed by corrupt Catholic priests and has been mistranslated by "uninspired" persons, so the Book of Mormon and other assorted writings and "revelations" are placed ahead of the Bible. The Jehovah's Witnesses produce their own "translation" of the Bible in which words are inserted to give a false meaning to passages in order to support their predetermined beliefs. Christian Science also says the Bible cannot be understood without the "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy." Seventh-day Adventists point to the trances and visions of Ellen G. White as new revelation superseding that which was previously seen in the Bible.These organizations, with their claims to a new or restored gospel message, all have one primary element in common. They all base their organization and doctrine on a preexisting framework of belief (that of Christianity) and a preexisting book (the Bible) which they did nothing to create. By basing their system of belief on the preexisting structure of Christian orthodoxy, they are able to adopt a book of revelation (the Bible) which they can interpret as they wish and they adopt a religious vocabulary which they use to imitate true Christian belief. By the use of Christian words and phrases, those systems give the appearance of being Christian and actually teaching what is taught in the Bible, while at the same time they assign new meanings and uses to those words and phrases which are not the same as true Christian belief. These organizations found it necessary to adopt the Christian framework, because they depended on proselytes from Christianity who would think that those organizations, because they used Christian words and phraseology and claimed to believe the Bible, were Christian in the same sense that they had been acquainted with Christianity. It is after the proselyte is converted, that the writings, teachings, new revelations and doctrines of those organizations are presented in a manner that elevates them above Biblical authority.The following are the major Christadelphian beliefs that differ from Orthodox Christian beliefs and Biblical teaching:1. JESUS CHRIST
JESUS CHRIST DID NOT PREEXIST BEFORE HIS INCARNATION THROUGH HIS BIRTH BY MARY.In order to maintain this belief, Christadelphians must claim that the words of Jesus Christ, recorded by the Apostles, are a lie. Christadelphians must claim that either Jesus Christ or the Apostles lied when they stated that Jesus Christ preexisted His birth and incarnation. If Jesus Christ lied about His preexistence, then nothing that He said can be considered truth. If the Apostles lied about His preexistence, then nothing they wrote can be considered truth. Either position invalidates the infallibility and truthfulness of the Scriptural record. In point of fact, John the Baptist testifies to the preexistence of Jesus Christ, so Christadelphians must also claim that he was mistaken or a liar.The words of Jesus Christ are as follows:
Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am."John 8:58 (NAS)
"Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was."John 17:5
"Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world."John 17:24 (NAS) The words of the Apostles are as follows:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.John 1:1-2 (NAS)
For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed though the sea; and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual food; and drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ....Nor let us try the Lord, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the serpents.1 Corinthians 10:1-4, 9 (NAS)
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.Colossians 1:15-17 (NAS)
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.Philippians 2:5-8 (NAS) The words of John the Baptist are as follows:
John testified about Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.'"John 1:15 (NAS)John the Baptist was conceived six months earlier than Jesus Christ (Luke 1:36) and was born six months earlier than Jesus Christ. His statement can only be true if Jesus Christ existed prior to the conception and birth of John the Baptist, which would mean that Jesus Christ existed with the Father in heaven prior to his birth through the virgin Mary. RESOURCES ON THE PREEXISTENCE OF JESUS CHRISTReexamining The Eternal Sonship Of Jesus Christ by John F. MacArthurA Dissertation On The Eternal Sonship Of Jesus Christ by John GillThe Pre-existence Of Christ by Dr. James White
JESUS CHRIST IS NOT GOD INCARNATE IN THE FLESH, IS NOT DEITY AND IS NOT PART OF A TRINITY.It is interesting to note that in this point, Christadelphians deny three Orthodox claims regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. They deny His Deity, deny His incarnation of Deity into humanity and deny His eternal relationship in the Godhead. Having already denied the eternal existence of Jesus Christ and his eternal relationship of a Son to the Father, it is realized that they deny five main doctrines of Orthodox Christianity in relation to Jesus Christ.It is not within the limitations of this article that a discussion of the Trinity is possible, but it should be noted that the foundation of Christadelphian denial of the Trinity begins with the point that the word Trinity is not found in the Scripture. This is the point also presented by other anti-Trinitarian proponents such as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. However, the lack of a certain word has nothing to do with the reality and truthfulness of the doctrine which it is used to describe. Arguing against the missing word of Trinity is setting up a straw man in order to establish a position that obscures the subject. The doctrine of a single, triune God is clearly taught in Scripture as well as the place of Jesus Christ in that Godhead as well as His Deity and incarnation.Christadelphian doctrines regarding Jesus Christ become so very distorted because they are intended to strike at the core of Orthodox belief which is the person and work of Jesus Christ. If the Jesus Christ revealed in the Bible can be changed to that of the Jesus Christ of Christadelphian doctrine, or any other doctrine, then the means of salvation, revealed through the gospel of Jesus Christ, can also be changed in order to conform to whatever model of Jesus Christ that is presented. This is the true goal of Christadelphian doctrine. It is a technique used by other religious groups as well, including Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists and many, many others.As an example, Mormon doctrine states that God was once just a man, and so they also claim that Jesus Christ was once just a man. Their god, who was once just a man, became a god through the adherence to the doctrines of the Mormon belief system, while an inhabitant of another planet, and became a God through his own efforts, just as they claim Jesus Christ did. As a result, all Mormons are taught that they have the potential to become gods themselves. By altering doctrines regarding God and Jesus Christ, found in the Bible, it then becomes possible for Mormons to teach that human beings can attain to godhood through their own efforts. God and Jesus Christ are redefined and reduced to the level of humanity, and humanity is elevated to the level of godhood. This twisting of the reality of the nature of God, presents God in the form of man, which strips God of his omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, holiness and righteousness.Christadelphian doctrine strips Jesus Christ of His deity, presenting Him as just a man, and as a consequence presents a different Jesus Christ than that found in the Bible and a different salvation from that which He has provided. Christadelphians present a different Jesus Christ and a different gospel which are the roots of the heresy.The Bible is clear regarding the nature of Jesus Christ in that it is claimed that He is Deity. In one respect it is difficult to deny the fact, because to be a Son of God would presume that the individual would be of the same substance and nature as the Father, which is deity. But the Bible also presents Jesus Christ as a Son of God prior to His incarnation, so His Sonship is not dependent upon His physical birth into humanity.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1 (NAS)
But of the Son He says, 'Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.''You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of Your hands...'Hebrews 1:8, 10 It is interesting to note, in the above verse, that there are two testimonies regarding Jesus Christ, both of which Christadelphian doctrine denies.1. God calls Jesus Christ God, settling the question of the deity of Jesus Christ forever.2. God says that Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth, stating that He is the Creator and by definition Deity, once again settling the question of the deity of Jesus Christ forever.3. God states that Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth, thus proving that Jesus Christ existed prior to His birth, invalidating the claim by Christadelphians that He did not exist prior to His birth.Christadelphians go to great lengths in order to justify their doctrines, even to the point of denying the direct words of God. As a result, they go far beyond simple disagreements over minor doctrinal interpretations of incidental issues. They place themselves and their doctrines in a position superior to the words of God, presuming that what they say can change the reality of what God says. God does not approve, is not pleased and Christadelphians will not escape the judgment of God on such assertions.
Thomas answered and said to Him. 'My Lord and my God!' Jesus said to him. 'Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.'John 20:28-29 (NAS) Once again the deity of Jesus Christ is settled through two elements in the above verse:1. The apostle Thomas declares Jesus Christ to be God.2. Jesus Christ in his reply to Thomas, does not deny the claim, and by His words, in fact, confirms what Thomas stated.Christadelphians must claim that Thomas was deluded or mistaken, and at the same time must conclude that Jesus Christ did not understand the magnitude of Thomas' reply and, therefore, did not correct him, or else Jesus Christ was deceptive in allowing the apostles to believe a falsehood. None of those positions are acceptable, and the statement of Thomas stands and the acceptance of that statement by Jesus Christ confirms His position as Deity.RESOURCES ON THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRISTThe Incarnation Of The Triune God by John F. MacArthurChristologia: The Nature Of The Person Of Christ, And The Hypostatical Union Of His Natures Declared by John OwenThe Nature Of God - The Tri-unity Of God by Dr. James White
JESUS CHRIST HAD A SIN NATURE.The assault on the character and nature of Jesus Christ through the assertions of Christadelphian doctrine leads to the ultimate goal in which not only is deity stripped from His person, but He is assigned to the same category as human beings.Having been previously stripped of His Deity by Christadelphian doctrine, Jesus Christ is viewed as powerless to command. Now, being stripped of His sinless nature, He is presented as being powerless to grant salvation, and, in fact, as the next point will show, it becomes necessary for Jesus Christ to be "saved" Himself. So the ultimate oxymoron is presented in that the Savior also needs to have a Savior because as a Savior He cannot save.RESOURCES ON THE SINLESSNESS OF JESUS CHRISTUnbelievers Contemn The Glory And Excellency Of Christ by Jonathan Edwards
Probation before exaltation, then, is upon the principle of a faith in the promises of God, made precious by trial well sustained. There is no exemption from this ordeal. Even Christ himself was subjected to it. "By the grace of God he tasted death for every man. For it was fitting for God, that in bringing many sons to glory, He should make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. . . . For in that he himself hath suffered being put to the proof, he is able to succour them who are tried." (Heb. 2:9-18) And "though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered: and being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY him." (Heb. 5:8- 9) He was first morally perfected through suffering, and then corporeally, by being "made into a spirit" by the spirit of holiness in his resurrection from the dead. I say, "morally perfected"; for, although he was without transgression, his perfection of character is predicated upon his "obedience unto death."Elpsis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 3
"That these promises had reference to Jesus Christ, who was to be raised up in the condemned line of Abraham and David, and who, through wearing their condemned nature, was to obtain a title to resurrection by perfect obedience, and, dying, abrogate the law of condemnation for himself, and all who should believe and obey him."The Christadelphian Statement of Faith, Unamended Version and Birmingham Version, Article 8
"He saved himself in order to save us."(Christadelphian Answers, Compiled by Frank G. Jannaway. A reproduction of an original edition by, The Herald Press, 4011 Bolivia, Houston, Texas, 77092, 1920. page 24)
"And it was for that very reason -- being a member of a sinful race -- that the Lord Jesus himself needed salvation."(Answers, p. 24)
"Therefore, we conclude that it is not only that Jesus was called a sinner at his trial by his enemies or that he was "numbered with the transgressors" when he was crucified between two thieves, but more particularly that he shared the very nature which had made a sinner out of every other man who had borne it"Christadelphians: What They Believe and Preach, page 74 Having stripped Jesus Christ of His deity, making Him simply a human being, Christadelphians subject Christ to a sinful nature and by that make Him subject to sin, requiring that He qualify Himself before God in order to receive salvation. The claim is made, that Jesus Christ had a sinful nature yet, He did not sin and by that accomplishment of His own will, He could obtain the possibility of salvation.The above teaching is a great distortion of the Biblical record. Jesus Christ did not become the Redeemer after His appearance on earth, as a result of His obedience. Jesus Christ came to earth having already been declared the Redeemer. Jesus Christ was already the Redeemer, by the choice of God, and stated to be so prior to His coming, because He was the only one qualified because of His character and nature. He was chosen as the Redeemer, because He was qualified, prior to His incarnation, not because He became qualified, but because He was the qualifying standard. He was always qualified, the result of His nature as Deity, and that is the very reason why He could accomplish the work of redemption.The eternal existence of Jesus Christ, which Christadelphians deny, is the proof of His qualifications and is expressed in the following references:Isaiah 9:6-7Isaiah 53:1-12John 1:1John 8:58John 17:5Salvation, in Christadelphian belief, is accomplished by specific actions on the part of the person which give that person standing before God. Among those things are baptism, absolutely necessary for salvation, and a moral life. Salvation is not through faith or grace alone, but is granted by the grace of God, after a person has performed certain duties and obligations as defined in Christadelphian doctrine. Salvation then is accomplished by a system of works, in which certain duties and obligations must be met and certain beliefs must be held. Christadelphian doctrine teaches that salvation is obtained by a system of works which are actions by human beings that are of such a high and noble character that God grants salvation on that basis.This is very similar to other works-oriented religions such as Mormonism. Mormon doctrine claims that salvation is by grace, but they then deny the reality of grace by asserting that salvation is granted "...after all we can do." A system of obligations, duties and beliefs precedes the granting of salvation. It is claimed that salvation is by grace, but the reality is that it is through works in which salvation is earned through the performance of the individual and the adherence to the duties inherent in Mormon doctrine. Like Christadelphian doctrine, Mormon doctrine teaches that salvation is based on the works of human beings that are of such a high and noble character that God grants salvation on that basis.Salvation through the performance of duties or works is salvation based on law, not on grace. The Christadelphian claims that the adherent must keep the 10 Commandments. In that assertion, they make the same error of the Mormon who claims salvation is "...after all we can do." The standard of "...all we can do..." and the keeping of the 10 Commandments is the same: absolute perfection of performance in every area of life. If the Christadelphian wishes to keep the 10 Commandments, they must be kept perfectly. If the Mormon wishes to do "all" then there must be absolute perfection in the performance of every single duty and obligation. Both systems of belief ignore the reality of what constitutes perfection of performance. Even in their own systems of belief, they cannot manifest perfection of performance, therefore, they cannot obtain salvation, even through their own beliefs.Both systems ignore the fact that all people have committed sins, even before becoming a Christadelphian or Mormon. Since that is the case, those sins committed have already prevented the person from obtaining perfection of performance in their life. Even if their performance could be perfect from the point of conversion into their religious system of belief, they cannot be more perfect than perfect in order to eliminate those previous sins.The idea that a person can qualify to stand before God because of some performance of a duty, ignores the teaching of God regarding a relationship to Him that is seen in both the Old and New Testaments. The sins of all men are so profound and so deep that they separate man from God with such a gulf that God does not even hear the prayers that man makes.
Behold, the Lord's hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and you sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken falsehood, your tongue mutters wickedness. No one sues righteously and no one pleads honestly. They trust in confusion and speak lies; they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. They hatch adders' eggs and weave spiders's web; he who eats of their eggs dies, and from that which is crushed a snake breads forth. Their webs will not become clothing, nor will they cover themselves with their works; their works are works of iniquity, and an act of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil, and they hasten to shed innocent blood; their thought are thought of iniquity, devastation and destruction are in their highways. They do not know the way of peace, and there is no justice in their tracks; they have made their paths crooked, whoever treads on them does not know peace.Isaiah 59:1-8 (NAS) RESOURCES ON SALVATION AND JESUS CHRISTThe Atonement by J. Gresham MachenLooking At The Cross From The Perspective Of God by John F. MacArthur 2. GOD
THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD WHO IS ONE PERSON AND NOT A TRINITY. The reality of the teaching regarding the Trinity cannot be dealt with in the confines of this article. The following links on the On Doctrine website deal with the subject in a much more thorough manner than could ever be presented by On Doctrine. It might be noted, that by changing even one major doctrine in Orthodox belief, Christadelphian doctrine is forced into the position of changing virtually every other major doctrine as well. The changing of the definition of the Godhead, presupposes a change in the nature of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as well, thereby bringing about a change in the nature and method of salvation. The aim of Christadelphian doctrine, by changing the definition of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is to change the definition of salvation so that a salvation based on humanistic values can be substituted in its place. Human values, when applied against a definition of God, always diminish the authority, nature and character of God, and conclude that human beings can attain, by the performance of certain duties, a self-worth that presumes to be good enough to compare favorably with the character and nature of the God that is defined within those values.RESOURCES ON THE TRINITYOn The Trinity by Jonathan EdwardsThe Trinity, The Definition Of Chalcedon, And Oneness Theology by Dr. James WhiteThe Nature Of God - The Tri-unity Of God by Dr. James White 3. HOLY SPIRIT
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT A PERSON BUT ONLY THE POWER AND EMANATION FROM GOD.By defining the Holy Spirit as an emanation of power from God, Christadelphians find themselves in a difficult position. Claiming that the Holy Spirit is not active in the world today, they are forced to deny the action of the God in which they claim to believe.
"But it must be obvious that the case stands very differently now. There is no manifestation of the Spirit in these days. The power of continuing the manifestation doubtless died with the apostles; not that God could not have transferred it to others, but that He selected them as the channels of its bestowment in their age, and never, so far as we have nay evidence, appointed 'successors'." Christendom Astray, Lecture 6, Robert Roberts If God is ruling the universe today and is doing so through His power, then by Christadelphian belief, He must be expressing that rule through the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, or the power or manifestation of God, must be active today:
He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.Psalm 66:7 (KJV) The Bible claims that the Holy Spirit gives strength to the saints, so He must be active today:
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.Ephesians 3:14-19 (NAS) The Bible says that the Holy Spirit helps the Christian and intercedes for the Christian before God, so He must be active today in order to accomplish that task:
"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."Romans 8:26-27 (NAS) Christadelphians deny the personal existence of the Holy Spirit, explaining that "it" is simply the emanation of the power of God. They use various selective verses in an attempt to provide a foundation for that belief, but the reality is that they must deny every single reference to the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testament that assign personal terms and a real and personal nature to the Holy Spirit. This denial is done with impunity and those references to the Holy Spirit that are personal, and indicate the existence of an actual being or person, are stated to be allusions, anthropomorphisms, or personifications, which is the assigning of human characteristics and actions to that which is not human. This type of blanket pronouncement, when the Scripture does not provide that explanation, is not acceptable and is indicative of the false claims found in Christadelphian doctrine. Claims are made, simply because they can be made, not because they are necessarily true.Now, there is no question that personification is used in the Scripture, however the Christadelphians claim that EVERY reference to the Holy Spirit, containing a mention of a personal being, is an example of personification, a claim which they do not make in relation to other personalities. What criteria does the Christadelphian use in order to support their assertion? They start with an a priori doctrine (that the Holy Spirit is not a person), and then search for "explanations" of how they can support their predefined belief. Instead of properly reading the Scripture and applying what it says, (exegesis), they improperly read into the Scripture what they wish it to say, (eisegesis). By using a predetermined belief, they then apply that belief to the Scripture and in the process attempt to make the Scripture conform to their belief instead of their belief conforming to the Scripture.The characteristics that are assigned to the Holy Spirit are simply to numerous and varied to be dismissed by a blanket statement rejecting their nature.Attributes and characteristics of the Holy Spirit revealed in the Bible:
A. Anoints - 1 John 2:27B. Comforts - John 16:7, Acts 9:31C. Contends - Genesis 6:3D. Controls - Romans 8:9E. Convicts - John 16:8F. Counsels - John 14:26G. Discloses - John 16:15 H. Glorifies - John 16:14I. Grieves - Isaiah 63:10, Ephesians 4:30J. Guest - John 14:16K. Guides - John 16:13, Romans 8:14L. Hears - John 16:13M. Inspires - Acts 1:8N. Knowable - John 14:17O. Lives - Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:16P. Object of lies against - Acts 5:3Q. Object of sin against - Isaiah 63:10, Matthew 12:31, Mark 3:29R. Prays to God - Romans 8:26S. Regenerates - Titus 3:5T. Reprover - John 16:7U. Restrains - Acts 16:6V Sanctifies - 1 Peter 1:2 W. Speaks - Acts 10:19-20, Acts 13:2, Galatians 4:6X. Teacher - Nehemiah 9:20, Luke 12:12, John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:13, 1 John 2:27Y. Testifies - Romans 8:16, 1 John 5:6Z. Thinks - 1 Corinthians 2:10 What Christadelphians wish to ignore and cover over is the fact that the Scripture speaks of the Holy Spirit as a person, because He is a person.
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit spoke and then proceeds to quote the very words that He said (Acts:19-20).
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit prays to God on behalf of the believer (Romans 8:26). In what manner does a force interact with its source in a manner which could be personified as a prayer?
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit searches the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). In what manner does a force search and understand its source, the God of the universe, in a manner that could be described as searching?
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit can be known. Can an emanation be known? Only a person can be known.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT DEITY AND IS NOT PART OF A TRINITY. Since Christadelphians do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, then of course they do not believe that He is part of the Godhead, and so they deny this aspect of Trinitarian teaching also.RESOURCES ON THE HOLY SPIRITHOLY SPIRIT various articles4. ATONEMENT
DENY THE SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST.It is the atonement which is the core of the gospel of Jesus Christ stated by all orthodox Christians from the time of the apostles. The atonement of Jesus Christ is the gospel and to deny its efficacy or to change its precepts is to invalidate the true message and change the message to that which is false. Christadelphians adopt and preach a false message regarding the atonement and as a result they teach and preach a false message regarding salvation. Rejection of salvation through the atonement of Jesus Christ results in the adoption of salvation through human works, which is the core of Christadelphian doctrine. RESOURCES ON THE ATONEMENTThe Atonement by J. Gresham MachenLooking At The Cross From The Perspective Of God by John F. MacArthurThe Necessity Of The Atonement by Francis Turretin 5. SALVATION
DENY SALVATION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH ALONE.To deny salvation by faith is to deny the direct words of the Scripture through the apostle Paul:
...for all have sinned an fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. Romans 3:23-28
DENY THE SECURITY OR ASSURANCE OF SALVATION.Christadelphians teach that in order to obtain salvation, a person must be baptized. At the same time, they teach that baptism does not assure that salvation will be obtained. All of the duties and requirements of Christadelphian doctrine, even if they are all met, do not guarantee that a person will obtain salvation. Salvation, in Christadelphian doctrine, is a gamble that one takes with their life and hope that in the end, resurrection will occur. It cannot be known that it will happen and at no time can a person state with any sense of assurance that they are at peace with the knowledge that salvation will be the result of the works and duties that they have performed throughout their life.From a position in which they presume that works and duties performed are sufficient to obtain salvation, the Christadelphian must then be satisfied with the reality that they do not know and cannot be assured that their efforts are sufficient to secure what they claim those works and duties are great enough to obtain.Security is a hallmark of orthodox Christian doctrine, but it is also a hallmark of the salvation offered by God in all times, and is expressed in the Old Testament, even by believers before the covenants of Abraham and Moses. Job makes the most distinct and forceful statement of the assurance of salvation found in the Old Testament, and at the same time affirms the living existence of the Redeemer to come, Jesus Christ, prior to His birth.
As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!Job 19:25-27 (NAS) Christadelphian doctrine once again denies what is written in the Scripture, by denying that the assurance of salvation can be known, and in the process, it denies the testimony of Job and the testimony of God regarding the righteous and acceptable character of Job. Christadelphian doctrine asserts that it is of greater authority and truthfulness than the words of Job and the words of God.The New Testament and the apostles also speak of the reality of the assurance of salvation, but again, Christadelphian doctrine denies what is written.
For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.2 Timothy 1:12 (NAS)
The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one and we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.1 John 5:10-13, 19-20 (NAS)
The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God...Romans 8:16 (NAS) Assurance of salvation is given to true believers by God. To those who do not have assurance of salvation, God does not grant assurance to that which they do not possess. The Christadelphian has no assurance because they have no true salvation.RESOURCES THE ASSURANCE OF SALVATION:The Security Of Salvation 3 sermon series by John F. MacArthurGospel Grounds And Evidences Of The Faith Of God's Elect by John Owen 6. MAN
DENY THAT MAN EXISTS AFTER DEATH.These two Christadelphian doctrines, the denial of an eternal soul in man and the denial that man exists after death, must be considered together. According to Christadelphian belief, there is nothing eternal in man, death leading to nothingness. For all practical purposes, man is annihilated at death, the components of his body dissolving into the elements from which it came. Yet they believe in a resurrection in which God brings back to life those who have died. Yet, this cannot be a resurrection, since after death there is nothing left of man that is eternal. Their claim to a resurrection of the person is incorrect, since that could only be a recreation of the individual based on the memories of God. It cannot be the original person, who has no eternal soul or substance that can be resurrected.The aspects of the claim to resurrection are very surreal. The evil and sinful people are resurrected from nothingness, or oblivion, only to be judged and then once more sent to nothingness through annihilation. This is considered to be a punishment. In what manner the second annihilation is any different from the death of an individual, resulting in that person going out of existence into nothingness is difficult to understand. Punishment requires a conscious state of being, which annihilation is not. However, the doctrine provides a convenient back door escape. If man has no eternal existence in which there is accountability to God, then death or annihilation is of no consequence. To cease from existence is not really a punishment because there is no sense or understanding, by the person, of being punished because they are non-existent. There is no regret or pain or remorse at not being resurrected to an eternal existence on earth, because there is no longer a mental function to comprehend the consequences.The doctrines become beliefs of convenience in which it is hoped that salvation can be obtained, but if it is not, then punishment can be avoided through annihilation, or even so far as to assume, that if Christadelphian doctrine is not correct, death is all there is and nothingness follows.However, the Bible is clear that the hope of the Christadelphian is a false hope and that human beings do have an immortal soul and accountability to God for eternity. It may not be convenient or desirable to believe that a real and eternal punishment will await those who are resurrected having not obtained salvation, however denial will not change the reality of that eventuality. 7. SATANIC WORLD
DENY THAT SATAN IS A REAL BEING.Christadelphians deny the existence of a personal and real being who is called Satan, preferring to define the references to that being in the Bible euphemistically as definitions of the manifestation of sin in the flesh and evil men, just like they define the Holy Spirit as the manifestation of the power of God.
"The terms Satan and Devil are simply expressive of "sin in the flesh" in individual, social, and political manifestations." (Answer, p. 100) This view is held against all historical documentation regarding the early church fathers and against the direct references in the Bible itself. Christadelphians, while claiming the Bible as their authority, attempt to change what the Bible actually says, in order to support their a priori doctrine. The Bible is very clear regarding the existence and personality of Satan, defining exactly who he is, what he does, his origin and his eventual destination.I. The Bible gives NAMES to SATAN:
Abaddon (destruction): Revelation 9:11
Apollyon (exterminator): Revelation 9:11
Beelzebub (lord of flies): Matthew 10:25; Mark 3:22
Belial (worthless): 2 Corinthians 6:15
Devil (adversary): Matthew 4:1; Revelation 20:10
Dragon: Revelation 12:9
Lucifer (light bearer): Isaiah 14:12
Satan (adversary): 1 Chronicles 21:1
Serpent (Revelation 12:9 II. The Bible presents SATAN as a historical figure:
God created Lucifer, meaning: the Son of the Morning, Light Bearer or Shining One: Isaiah 14:12
Lucifer was the "anointed cherub that covereth", or the chief archangel closest to the throne of God: Ezekiel 28:14
Lucifer was the most beautiful and perfectly created of the angelic beings: Ezekiel 28:12-13
Lucifer became obsessed with himself, choosing to oppose God and made five claims as to his ambitions with respect to himself:
"I will ascend to heaven": he wish to elevate himself - Isaiah 14:13
"I will raise my throne above the stars of God": he wished to be greater than God - Isaiah 14:13
"I will sit on the mount of the assembly...": he wished to take the position of God - Isaiah 14:13
"I will ascend to the heights...": he wished to exalt himself above all others - Isaiah 14:14
"I will make myself like the Most High": he wished make himself as God - Isaiah 14:14
Lucifer was judged by God, divested of his position and cast out of his place in heaven and placed on the earth: Isaiah 14:12
Satan is the "serpent of old": Revelation 12:9 III. At the point of his fall, Lucifer is then referred to as Satan.
"And He said to them, 'I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.'" - Luke 10:18 (NAS) IV. The Bible presents SATAN as a contemporary being:
He wanders from heaven to earth and speaks to God after an interrogation: Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Matthew 4:10-11; Mark 4:15; 1 Peter 5:8
He has a kingdom:
Realm of darkness: 2 Corinthians 4:4
Realm of fallen angels: Matthew 12:24; Matthew 25:41; Ephesians 10:12
Realm of fallen men: Acts 26:18, 2 Timothy 2:26
Realm of this world: Daniel 10:13; Luke 4:6; John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2
Realm of This Age: 2 Corinthians 4:4
He controls false religions: 2 Corinthians 11:14; Revelation 2:9
He is the cause of persecution: Luke 13:16; Acts 10:38
He can afflict the righteous: Job 1:12
He continually criticizes Believers before God: Zechariah 3:1, Revelation 12:10
He has the ability to foster evil thought: John 13:2; Acts 5:3
He has power over man, extending even to death: Hebrews 2:14
He is the father of murder, murdering and murderers: John 8:44
He is the father of lies, lying and liars: John 8:44
He is an enemy: Matthew 13:39
He is evil: Matthew 13:19, 38; John 17:15; V. SATAN was known, acknowledged and SEEN by JESUS CHRIST:
Jesus saw Satan cast down to the earth: Luke 10:18
Satan tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness: Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1-13 VI. SATAN was considered a real being by the DISCIPLES:
He is an opportunist: Ephesians 4:27
He is a schemer: Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 2:11
He is a deceiver: 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
He is a fraud: 2 Thessalonians 2:9
He is a tempter: 1 Corinthians 7:5; Matthew 4:1
He is an attacker: Ephesians 6:16
He is an obstruction: 1 Thessalonians 2: 18
He is a consumer of souls: I Peter 5:8 VII. SATAN will be judged and THROWN into the LAKE OF FIRE by JESUS CHRIST:
Satan will be judged finally and placed in the lake of fire prepared for him and his angels: Isaiah 14:15, 19-20; Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10 The Bible states that God created Lucifer and defines him as Satan and the devil. Since Christadelphians define Satan and the devil as manifestations of sin in the flesh and evil men, then they are claiming that God is the creator of sin and directly created men to be evil. This is a direct assault on the character and integrity of God and is refuted by the Scripture:
Therefore, listen to me, you men of understanding. Far be it from God to do wickedness, and from the Almighty to do wrong.Job 34:10 (NAS)For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; no evil dwells with You.Psalm 5:4 (NAS)Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, and You can not look on wickedness with favor. Why do You look with favor on those who deal treacherously? Why are You silent when the wicked swallow up those more righteous than they?Habakkuk 1:13 (NAS) To deny the reality and existence of Satan in the face of such overwhelming evidence presented in the Bible is to deny what is stated beyond all reason. It is the same denial that is presented in relation to the personhood of the Holy Spirit. Christadelphians must claim that every reference to Satan that describe attributes of personhood are just personifications or anthropomorphisms. One must stretch reality past the breaking point to adopt a position that Satan is not a real being. RESOURCES ON SATAN:Is He? Who Is He? What Is He Like? How Does He Operate? Three messages by Dr. John F. MacArthur
DENY THAT THERE IS ETERNAL PUNISHMENT AFTER DEATH. As a result of their denial of the existence of Satan, Christadelphians feel confident that they can also deny the reality of a literal hell and a literal eternal punishment of the wicked in hell. Having disposed of Satan as being non-existent, they deny the words of Jesus Christ when He specifically states that hell is a place, prepared originally for Satan, who they deny is a person, and his angels who come under his control.
"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels...'"Matthew 25:41 (NAS)
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.Revelation 20:10, 14-15 (NAS) RESOURCES THE EXISTENCE OF HELL:The Future Punishment Of The Wicked Unavoidable And Intolerable by Jonathan EdwardsThe Eternity Of Hell's Torments by Jonathan EdwardsThe Eternity of Hell-Torments by George Whitefield Christadelphian doctrine is a religion based on denial. Its sole function is to deny orthodox belief at every point, and attempt to substantiate that denial through selective use of Scripture and reinterpreting other Scriptures which may or may not apply to the subject. Its claims are based on the personal beliefs and teachings of its founder, who never presented any credentials verifying that his particular message was authoritative. His teaching was accompanied by no verification from God, no spoken words from God, no fulfilled prophecies, no miracles of healing, no miracles confirming authority over nature and no miracles of raising the dead. To those who wish to embrace Christadelphian doctrine, the Scripture speaks directly as follows:
"So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' An then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'"Matthew 7:20-23 (NAS) The primary goal of Christadelphian doctrine is to present a claim that there is another means of salvation other than that which is actually taught in the Bible. This is accomplished by defining another Jesus Christ, which, by definition, presents another salvation message. Christadelphian doctrine is defined by the character of its founder who was a false teacher and a false prophet, who taught about a false Jesus Christ and proclaimed a false salvation message. Jesus Christ Himself specified the limits of how salvation can be obtained, in relation to who He claimed to be. Regardless of what Christadelphian doctrine may state to the contrary, Jesus Christ did claim to be Deity and to deny that fact is to deny the possibility of salvation.
"'Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.'"John 8:24 (NAS)
END OF ARTICLEby Gary A. HandOn Doctrine
circa. 1848 by Dr. John Thomas
Claim the Bible as their only authority
Each group independent
Elpis Israel by John ThomasEureka by John ThomasChristendom Astray From The Bible by Robert Roberts
The Christadelphian belief system was founded by John Thomas about the year 1848. He was an English physician who immigrated from England to the United States. Originally a Congregationalist, he joined the Campbellite movement in the United States, known as the "Disciples of Christ," and soon broke away from their ranks when he was accused of holding to strange doctrines.Sometime between 1834 and 1848, Thomas began his church, or group. During that period he started producing in 1834 the publication "The Apostolic Advocate" and in 1842 the publication "The Investigator" and in 1847 the publication "The Herald Of The Future Age."The original name of his group was "The Royal Believers In New York." It was not until the era of the American Civil War that it became necessary to give the group a proper name in order that they be recognized as a religious institution so that members could refuse military service. It was at that time the name Christadelphians was coined by John Thomas, meaning Brethren of Christ.Christadelphians claim that the Bible is inerrant and the source of their truth, yet the doctrinal positions that they adopt differ radically from what the Bible actually says. This is the same difficulty faced by Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventism and Christian Science. All of the organizations came into existence because of the personal beliefs developed by their founders. The system of beliefs developed by the founders and subsequent leaders, were then placed over the Bible, and then it was claimed that the Bible supported the predefined belief system. Ways were then found to "interpret" Scripture so that it said what the predefined beliefs asserted, rather than having doctrinal belief conform to Bible teaching.Like many religious leaders who originate their own systems of belief, John Thomas was a self-proclaimed authority on what he said was the truth of the Bible. He began by stating that his beliefs were the only true beliefs and that the Christian church was then an apostate church, having abandoned the truth of the true gospel, as he defined it, sometime around the 4th century. As a result, those pastors, teachers and writers that represented orthodox Christian belief were all deceived, deceivers themselves and their words and beliefs were all lies. With a single statement, John Thomas dismissed as deceivers the greatest minds in Christian history: great Reformation leaders such as Theodore Beza, John Calvin and Martin Luther, also such Puritan divines such as Thomas Boston, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Manton and John Owen, also others such as the Baptist John Gill and the Methodist evangelist George Whitefield. Such a fortunate circumstance occurred with the coming of John Thomas, in that he was able, after 1400 years without the "truth", to rediscover the "true" gospel of Jesus Christ so that he and his followers could escape from the apostate religious system and find the "truth" as John Thomas defined it. The question must be posed as to why the people in the previous 1400 "apostate" years were not nearly as discerning or dedicated to finding the truth as John Thomas. It must also be claimed that Jesus Christ was also remiss in not being able to prevent His church from becoming apostate, which directly contradicts the Scripture:
"I also say to that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."Matthew 16:18 (NAS) This same sequence of events is seen in the Mormon church, when Joseph Smith also claimed that the church went into apostasy in the 2nd or 3rd century and all then current churches were in error and also apostate. He claimed that God revealed to him that he should not join any existing church. After 1,500 years of apostasy, he had discovered the truth through the revelation of the golden plates which an angel revealed to him. Jesus Christ was not able to keep the gospel message revealed to humanity during those 1,500 years, but again it was a fortunate circumstance that Joseph Smith came along just in time to receive the revelation for himself and his followers. Apparently Jesus Christ was also remiss in the Mormon belief system also, because he was again not able to prevent His church from becoming apostate, which directly contradicts the Scripture (Matthew 16:18).Religious leaders, like John Thomas, are not content to become pastors and teachers, subjecting themselves to Biblical authority. They wish to establish themselves in a ruling position, by which they exert authority over their adherents and also determine the content and meaning of all doctrines that they teach. For the most part, these leaders realize that they are unable to establish a new religion of their own creation, since most people would ignore that approach, leaving those leaders with very small congregations, existing in obscurity. Using that approach, the goal of the leader, to exalt themselves, would not be accomplished. In order to give themselves a head start and an existing base of support, so that they can promote their agenda, those leaders establish themselves in positions relative to existing orthodox belief, giving the impression that they are true believers. It is at that point that the outrageous claims are then made, claiming that what beliefs are currently established in the Christian church are, in fact, heretical beliefs as a result of some supposed apostasy in the past. They then claim that orthodox beliefs are not taught in the Bible, but are the "doctrines of men" which are established in place of the true doctrines of Jesus Christ and the apostles. These leaders claim that written statements of belief embodied in creeds, catechisms, writings and sermons of orthodox preachers, pastors and teachers are doctrines of man and are in error, or are doctrines of the devil. Many times they attempt to identify those doctrines as having been passed on by the Catholic church, since anti-Catholic sentiment is used to brace their claims.
The protestant world, while it deludes itself with the conceit that "the Bible, the Bible alone, is the religion of protestants"-while it spends its thousands for its circulation among the nations in their native tongues-is itself hostile to the belief and practice of what it proclaims. The Bible alone is not its religion; for, if it were, why encumber its professors with the "Common Prayer," "Thirty-nine Articles" and all the other "notions" of a similar kind? To believe and practice the Bible alone would be a sufficient ground of exclusion from all "orthodox" churches.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, chapter 1 It is quite amazing to see the process in action. After making their outrageous claims, these leaders then state that they alone have the real truth, and then proceed to do exactly what they condemn orthodoxy for having done. They establish their own doctrines, creeds, catechisms and statements of belief in place of those of orthodox belief. They give their own sermons, write their own magazines and print their own books, with voluminous words of their own creation, much of which has no relation to Biblical truth. They do exactly what was their original goal; to establish themselves as the creator of and authority over religious truth. They claim a greater ability to know the truth, they receive direct revelation from angels, they receive direct revelation from God or discover previously hidden books or translations of Scripture.They presume themselves to be prophets and make prophecies regarding future events that are not true and do not come to pass. When the prophecies fail, the believers in the organization ignore the reality and the leaders cover their failures with new interpretations and new prophecies that supersede the old. The process continues as adherents willfully ignore the reality that they are listening to the doctrines of false teachers and false prophets, and so they deceive themselves by their unwillingness to admit to the corrupt nature of their leader.John Thomas claimed to discover the truth through the brilliance of his own mind. Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, claimed to discover the truth by revelation of the golden plates which conveniently disappeared after being translated. Charles Taze Russell, founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, claimed to discover revelation from the messages of angels. Ellen G. White, the founder of Seventh-day Adventism claimed to discover the truth through her trances and visions. In no instance were these founders able to present credentials that verified the truth of their claims. The prophets of the Bible, Jesus Christ and the apostles all had credentials that could be seen and verified. They could perform miracles, they could prophesy accurately 100% of the time, they knew the thoughts of other people and they could raise the dead. What credentials were John Thomas able to present? His only credentials were the claims that he made.John Thomas' first major work, Elpis Israel, (Hope of Israel), was a book written about 1848 while he had returned to England for a time. The book was very popular in England and established the Christadelphian belief system there, which is still strong today.As a doctrinal framework for his later beliefs and teachings, it served its purpose well. As a repository of truth, it was a failure. In the book, John Thomas makes many statements which not only have no Biblical foundation, but are not scientifically correct as well. Yet, he wrote the book, stating that this was the truth as he had discovered it, and people could base their salvation on what he wrote.Three statements of error in the book, Elpis Israel.
The Bible teaches a previous race of beings lived on earth prior to Adam and Eve.
Let the reader peruse the history of the creation as a revelation to himself as an inhabitant of the earth. It informs him of the order in which the things narrated would have developed themselves to his view, had he been placed on some projecting rock, the spectator of the events detailed. He must remember this. The Mosaic account is not a revelation to the inhabitants of other orbs remote from the earth of the formation of the boundless universe; but to man, as a constituent of the terrestrial system. This will explain why light is said to have been created four days before the sun, moon, and stars. To an observer on the earth, this was the order of their appearance; and in relation to him a primary creation, though absolutely pre-existent for million of ages before the Adamic Era. This teaching is a theory only, and regardless of the Biblical verses that are used in an attempt to support what is claimed, it remains only a theory, with the Bible providing no valid evidence.Geologists have endeavored to extend the six days into six thousand years. But this, with the Scriptural data we have adduced is quite unnecessary. Instead of six thousand, they can avail themselves of sixty thousand; for the Scriptures reveal no length of time during which the terrene angels dwelt upon our globe.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2 This teaching is not new, having been very popular at the time of John Thomas and is also embraced by many orthodox believers today. It is commonly embodied in what is known as the "Gap Theory" and proposes that there is an undetermined span of time between verses 1 and 2 in Genesis chapter 1 which accounts for the millions of years attributed to the age of the earth by scientists.This theory came about, not because one would come to that conclusion by reading Genesis chapter 1, but because religious leaders were intimidated by the claim of archaeology that the earth was millions of years old, yet Genesis seemed to teach that the earth was very young; namely in the thousands of years. In order to reconcile the Bible to what was considered to be irrefutable scientific evidence, the Gap Theory was developed. Those leaders were willing to subject the Bible to the belief system of a corrupt world rather than subjecting the corrupt world to the truth of the Bible. While claiming that the religious world was apostate and taught false doctrine, John Thomas was willing to accept the doctrines and beliefs of a Godless world and place them ahead of the teachings of the Bible, which he claimed was inerrant. The hypocrisy of his actions is apparent. The Genesis narrative states that both the heavens and the earth were created at the same time. To presume that the heavens and the earth were created at some time in the far distant past and then corrupted by a previous race of beings on the earth, so that the heavens and the earth had to be recreated, is to deny the flow of the narrative. It also presumes that the heavens were also corrupted in addition to the earth, which would mean the heaven of God would also have been affected, a position which cannot find support in the Bible.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.Genesis 1:1 (NAS)
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their hosts.Genesis 2:1 (NAS)
"For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day..."Exodus 20:11 (NAS)God Himself affirms the six day creation and nowhere in the Scripture is it indicated that the creation account in Genesis is a "recreation" of a previously existing earth and heavens. The "Gap Theory" is one of the "doctrines of men" that John Thomas claims to denounce, but adopts for his own convenience.
Man is the same as cattle, birds and other creatures.
"This celestial orb, which is a world or system of itself, is styled 'the earth.' It is the habitation of races of animals which graze its fields, lurk in its forests, soar through its atmosphere and pass through the paths of its seas. At the head of all these is a creature like themselves, animal, sensual and mortal. He is called 'man.'Elipis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 1 So begins the process by which John Thomas denies the existence of an immortal soul in man. If man has no immortal soul, then his life is no different from the animals and plants; a claim that John Thomas then begins to assert and attempt to prove in chapter 2 of his book.
The dogma of an immortal soul in mortal sinful flesh has eaten out the marrow and fatness, the flesh and sinew of the doctrine of Christ; and has left behind only an ill-conditioned and ulcerated skeleton of Christianity, whose dry bones rattle in the "winds of doctrine" that are blowing around us, chopping and changing to every point of the compass.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2
Their systems send "souls" to their account as soon as death strikes the bodies down. Some torment them in purgatory, or in an intermediate state; others send them direct into unmitigated punishment; while both, after they have suffered for thousands of years before trial and conviction, re-unite them to their bodies and if it be asked for what purpose? System replies, "to be judged!" Punish souls first and judge them after! This is truly human, but it is certainly not divine justice. The truth is, that this article of the creed is brought in to defend "orthodoxy" against the imputation of denying the resurrection of the body, which would be a very inconvenient charge in the face of the testimony of God.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2 John Thomas, in his zeal to exalt his own opinion of what constituted the justice and testimony of God, stated that which is false and denied what is plainly written in the Scripture. But, it was not the goal of John Thomas to preserve the justice and testimony of God, but to present a justification for his own doctrine regarding the lack of a soul in man. Since he taught that man has no eternal soul, and there is nothing at all eternal within man, then at death, man ceases to be in all respects. The reality of his definition is that man is annihilated at death. John Thomas then taught that man will be resurrected (this can only be a recreation, since there is nothing eternal in man), the righteous living on the earth forever and the unrighteous to be judged by God and then sent, once again, to oblivion and annihilation as their eternal "punishment." John Thomas ridiculed what he claimed is orthodox belief, that the wicked go immediately to a place of punishment at their death before being judged, and are then resurrected with spiritual bodies in order to then be judged and sent to a real and eternal hell. However, he ignored the foolishness of his own system in which a person is resurrected from annihilation only to be judged and sent to annihilation again. In addition, in Christadelphian belief, there is taught a more pernicious doctrine than that which it is claimed is found in orthodox teaching, in that Christadelphians teach that there are individuals who die and are never resurrected to face a judgment by God. Among these individuals are babies who die, pygmies in Africa and those who have never heard the truth. In orthodox belief, all people are resurrected from the dead and all face a perfect judgment by Jesus Christ.This system of belief, developed by John Thomas, fails, in that the apostle Paul refutes the notion of annihilation at death:
Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord -- for we walk by faith, not by sight -- we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord."2 Corinthians 5:6-8 (NAS) If one is "absent from the body" then it is not the body that is the person, but that which is "absent." If that which is absent is at "home" with the Lord, then it must be that which was originally given by God. It was clearly taught by the apostle Paul, that it was not the body in which he was going to appear in the presence of the Lord, but that which constituted and defined his true being, which was not part of or attached to the physical composition of his body.In regards to John Thomas' alleged claim of the punishment being exercised by God prior to judgment being pronounced by Him, which he stated is asserted in orthodox belief, he set up the statement as a "straw man" instead of indicating the true doctrine of orthodox belief. Orthodox doctrine does not teach that man is punished before being judged, but has been judged by God prior to the creation of the world. John Thomas should have read his Bible a little more closely, given God greater credit regarding His justice and paid greater attention to the words of Jesus Christ:
"For God did not sent the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. he who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil."Jesus Christ, John 3:17-19 (NAS) Judgment has been made by God, prior to the birth of every person, and prior to the creation of the heavens and the earth. God is not limited to time and space in relation to any action that He might take, including the time of His judging of human beings. The judgment of God is not limited to a sequence of events in which judgment proceeds from an action on the part of another. God's judgments are expressed through His omniscience, His righteous judgments being expressed at any point that He might choose.
All who dwell on the earth will worship Him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain.Revelation 13:8 (NAS)
"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.'"Matthew 25:34 (NAS)
Oxygen, nitrogen and electricity compose the elements of the life or the "breath" and the "spirit" given to man by God.
The atmosphere, which extends some forty-five miles in altitude, and encircles the globe, is styled the expanse, by Moses; and the breath of God, in Job. It is a compound body, consisting when pure of nitrogen and oxygen, in the proportion of 79 of the former to 21 of the latter, in 100 parts. These are considered as simple bodies, because they have not yet been decomposed; though it is probable they have a base, which may be ruach. This may exist free or combined with the elementary constituents of the neshemeh. Uncombined, it is that wonderful fluid, whose explosions are heard in the thunder, whose fiery bolts overthrow the loftiest towers, and rive the sturdy monarch of the woods; and in less intensity gives polarity to light, the needle, and the brain. These three together, the oxygen, nitrogen, and electricity, constitute "the breath" and "spirit" of the lives of all God's living souls.Elpis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 2 John Thomas reveals his total misunderstanding of the elements of life and the means by which God granted life to humanity. His presumption that the elements of oxygen and nitrogen are simply uncombined components of their base, ruach (spirit of life), and are combined with the components of the bodies of living beings, neshemeh (creatures), to form living creatures, is indicative of his personal beliefs in applying very old and erroneous ideas regarding the composition of matter and the universe. Indicating that this ruach is a combined fluid of nitrogen and oxygen; these components also existing in an uncombined state where they are said to cause the explosions heard in thunder and also cause the polarity found in magnetism. His claims are a scientific absurdity, since thunder and magnetism have no relationship to the presence of nitrogen and oxygen or any combination of the two, either with themselves or with some other mysterious substance. Apparently believing that the elements, when formed into a body, are capable of producing life with the application of electricity, John Thomas appears to adopt a belief that is strangely similar to that expressed by Mary Shelly in her book, Frankenstein, in which the monster is infused with life by being subjected to lighting strikes during a storm, and with which John Thomas would have been very familiar. John Thomas applies false personal beliefs and false scientific beliefs to an explanation of a Biblical doctrine, and in the process creates false doctrine that he equates with and states as truth.John Thomas believed his knowledge, although inferior and deeply flawed, was of such superior quality that he could explain the nature of life outside the reality of what the Bible actually taught. By attempting to redefine the terms and constituents of life, and deny the existence of an eternal soul, John Thomas created an erroneous explanation for the origin and nature of human life and revealed himself to be a false teacher.
One of the hallmarks of false teachers, is their fondness for attempting to prophesy the future. Exactly why they attempt to do this is unknown, because the attempt always results in failure. In this matter, John Thomas was no exception and expressed his personal beliefs in his writings. In his first major work, Elpis Israel, John Thomas attempted to outline the events of the book of Revelation in reference to history as it had occurred up until the writing of the book in 1848. Instead of viewing the events as future, he assigned a historical meaning to the majority of the events, adopted a Preterist view of the book of Revelation, and in the process spun tales of monumental error.It has been impossible to expunge from the book all the errors that were written, especially in the third part which is virtually entirely in error, but the various editions that have been printed over the years reveal the gradual removal of the portions in which he made errors that are an embarrassment to Christadelphians. Sections have been removed and rewritten, such as those noted by the publisher in the 1924 edition,
"On pages 357, 358, paragraphs indicated which were either lacking in clearness, or rendered erroneous by lapse of time, have been re-written on the basis of later expositions by the author." Cloaking the reason for the removal of the portions in doublespeak, the publisher, C.C. Walker, says that items were "...rendered erroneous by lapse of time..." The actual meaning is that John Thomas predicted that events would take place in the future, and when the time came for their fulfillment, they did not come to pass. So the references were removed in order to cover his false prophecies, deceive later readers into believing he never made the predictions and give the impression that later statements represent what John Thomas had always believed, which is also a deception.Additional changes were also made to the book by the publisher for various other reasons, including the following,
"On page 50, the reference to the nature of the resurrection-body on its emergence from the grave is corrected, in harmony with the author's preface to the fourth edition, and Anastasis, a later work on Resurrection and Judgment." Statements that were made originally were changed in order to conform to changes in doctrine and belief that were stated at a later time, so that the book might conform to later Christadelphian beliefs.John Thomas was also very clever in asserting his prophecies. He spends the major portion of his dissertation, Elpis Israel building his case for the coming of Jesus Christ around the years 1864 -1868, but he couches his comments in a disclaimer by which he wished to cover himself in the event of an error:
"Is this, indeed, the true ending of Daniel's 1,290? And, if so, is A.D. 1865-6 the ending of the 1,335, as well as of John's forty and two months? If it be, then there is an epoch upon us of four years in any day of which Christ may come as a thief. . . . This appears to me, at this writing, to be the correct interpretation of the times. It is, of course, impossible to say that the interpretation is without error. The ensuing years will determine this point beyond dispute. while I write, it is the most satisfactory to my own mind. I have thought that Daniel's 1,290 terminated in 1864, and his 1,335 in 1909. But in writing the exposition of this chapter, the fact of the great earthquake-resurrection of the witnesses being exactly 1,260 years after the promulgation of the civil law of the city, and the hour of 30 years added, bringing us to the beginning of the pouring out upon the desolator of the Holy Land, that which is determined (Dan. 9: 27), or 1,290 years afterwards -- I do not feel at liberty to persist in rejecting my original conviction that the 1,290 ends in 1820; and the 1,335 forty-five years after, or in the epoch current with 1865-6 or thereabouts." By stating his disclaimers, John Thomas could say that he never actually prophesied, with assurance, that certain events would occur at a specific time, and so he gave himself a back door by which he could escape criticism. As time would show, he needed the disclaimer, because what he claimed would occur did not come to pass. Even today, Christadelphians use his disclaimers to say that he never claimed to be a prophet or prophesied future events. So, Christadelphians cover the errors of their founder and presume that they did not exist and have no consequence. At the same time, in the face of the evidence revealing the error of John Thomas' prophetic teaching, they assume that he is absolutely correct in his teaching regarding salvation, resurrection and the lack of an eternal soul in man. So they place their eternal destiny in the hands of a man who spoke falsely, and they assume that they are secure in their beliefs.FALSE PROPHECY #1Attempting to equate the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation with historical events up until his time, John Thomas stated the following:
"The judgment upon Ireland has been sitting since 1786. That crisis was the beginning of a retribution of seventy-five years. This period is called THE END the end of the last period, of the continuance of modern Europe, as organised into ten kingdoms, and the Holy Roman Empire in the days of Charlemagne. A.D. 1786 was the beginning of the end, 1848 the concluding of the end, and 1864 the termination of the period. The events of these seventy-five years are the fulfillment of the following words concerning modern Europe: The Judgment shall sit and they shall take away of his (the Little Horn's or Holy Roman) dominion, to consume and destroy it to the end. After 1864 Ireland and the rest of the world will enter upon a new era, in which peace, righteousness, and blessedness will reign in the midst of the nations."Gospel Banner, November 1864) Equating the year 1864 with the demise of the Holy Roman Empire [Catholic Church], John Thomas equates that time with the coming of Jesus Christ to set up His kingdom on the earth. The Catholic church has more power and influence today, Jesus Christ has not returned and the kingdom has not been established. John Thomas spoke a false prophecy and proved himself a false prophet.FALSE PROPHECY #2Speaking of the resurrection noted in Daniel in Daniel 12:13, John Thomas says the following:
"But in a few years, that is, about 1866, when the 1335 years terminate, he will arise to his inheritance in the Kingdom of God."Anatolia, 1854, p. 97 The resurrection noted in Daniel is at the return of Jesus Christ, prophesied in Daniel 9:24-27, 12:11-12, and directly precedes the return of Jesus Christ, John 5:28-29. John Thomas was specifically stating that the return of Jesus Christ was to occur "about 1866, when the 1335 years terminate..." Since Jesus Christ did not return in 1866 or any year at or "about 1866," and has not returned in the approximately 136 years since that time, then John Thomas is revealed to be a false prophet. No explanations or excuses can change what he wrote and claimed. John Thomas spoke a false prophecy and proved himself a false prophet.How many false prophecies does it take to make a false prophet?
"'But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him so speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.' ''You may say in your heart, 'How will we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?' When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.''"Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (NAS)
In the same way that current Mormon belief differs from their stated authority of the Book of Mormon and the Bible, Christadelphian belief differs greatly from their stated authority, the Bible. The differences are not imaginary and are not contrived, but are very real and point right to the core of the difficulty in Christadelphian doctrine. When organizational doctrine differs from Biblical doctrine, one must be renounced for the other, and since Christadelphian doctrine is claimed to be the "reestablished" original gospel, then what the Bible claims must be changed through a new "interpretation" or assertion that what the Bible says is not what it means. This process is also seen in Mormon and Jehovah's Witness apologetics. The Mormon church claims the Bible as one of their scriptural authorities and then state that it has been changed by corrupt Catholic priests and has been mistranslated by "uninspired" persons, so the Book of Mormon and other assorted writings and "revelations" are placed ahead of the Bible. The Jehovah's Witnesses produce their own "translation" of the Bible in which words are inserted to give a false meaning to passages in order to support their predetermined beliefs. Christian Science also says the Bible cannot be understood without the "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy." Seventh-day Adventists point to the trances and visions of Ellen G. White as new revelation superseding that which was previously seen in the Bible.These organizations, with their claims to a new or restored gospel message, all have one primary element in common. They all base their organization and doctrine on a preexisting framework of belief (that of Christianity) and a preexisting book (the Bible) which they did nothing to create. By basing their system of belief on the preexisting structure of Christian orthodoxy, they are able to adopt a book of revelation (the Bible) which they can interpret as they wish and they adopt a religious vocabulary which they use to imitate true Christian belief. By the use of Christian words and phrases, those systems give the appearance of being Christian and actually teaching what is taught in the Bible, while at the same time they assign new meanings and uses to those words and phrases which are not the same as true Christian belief. These organizations found it necessary to adopt the Christian framework, because they depended on proselytes from Christianity who would think that those organizations, because they used Christian words and phraseology and claimed to believe the Bible, were Christian in the same sense that they had been acquainted with Christianity. It is after the proselyte is converted, that the writings, teachings, new revelations and doctrines of those organizations are presented in a manner that elevates them above Biblical authority.The following are the major Christadelphian beliefs that differ from Orthodox Christian beliefs and Biblical teaching:1. JESUS CHRIST
JESUS CHRIST DID NOT PREEXIST BEFORE HIS INCARNATION THROUGH HIS BIRTH BY MARY.In order to maintain this belief, Christadelphians must claim that the words of Jesus Christ, recorded by the Apostles, are a lie. Christadelphians must claim that either Jesus Christ or the Apostles lied when they stated that Jesus Christ preexisted His birth and incarnation. If Jesus Christ lied about His preexistence, then nothing that He said can be considered truth. If the Apostles lied about His preexistence, then nothing they wrote can be considered truth. Either position invalidates the infallibility and truthfulness of the Scriptural record. In point of fact, John the Baptist testifies to the preexistence of Jesus Christ, so Christadelphians must also claim that he was mistaken or a liar.The words of Jesus Christ are as follows:
Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am."John 8:58 (NAS)
"Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was."John 17:5
"Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world."John 17:24 (NAS) The words of the Apostles are as follows:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.John 1:1-2 (NAS)
For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed though the sea; and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual food; and drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ....Nor let us try the Lord, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the serpents.1 Corinthians 10:1-4, 9 (NAS)
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.Colossians 1:15-17 (NAS)
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.Philippians 2:5-8 (NAS) The words of John the Baptist are as follows:
John testified about Him and cried out, saying, "This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.'"John 1:15 (NAS)John the Baptist was conceived six months earlier than Jesus Christ (Luke 1:36) and was born six months earlier than Jesus Christ. His statement can only be true if Jesus Christ existed prior to the conception and birth of John the Baptist, which would mean that Jesus Christ existed with the Father in heaven prior to his birth through the virgin Mary. RESOURCES ON THE PREEXISTENCE OF JESUS CHRISTReexamining The Eternal Sonship Of Jesus Christ by John F. MacArthurA Dissertation On The Eternal Sonship Of Jesus Christ by John GillThe Pre-existence Of Christ by Dr. James White
JESUS CHRIST IS NOT GOD INCARNATE IN THE FLESH, IS NOT DEITY AND IS NOT PART OF A TRINITY.It is interesting to note that in this point, Christadelphians deny three Orthodox claims regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. They deny His Deity, deny His incarnation of Deity into humanity and deny His eternal relationship in the Godhead. Having already denied the eternal existence of Jesus Christ and his eternal relationship of a Son to the Father, it is realized that they deny five main doctrines of Orthodox Christianity in relation to Jesus Christ.It is not within the limitations of this article that a discussion of the Trinity is possible, but it should be noted that the foundation of Christadelphian denial of the Trinity begins with the point that the word Trinity is not found in the Scripture. This is the point also presented by other anti-Trinitarian proponents such as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. However, the lack of a certain word has nothing to do with the reality and truthfulness of the doctrine which it is used to describe. Arguing against the missing word of Trinity is setting up a straw man in order to establish a position that obscures the subject. The doctrine of a single, triune God is clearly taught in Scripture as well as the place of Jesus Christ in that Godhead as well as His Deity and incarnation.Christadelphian doctrines regarding Jesus Christ become so very distorted because they are intended to strike at the core of Orthodox belief which is the person and work of Jesus Christ. If the Jesus Christ revealed in the Bible can be changed to that of the Jesus Christ of Christadelphian doctrine, or any other doctrine, then the means of salvation, revealed through the gospel of Jesus Christ, can also be changed in order to conform to whatever model of Jesus Christ that is presented. This is the true goal of Christadelphian doctrine. It is a technique used by other religious groups as well, including Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists and many, many others.As an example, Mormon doctrine states that God was once just a man, and so they also claim that Jesus Christ was once just a man. Their god, who was once just a man, became a god through the adherence to the doctrines of the Mormon belief system, while an inhabitant of another planet, and became a God through his own efforts, just as they claim Jesus Christ did. As a result, all Mormons are taught that they have the potential to become gods themselves. By altering doctrines regarding God and Jesus Christ, found in the Bible, it then becomes possible for Mormons to teach that human beings can attain to godhood through their own efforts. God and Jesus Christ are redefined and reduced to the level of humanity, and humanity is elevated to the level of godhood. This twisting of the reality of the nature of God, presents God in the form of man, which strips God of his omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, holiness and righteousness.Christadelphian doctrine strips Jesus Christ of His deity, presenting Him as just a man, and as a consequence presents a different Jesus Christ than that found in the Bible and a different salvation from that which He has provided. Christadelphians present a different Jesus Christ and a different gospel which are the roots of the heresy.The Bible is clear regarding the nature of Jesus Christ in that it is claimed that He is Deity. In one respect it is difficult to deny the fact, because to be a Son of God would presume that the individual would be of the same substance and nature as the Father, which is deity. But the Bible also presents Jesus Christ as a Son of God prior to His incarnation, so His Sonship is not dependent upon His physical birth into humanity.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1 (NAS)
But of the Son He says, 'Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.''You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of Your hands...'Hebrews 1:8, 10 It is interesting to note, in the above verse, that there are two testimonies regarding Jesus Christ, both of which Christadelphian doctrine denies.1. God calls Jesus Christ God, settling the question of the deity of Jesus Christ forever.2. God says that Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth, stating that He is the Creator and by definition Deity, once again settling the question of the deity of Jesus Christ forever.3. God states that Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth, thus proving that Jesus Christ existed prior to His birth, invalidating the claim by Christadelphians that He did not exist prior to His birth.Christadelphians go to great lengths in order to justify their doctrines, even to the point of denying the direct words of God. As a result, they go far beyond simple disagreements over minor doctrinal interpretations of incidental issues. They place themselves and their doctrines in a position superior to the words of God, presuming that what they say can change the reality of what God says. God does not approve, is not pleased and Christadelphians will not escape the judgment of God on such assertions.
Thomas answered and said to Him. 'My Lord and my God!' Jesus said to him. 'Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.'John 20:28-29 (NAS) Once again the deity of Jesus Christ is settled through two elements in the above verse:1. The apostle Thomas declares Jesus Christ to be God.2. Jesus Christ in his reply to Thomas, does not deny the claim, and by His words, in fact, confirms what Thomas stated.Christadelphians must claim that Thomas was deluded or mistaken, and at the same time must conclude that Jesus Christ did not understand the magnitude of Thomas' reply and, therefore, did not correct him, or else Jesus Christ was deceptive in allowing the apostles to believe a falsehood. None of those positions are acceptable, and the statement of Thomas stands and the acceptance of that statement by Jesus Christ confirms His position as Deity.RESOURCES ON THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRISTThe Incarnation Of The Triune God by John F. MacArthurChristologia: The Nature Of The Person Of Christ, And The Hypostatical Union Of His Natures Declared by John OwenThe Nature Of God - The Tri-unity Of God by Dr. James White
JESUS CHRIST HAD A SIN NATURE.The assault on the character and nature of Jesus Christ through the assertions of Christadelphian doctrine leads to the ultimate goal in which not only is deity stripped from His person, but He is assigned to the same category as human beings.Having been previously stripped of His Deity by Christadelphian doctrine, Jesus Christ is viewed as powerless to command. Now, being stripped of His sinless nature, He is presented as being powerless to grant salvation, and, in fact, as the next point will show, it becomes necessary for Jesus Christ to be "saved" Himself. So the ultimate oxymoron is presented in that the Savior also needs to have a Savior because as a Savior He cannot save.RESOURCES ON THE SINLESSNESS OF JESUS CHRISTUnbelievers Contemn The Glory And Excellency Of Christ by Jonathan Edwards
Probation before exaltation, then, is upon the principle of a faith in the promises of God, made precious by trial well sustained. There is no exemption from this ordeal. Even Christ himself was subjected to it. "By the grace of God he tasted death for every man. For it was fitting for God, that in bringing many sons to glory, He should make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. . . . For in that he himself hath suffered being put to the proof, he is able to succour them who are tried." (Heb. 2:9-18) And "though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered: and being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY him." (Heb. 5:8- 9) He was first morally perfected through suffering, and then corporeally, by being "made into a spirit" by the spirit of holiness in his resurrection from the dead. I say, "morally perfected"; for, although he was without transgression, his perfection of character is predicated upon his "obedience unto death."Elpsis Israel, John Thomas, Part 1, Chapter 3
"That these promises had reference to Jesus Christ, who was to be raised up in the condemned line of Abraham and David, and who, through wearing their condemned nature, was to obtain a title to resurrection by perfect obedience, and, dying, abrogate the law of condemnation for himself, and all who should believe and obey him."The Christadelphian Statement of Faith, Unamended Version and Birmingham Version, Article 8
"He saved himself in order to save us."(Christadelphian Answers, Compiled by Frank G. Jannaway. A reproduction of an original edition by, The Herald Press, 4011 Bolivia, Houston, Texas, 77092, 1920. page 24)
"And it was for that very reason -- being a member of a sinful race -- that the Lord Jesus himself needed salvation."(Answers, p. 24)
"Therefore, we conclude that it is not only that Jesus was called a sinner at his trial by his enemies or that he was "numbered with the transgressors" when he was crucified between two thieves, but more particularly that he shared the very nature which had made a sinner out of every other man who had borne it"Christadelphians: What They Believe and Preach, page 74 Having stripped Jesus Christ of His deity, making Him simply a human being, Christadelphians subject Christ to a sinful nature and by that make Him subject to sin, requiring that He qualify Himself before God in order to receive salvation. The claim is made, that Jesus Christ had a sinful nature yet, He did not sin and by that accomplishment of His own will, He could obtain the possibility of salvation.The above teaching is a great distortion of the Biblical record. Jesus Christ did not become the Redeemer after His appearance on earth, as a result of His obedience. Jesus Christ came to earth having already been declared the Redeemer. Jesus Christ was already the Redeemer, by the choice of God, and stated to be so prior to His coming, because He was the only one qualified because of His character and nature. He was chosen as the Redeemer, because He was qualified, prior to His incarnation, not because He became qualified, but because He was the qualifying standard. He was always qualified, the result of His nature as Deity, and that is the very reason why He could accomplish the work of redemption.The eternal existence of Jesus Christ, which Christadelphians deny, is the proof of His qualifications and is expressed in the following references:Isaiah 9:6-7Isaiah 53:1-12John 1:1John 8:58John 17:5Salvation, in Christadelphian belief, is accomplished by specific actions on the part of the person which give that person standing before God. Among those things are baptism, absolutely necessary for salvation, and a moral life. Salvation is not through faith or grace alone, but is granted by the grace of God, after a person has performed certain duties and obligations as defined in Christadelphian doctrine. Salvation then is accomplished by a system of works, in which certain duties and obligations must be met and certain beliefs must be held. Christadelphian doctrine teaches that salvation is obtained by a system of works which are actions by human beings that are of such a high and noble character that God grants salvation on that basis.This is very similar to other works-oriented religions such as Mormonism. Mormon doctrine claims that salvation is by grace, but they then deny the reality of grace by asserting that salvation is granted "...after all we can do." A system of obligations, duties and beliefs precedes the granting of salvation. It is claimed that salvation is by grace, but the reality is that it is through works in which salvation is earned through the performance of the individual and the adherence to the duties inherent in Mormon doctrine. Like Christadelphian doctrine, Mormon doctrine teaches that salvation is based on the works of human beings that are of such a high and noble character that God grants salvation on that basis.Salvation through the performance of duties or works is salvation based on law, not on grace. The Christadelphian claims that the adherent must keep the 10 Commandments. In that assertion, they make the same error of the Mormon who claims salvation is "...after all we can do." The standard of "...all we can do..." and the keeping of the 10 Commandments is the same: absolute perfection of performance in every area of life. If the Christadelphian wishes to keep the 10 Commandments, they must be kept perfectly. If the Mormon wishes to do "all" then there must be absolute perfection in the performance of every single duty and obligation. Both systems of belief ignore the reality of what constitutes perfection of performance. Even in their own systems of belief, they cannot manifest perfection of performance, therefore, they cannot obtain salvation, even through their own beliefs.Both systems ignore the fact that all people have committed sins, even before becoming a Christadelphian or Mormon. Since that is the case, those sins committed have already prevented the person from obtaining perfection of performance in their life. Even if their performance could be perfect from the point of conversion into their religious system of belief, they cannot be more perfect than perfect in order to eliminate those previous sins.The idea that a person can qualify to stand before God because of some performance of a duty, ignores the teaching of God regarding a relationship to Him that is seen in both the Old and New Testaments. The sins of all men are so profound and so deep that they separate man from God with such a gulf that God does not even hear the prayers that man makes.
Behold, the Lord's hand is not so short that it cannot save; nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and you sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken falsehood, your tongue mutters wickedness. No one sues righteously and no one pleads honestly. They trust in confusion and speak lies; they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. They hatch adders' eggs and weave spiders's web; he who eats of their eggs dies, and from that which is crushed a snake breads forth. Their webs will not become clothing, nor will they cover themselves with their works; their works are works of iniquity, and an act of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil, and they hasten to shed innocent blood; their thought are thought of iniquity, devastation and destruction are in their highways. They do not know the way of peace, and there is no justice in their tracks; they have made their paths crooked, whoever treads on them does not know peace.Isaiah 59:1-8 (NAS) RESOURCES ON SALVATION AND JESUS CHRISTThe Atonement by J. Gresham MachenLooking At The Cross From The Perspective Of God by John F. MacArthur 2. GOD
THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD WHO IS ONE PERSON AND NOT A TRINITY. The reality of the teaching regarding the Trinity cannot be dealt with in the confines of this article. The following links on the On Doctrine website deal with the subject in a much more thorough manner than could ever be presented by On Doctrine. It might be noted, that by changing even one major doctrine in Orthodox belief, Christadelphian doctrine is forced into the position of changing virtually every other major doctrine as well. The changing of the definition of the Godhead, presupposes a change in the nature of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as well, thereby bringing about a change in the nature and method of salvation. The aim of Christadelphian doctrine, by changing the definition of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is to change the definition of salvation so that a salvation based on humanistic values can be substituted in its place. Human values, when applied against a definition of God, always diminish the authority, nature and character of God, and conclude that human beings can attain, by the performance of certain duties, a self-worth that presumes to be good enough to compare favorably with the character and nature of the God that is defined within those values.RESOURCES ON THE TRINITYOn The Trinity by Jonathan EdwardsThe Trinity, The Definition Of Chalcedon, And Oneness Theology by Dr. James WhiteThe Nature Of God - The Tri-unity Of God by Dr. James White 3. HOLY SPIRIT
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT A PERSON BUT ONLY THE POWER AND EMANATION FROM GOD.By defining the Holy Spirit as an emanation of power from God, Christadelphians find themselves in a difficult position. Claiming that the Holy Spirit is not active in the world today, they are forced to deny the action of the God in which they claim to believe.
"But it must be obvious that the case stands very differently now. There is no manifestation of the Spirit in these days. The power of continuing the manifestation doubtless died with the apostles; not that God could not have transferred it to others, but that He selected them as the channels of its bestowment in their age, and never, so far as we have nay evidence, appointed 'successors'." Christendom Astray, Lecture 6, Robert Roberts If God is ruling the universe today and is doing so through His power, then by Christadelphian belief, He must be expressing that rule through the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, or the power or manifestation of God, must be active today:
He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.Psalm 66:7 (KJV) The Bible claims that the Holy Spirit gives strength to the saints, so He must be active today:
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.Ephesians 3:14-19 (NAS) The Bible says that the Holy Spirit helps the Christian and intercedes for the Christian before God, so He must be active today in order to accomplish that task:
"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."Romans 8:26-27 (NAS) Christadelphians deny the personal existence of the Holy Spirit, explaining that "it" is simply the emanation of the power of God. They use various selective verses in an attempt to provide a foundation for that belief, but the reality is that they must deny every single reference to the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testament that assign personal terms and a real and personal nature to the Holy Spirit. This denial is done with impunity and those references to the Holy Spirit that are personal, and indicate the existence of an actual being or person, are stated to be allusions, anthropomorphisms, or personifications, which is the assigning of human characteristics and actions to that which is not human. This type of blanket pronouncement, when the Scripture does not provide that explanation, is not acceptable and is indicative of the false claims found in Christadelphian doctrine. Claims are made, simply because they can be made, not because they are necessarily true.Now, there is no question that personification is used in the Scripture, however the Christadelphians claim that EVERY reference to the Holy Spirit, containing a mention of a personal being, is an example of personification, a claim which they do not make in relation to other personalities. What criteria does the Christadelphian use in order to support their assertion? They start with an a priori doctrine (that the Holy Spirit is not a person), and then search for "explanations" of how they can support their predefined belief. Instead of properly reading the Scripture and applying what it says, (exegesis), they improperly read into the Scripture what they wish it to say, (eisegesis). By using a predetermined belief, they then apply that belief to the Scripture and in the process attempt to make the Scripture conform to their belief instead of their belief conforming to the Scripture.The characteristics that are assigned to the Holy Spirit are simply to numerous and varied to be dismissed by a blanket statement rejecting their nature.Attributes and characteristics of the Holy Spirit revealed in the Bible:
A. Anoints - 1 John 2:27B. Comforts - John 16:7, Acts 9:31C. Contends - Genesis 6:3D. Controls - Romans 8:9E. Convicts - John 16:8F. Counsels - John 14:26G. Discloses - John 16:15 H. Glorifies - John 16:14I. Grieves - Isaiah 63:10, Ephesians 4:30J. Guest - John 14:16K. Guides - John 16:13, Romans 8:14L. Hears - John 16:13M. Inspires - Acts 1:8N. Knowable - John 14:17O. Lives - Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:16P. Object of lies against - Acts 5:3Q. Object of sin against - Isaiah 63:10, Matthew 12:31, Mark 3:29R. Prays to God - Romans 8:26S. Regenerates - Titus 3:5T. Reprover - John 16:7U. Restrains - Acts 16:6V Sanctifies - 1 Peter 1:2 W. Speaks - Acts 10:19-20, Acts 13:2, Galatians 4:6X. Teacher - Nehemiah 9:20, Luke 12:12, John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:13, 1 John 2:27Y. Testifies - Romans 8:16, 1 John 5:6Z. Thinks - 1 Corinthians 2:10 What Christadelphians wish to ignore and cover over is the fact that the Scripture speaks of the Holy Spirit as a person, because He is a person.
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit spoke and then proceeds to quote the very words that He said (Acts:19-20).
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit prays to God on behalf of the believer (Romans 8:26). In what manner does a force interact with its source in a manner which could be personified as a prayer?
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit searches the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). In what manner does a force search and understand its source, the God of the universe, in a manner that could be described as searching?
It is nonsense to claim that the Bible uses personification when it claims that the Holy Spirit can be known. Can an emanation be known? Only a person can be known.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT DEITY AND IS NOT PART OF A TRINITY. Since Christadelphians do not believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, then of course they do not believe that He is part of the Godhead, and so they deny this aspect of Trinitarian teaching also.RESOURCES ON THE HOLY SPIRITHOLY SPIRIT various articles4. ATONEMENT
DENY THE SUBSTITUTIONARY ATONEMENT OF JESUS CHRIST.It is the atonement which is the core of the gospel of Jesus Christ stated by all orthodox Christians from the time of the apostles. The atonement of Jesus Christ is the gospel and to deny its efficacy or to change its precepts is to invalidate the true message and change the message to that which is false. Christadelphians adopt and preach a false message regarding the atonement and as a result they teach and preach a false message regarding salvation. Rejection of salvation through the atonement of Jesus Christ results in the adoption of salvation through human works, which is the core of Christadelphian doctrine. RESOURCES ON THE ATONEMENTThe Atonement by J. Gresham MachenLooking At The Cross From The Perspective Of God by John F. MacArthurThe Necessity Of The Atonement by Francis Turretin 5. SALVATION
DENY SALVATION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH ALONE.To deny salvation by faith is to deny the direct words of the Scripture through the apostle Paul:
...for all have sinned an fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. Romans 3:23-28
DENY THE SECURITY OR ASSURANCE OF SALVATION.Christadelphians teach that in order to obtain salvation, a person must be baptized. At the same time, they teach that baptism does not assure that salvation will be obtained. All of the duties and requirements of Christadelphian doctrine, even if they are all met, do not guarantee that a person will obtain salvation. Salvation, in Christadelphian doctrine, is a gamble that one takes with their life and hope that in the end, resurrection will occur. It cannot be known that it will happen and at no time can a person state with any sense of assurance that they are at peace with the knowledge that salvation will be the result of the works and duties that they have performed throughout their life.From a position in which they presume that works and duties performed are sufficient to obtain salvation, the Christadelphian must then be satisfied with the reality that they do not know and cannot be assured that their efforts are sufficient to secure what they claim those works and duties are great enough to obtain.Security is a hallmark of orthodox Christian doctrine, but it is also a hallmark of the salvation offered by God in all times, and is expressed in the Old Testament, even by believers before the covenants of Abraham and Moses. Job makes the most distinct and forceful statement of the assurance of salvation found in the Old Testament, and at the same time affirms the living existence of the Redeemer to come, Jesus Christ, prior to His birth.
As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my flesh I shall see God; Whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes will see and not another. My heart faints within me!Job 19:25-27 (NAS) Christadelphian doctrine once again denies what is written in the Scripture, by denying that the assurance of salvation can be known, and in the process, it denies the testimony of Job and the testimony of God regarding the righteous and acceptable character of Job. Christadelphian doctrine asserts that it is of greater authority and truthfulness than the words of Job and the words of God.The New Testament and the apostles also speak of the reality of the assurance of salvation, but again, Christadelphian doctrine denies what is written.
For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.2 Timothy 1:12 (NAS)
The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life. We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one and we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.1 John 5:10-13, 19-20 (NAS)
The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God...Romans 8:16 (NAS) Assurance of salvation is given to true believers by God. To those who do not have assurance of salvation, God does not grant assurance to that which they do not possess. The Christadelphian has no assurance because they have no true salvation.RESOURCES THE ASSURANCE OF SALVATION:The Security Of Salvation 3 sermon series by John F. MacArthurGospel Grounds And Evidences Of The Faith Of God's Elect by John Owen 6. MAN
DENY THAT MAN EXISTS AFTER DEATH.These two Christadelphian doctrines, the denial of an eternal soul in man and the denial that man exists after death, must be considered together. According to Christadelphian belief, there is nothing eternal in man, death leading to nothingness. For all practical purposes, man is annihilated at death, the components of his body dissolving into the elements from which it came. Yet they believe in a resurrection in which God brings back to life those who have died. Yet, this cannot be a resurrection, since after death there is nothing left of man that is eternal. Their claim to a resurrection of the person is incorrect, since that could only be a recreation of the individual based on the memories of God. It cannot be the original person, who has no eternal soul or substance that can be resurrected.The aspects of the claim to resurrection are very surreal. The evil and sinful people are resurrected from nothingness, or oblivion, only to be judged and then once more sent to nothingness through annihilation. This is considered to be a punishment. In what manner the second annihilation is any different from the death of an individual, resulting in that person going out of existence into nothingness is difficult to understand. Punishment requires a conscious state of being, which annihilation is not. However, the doctrine provides a convenient back door escape. If man has no eternal existence in which there is accountability to God, then death or annihilation is of no consequence. To cease from existence is not really a punishment because there is no sense or understanding, by the person, of being punished because they are non-existent. There is no regret or pain or remorse at not being resurrected to an eternal existence on earth, because there is no longer a mental function to comprehend the consequences.The doctrines become beliefs of convenience in which it is hoped that salvation can be obtained, but if it is not, then punishment can be avoided through annihilation, or even so far as to assume, that if Christadelphian doctrine is not correct, death is all there is and nothingness follows.However, the Bible is clear that the hope of the Christadelphian is a false hope and that human beings do have an immortal soul and accountability to God for eternity. It may not be convenient or desirable to believe that a real and eternal punishment will await those who are resurrected having not obtained salvation, however denial will not change the reality of that eventuality. 7. SATANIC WORLD
DENY THAT SATAN IS A REAL BEING.Christadelphians deny the existence of a personal and real being who is called Satan, preferring to define the references to that being in the Bible euphemistically as definitions of the manifestation of sin in the flesh and evil men, just like they define the Holy Spirit as the manifestation of the power of God.
"The terms Satan and Devil are simply expressive of "sin in the flesh" in individual, social, and political manifestations." (Answer, p. 100) This view is held against all historical documentation regarding the early church fathers and against the direct references in the Bible itself. Christadelphians, while claiming the Bible as their authority, attempt to change what the Bible actually says, in order to support their a priori doctrine. The Bible is very clear regarding the existence and personality of Satan, defining exactly who he is, what he does, his origin and his eventual destination.I. The Bible gives NAMES to SATAN:
Abaddon (destruction): Revelation 9:11
Apollyon (exterminator): Revelation 9:11
Beelzebub (lord of flies): Matthew 10:25; Mark 3:22
Belial (worthless): 2 Corinthians 6:15
Devil (adversary): Matthew 4:1; Revelation 20:10
Dragon: Revelation 12:9
Lucifer (light bearer): Isaiah 14:12
Satan (adversary): 1 Chronicles 21:1
Serpent (Revelation 12:9 II. The Bible presents SATAN as a historical figure:
God created Lucifer, meaning: the Son of the Morning, Light Bearer or Shining One: Isaiah 14:12
Lucifer was the "anointed cherub that covereth", or the chief archangel closest to the throne of God: Ezekiel 28:14
Lucifer was the most beautiful and perfectly created of the angelic beings: Ezekiel 28:12-13
Lucifer became obsessed with himself, choosing to oppose God and made five claims as to his ambitions with respect to himself:
"I will ascend to heaven": he wish to elevate himself - Isaiah 14:13
"I will raise my throne above the stars of God": he wished to be greater than God - Isaiah 14:13
"I will sit on the mount of the assembly...": he wished to take the position of God - Isaiah 14:13
"I will ascend to the heights...": he wished to exalt himself above all others - Isaiah 14:14
"I will make myself like the Most High": he wished make himself as God - Isaiah 14:14
Lucifer was judged by God, divested of his position and cast out of his place in heaven and placed on the earth: Isaiah 14:12
Satan is the "serpent of old": Revelation 12:9 III. At the point of his fall, Lucifer is then referred to as Satan.
"And He said to them, 'I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.'" - Luke 10:18 (NAS) IV. The Bible presents SATAN as a contemporary being:
He wanders from heaven to earth and speaks to God after an interrogation: Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Matthew 4:10-11; Mark 4:15; 1 Peter 5:8
He has a kingdom:
Realm of darkness: 2 Corinthians 4:4
Realm of fallen angels: Matthew 12:24; Matthew 25:41; Ephesians 10:12
Realm of fallen men: Acts 26:18, 2 Timothy 2:26
Realm of this world: Daniel 10:13; Luke 4:6; John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2
Realm of This Age: 2 Corinthians 4:4
He controls false religions: 2 Corinthians 11:14; Revelation 2:9
He is the cause of persecution: Luke 13:16; Acts 10:38
He can afflict the righteous: Job 1:12
He continually criticizes Believers before God: Zechariah 3:1, Revelation 12:10
He has the ability to foster evil thought: John 13:2; Acts 5:3
He has power over man, extending even to death: Hebrews 2:14
He is the father of murder, murdering and murderers: John 8:44
He is the father of lies, lying and liars: John 8:44
He is an enemy: Matthew 13:39
He is evil: Matthew 13:19, 38; John 17:15; V. SATAN was known, acknowledged and SEEN by JESUS CHRIST:
Jesus saw Satan cast down to the earth: Luke 10:18
Satan tempted Jesus Christ in the wilderness: Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1-13 VI. SATAN was considered a real being by the DISCIPLES:
He is an opportunist: Ephesians 4:27
He is a schemer: Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 2:11
He is a deceiver: 2 Corinthians 11:14-15
He is a fraud: 2 Thessalonians 2:9
He is a tempter: 1 Corinthians 7:5; Matthew 4:1
He is an attacker: Ephesians 6:16
He is an obstruction: 1 Thessalonians 2: 18
He is a consumer of souls: I Peter 5:8 VII. SATAN will be judged and THROWN into the LAKE OF FIRE by JESUS CHRIST:
Satan will be judged finally and placed in the lake of fire prepared for him and his angels: Isaiah 14:15, 19-20; Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10 The Bible states that God created Lucifer and defines him as Satan and the devil. Since Christadelphians define Satan and the devil as manifestations of sin in the flesh and evil men, then they are claiming that God is the creator of sin and directly created men to be evil. This is a direct assault on the character and integrity of God and is refuted by the Scripture:
Therefore, listen to me, you men of understanding. Far be it from God to do wickedness, and from the Almighty to do wrong.Job 34:10 (NAS)For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness; no evil dwells with You.Psalm 5:4 (NAS)Your eyes are too pure to approve evil, and You can not look on wickedness with favor. Why do You look with favor on those who deal treacherously? Why are You silent when the wicked swallow up those more righteous than they?Habakkuk 1:13 (NAS) To deny the reality and existence of Satan in the face of such overwhelming evidence presented in the Bible is to deny what is stated beyond all reason. It is the same denial that is presented in relation to the personhood of the Holy Spirit. Christadelphians must claim that every reference to Satan that describe attributes of personhood are just personifications or anthropomorphisms. One must stretch reality past the breaking point to adopt a position that Satan is not a real being. RESOURCES ON SATAN:Is He? Who Is He? What Is He Like? How Does He Operate? Three messages by Dr. John F. MacArthur
DENY THAT THERE IS ETERNAL PUNISHMENT AFTER DEATH. As a result of their denial of the existence of Satan, Christadelphians feel confident that they can also deny the reality of a literal hell and a literal eternal punishment of the wicked in hell. Having disposed of Satan as being non-existent, they deny the words of Jesus Christ when He specifically states that hell is a place, prepared originally for Satan, who they deny is a person, and his angels who come under his control.
"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels...'"Matthew 25:41 (NAS)
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.Revelation 20:10, 14-15 (NAS) RESOURCES THE EXISTENCE OF HELL:The Future Punishment Of The Wicked Unavoidable And Intolerable by Jonathan EdwardsThe Eternity Of Hell's Torments by Jonathan EdwardsThe Eternity of Hell-Torments by George Whitefield Christadelphian doctrine is a religion based on denial. Its sole function is to deny orthodox belief at every point, and attempt to substantiate that denial through selective use of Scripture and reinterpreting other Scriptures which may or may not apply to the subject. Its claims are based on the personal beliefs and teachings of its founder, who never presented any credentials verifying that his particular message was authoritative. His teaching was accompanied by no verification from God, no spoken words from God, no fulfilled prophecies, no miracles of healing, no miracles confirming authority over nature and no miracles of raising the dead. To those who wish to embrace Christadelphian doctrine, the Scripture speaks directly as follows:
"So then, you will know them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' An then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'"Matthew 7:20-23 (NAS) The primary goal of Christadelphian doctrine is to present a claim that there is another means of salvation other than that which is actually taught in the Bible. This is accomplished by defining another Jesus Christ, which, by definition, presents another salvation message. Christadelphian doctrine is defined by the character of its founder who was a false teacher and a false prophet, who taught about a false Jesus Christ and proclaimed a false salvation message. Jesus Christ Himself specified the limits of how salvation can be obtained, in relation to who He claimed to be. Regardless of what Christadelphian doctrine may state to the contrary, Jesus Christ did claim to be Deity and to deny that fact is to deny the possibility of salvation.
"'Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.'"John 8:24 (NAS)
END OF ARTICLEby Gary A. HandOn Doctrine
Saturday, May 06, 2006
StrongHolds Of Satan:Which One Are You In?
Strongholds Of SatanA Biblical Critique of False Faiths and Confusing Cults
Instructions: Visit our Audio Help or F.A.Q. pages for instructions on how to listen, read or download a sermon. You can get this entire series as an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Reader booklet from our Book Store. This series is also available in MP3 format on CD 12.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds" - 2 Corinthians 10:4
Strongholds Of Satan - A Biblical Critique of Cults and Religions -
01. "The Witness Of The Watchtower" -- Deuteronomy 18:22 -- More Info
02. "Christian Science And Scientology" -- Romans 1:16-25 -- More Info
03. "Mormonism - The Latter Day Saints" -- 1 Timothy 2:5 -- More Info
04. "Unitarianism" -- 1 Corinthians 1:20-21 -- More Info
05. "Spiritism" -- Ephesians 2:1-3; 6:10-13 -- More Info
06. "International Church Of Christ" -- 1 Corinthians 1:12-18 -- More Info
07. "Christadelphianism" -- 2 Timothy 4:1-5 -- More Info
08. "Buddhism" -- Romans 6:23; 2 Corinthians 5:17 -- More Info
09. "The Baha'i Faith" -- Genesis 11:1-9; Micah 4:1-3 -- More Info
10. "Islam" -- Acts 4:9-12 -- More Info
11. "Roman Catholicism" -- Jude 3 -- More Info
12. "Cooneyites" -- 2 Cor 11:14-15; 1 Tim 4:1-3 -- More Info
13. "Hinduism" -- Romans 1:20-32 -- More Info
14. "Oneness Pentecostalism" -- John 17:21-26 -- More Info
15. "Freemasonry" -- 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -- More Info
This series is complete, and is also available in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Reader and iSilo formats
Related Resources
Further information on each cult and religion addressed in 'Strongholds Of Satan':
More information on Jehovah's Witnesses
More information on Christian Science
More information on Mormonism - The Latter Day Saints
More information on Unitarianism
More information on Spiritism and the Occult
More information on the International Church Of Christ
More information on Christadelphianism
More information on Buddhism
More information on the Baha'i Faith
More information on Islam
More information on Roman Catholicism; helpful Banner of Truth article
More information on Cooneyites
More information on Hinduism, and more...
More information on Oneness Pentecostalism
More information on Freemasonry, and more...
More resources from 'Preach The Word' on false teaching and discernment:
Jude - The Acts Of The Apostates
Testing The Spirituals
The Christian And False Doctrine
Discerning Christianity
False Prophets: Their Projection And Production
A Time To Cry
The Man Of The Millennium (series on the person of Christ)
Behold Your God (series on the attributes of God)
Other Helpful Websites:
"Take Heed Ministries" - 'Take heed that no man deceive you' (Matthew 24:4)
"CARM" - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
"Contender Ministries" - Apologetics and Help for Christian Contenders
"Reachout Trust" - Building a Bridge of Reason
Instructions: Visit our Audio Help or F.A.Q. pages for instructions on how to listen, read or download a sermon. You can get this entire series as an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Reader booklet from our Book Store. This series is also available in MP3 format on CD 12.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds" - 2 Corinthians 10:4
Strongholds Of Satan - A Biblical Critique of Cults and Religions -
01. "The Witness Of The Watchtower" -- Deuteronomy 18:22 -- More Info
02. "Christian Science And Scientology" -- Romans 1:16-25 -- More Info
03. "Mormonism - The Latter Day Saints" -- 1 Timothy 2:5 -- More Info
04. "Unitarianism" -- 1 Corinthians 1:20-21 -- More Info
05. "Spiritism" -- Ephesians 2:1-3; 6:10-13 -- More Info
06. "International Church Of Christ" -- 1 Corinthians 1:12-18 -- More Info
07. "Christadelphianism" -- 2 Timothy 4:1-5 -- More Info
08. "Buddhism" -- Romans 6:23; 2 Corinthians 5:17 -- More Info
09. "The Baha'i Faith" -- Genesis 11:1-9; Micah 4:1-3 -- More Info
10. "Islam" -- Acts 4:9-12 -- More Info
11. "Roman Catholicism" -- Jude 3 -- More Info
12. "Cooneyites" -- 2 Cor 11:14-15; 1 Tim 4:1-3 -- More Info
13. "Hinduism" -- Romans 1:20-32 -- More Info
14. "Oneness Pentecostalism" -- John 17:21-26 -- More Info
15. "Freemasonry" -- 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 -- More Info
This series is complete, and is also available in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Reader and iSilo formats
Related Resources
Further information on each cult and religion addressed in 'Strongholds Of Satan':
More information on Jehovah's Witnesses
More information on Christian Science
More information on Mormonism - The Latter Day Saints
More information on Unitarianism
More information on Spiritism and the Occult
More information on the International Church Of Christ
More information on Christadelphianism
More information on Buddhism
More information on the Baha'i Faith
More information on Islam
More information on Roman Catholicism; helpful Banner of Truth article
More information on Cooneyites
More information on Hinduism, and more...
More information on Oneness Pentecostalism
More information on Freemasonry, and more...
More resources from 'Preach The Word' on false teaching and discernment:
Jude - The Acts Of The Apostates
Testing The Spirituals
The Christian And False Doctrine
Discerning Christianity
False Prophets: Their Projection And Production
A Time To Cry
The Man Of The Millennium (series on the person of Christ)
Behold Your God (series on the attributes of God)
Other Helpful Websites:
"Take Heed Ministries" - 'Take heed that no man deceive you' (Matthew 24:4)
"CARM" - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
"Contender Ministries" - Apologetics and Help for Christian Contenders
"Reachout Trust" - Building a Bridge of Reason
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