Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Cult Report:Jehovah Witness's

Topics for Jehovah's Witnesses
Their Friends & Families
Click on the topic of your choice below.
Any of these articles may be copied for personal use.

Help ! What Can I do?
My mate or child has got involved with the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Practical advice for those in desperate situations.

A Letter to Brooklyn
Questions the WT Society doesn't want to answer
A Prophet Was Among Them
JW's claim to be the "Prophet" of God for today. What does their record show? Does a record of 100% false prophecies qualify for their claim to be the only true prophets of God?
Angels Direct the Watchtower Society
Ever wonder where they get their strange teachings? Did God use careless angels to send them spiritual directions or did the Governing body just not understand them correctly.
Armageddon Survivor
What one may go through to survive Armageddon as a JW.
Beware of the Watchtower
What kind of a life can you look forward to and expect if you are a Jehovah's Witness? Print this article out and give to anyone you know studying with them or with JW family.
Brighter Light of the Watchtower Society
Brighter Light of the Watchtower Society New light turns old & new again. Does "truth" get truer or can it flip flop from error to truth from time to time.
For up todate info (Jan 06) check this page and links from it.
New Light on Blood Transfusions
New Light on Blood Transfusions. JW elders speak out wanting the organization to change. Is there any real scriptural basis for refusing blood? What are the real facts on this matter?
The Blood Issue Challenged by a JW.
The WT challenged to support their "Blood" policy by a JW Elder, what do they say. Months of frustrations and coverups lead to his resigning from the organization. Read the correspondence.
The Question of Blood Transfusions
The real source of many of their doctrines. Can they be supported from scriptures
Blood Issues and legal liability for the WT org.
Brian Coles Testimony
A 30 year JW finds freedom in Christ. An honest search set him free.
Whats involved for a JW?

Baptism Does it save you?
Christ returned in 1874
Christ returned in 1874 We have the proof.....says the prez..... Today every JW will tell you Christ came back in 1914. Did they always believe this. Print this article and give your JW friends a real shock.
Cats for Christians
Are Cats for Christians? Jehovah's Witness logic at it's best. (humor) JW's have a strange way of reasoning things. They can make the bible say almost anything they want. This is humor using logic the way JW's twist the bible.
Could Jesus be "a god"?
Could Jesus be "a god"? If so, how many gods do they believe in? Are JW's really polytheists? (believe in the existence of more than one "true" God)
Communion & JW's.
JW's gather once a year for communion but unless they are one of the 144,000 they do not partake of the emblems. What are their reasons for refusing? Are they biblical.
Christmas and JW's
Why do they avoid Christmas and other holidays. What is their motivation to avoid their own families and friends on these days. ?
Counterfeit Christianity
How can you tell if a group is a cult or not? Many groups claim to be "Christian". Is there a way to identify them quickly?
When you are deceived by someone whom you believed was a Christian or by an Organization claiming to be speaking for God who is at fault. You or the person who deceived you? What does the bible say on the matter?
Dr. Mantey's letter
The WT society quotes him. What did he really say? They quoted him as agreeing with them for many years totally out of context. Read what he said to the org.
Death, Hell,
The State of the Dead. When someone tells you there is no such place have you got a biblical answer for them? What does the Bible say?
Examining "Should You believe in the Trinity"
"Should You Believe in the Trinity?" The WT published this booklet trying to convince people that the "Trinity" is not a Christian concept. When you examine the "experts" they quote from you get a totally different understanding.
Faith & Works
Is Faith without works dead? Can we, or must we as Christians "work" out our own salvation. JW & many other cult groups say we must work for our salvation.
Fractured Families
JW's involved in child custody cases or those with JW's in their families go through an unbelievable amount of stress, What they need to know to protect themselves and their loved ones.?
Former JW Elder speakes out
Testimony of an Elder that came free.
Facts They Won't Tell You
When JW's come to your door they seem to have all the answers. Be aware of the things they would rather you didn't know about their peculiar doctrines.
False Prophecies of the Watchtower.
This is a large chronological 356K file detailing most all of the WT blunders for over 130 years .
God's Name, What is it?
Is it really "Jehovah" as they say? They seem to be so sure they are right on this topic, What are the facts,
Hell, The Doctrine of,
Is it taught in the bible? A destination to avoid. Most Christians have never had to explain this topic. Be familiar.
How Many Gods do YOU Believe in?
Are JW's polytheists? Do they actually believe in more than one "true" god? Confront them with the facts.
Help! What can I do....
My mate... my child or friend has got involved in the Watchtower organization. I don't understand them any more...They won't listen to reason at all.... I don't wan't my marriage to break up.... I can't see my kids or grandchildren any more,,, my wife wants a divorce and custody of the kids.... I am being accused of things I never did... I have to go to court, what do I say?
It Hurts ,
The feelings people go through leaving a cult group. Most Christians who have never been involved in a cult group have no idea what these victims face when they escape from a cult group.
JW's & Child Custody Cases
If you are involved in a custody case with a JW you need help. Important information for you and your lawyer. Things you need to know if you or a friend is involved in a custody case.
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Real Jesus
Responding to JW's teaching that Jesus was Michael? In order to communicate with JW's you need to be grounded on this topic.
Jehovah's Witnesses & Baptism
What does it mean for a JW? Is it similar to a "Christian" baptism?
Jesus My Lord, My God!
What every believer must acknowledge to be assured of salvation.
Jesus is God!
Can this be proved from scripture? JW's say NO. Lets see what the bible says.
Was Jesus God?
This is the most important topic to deal with when talking to a JW. Former JW, James White reveals what he found out from an examination of the scriptures
Jehovah is God the Father, the organization is your Mother!
Don't dare critizize your "mother" or father will punish you.
JW's How they Twist the Scriptures
JW's Mediator
Who is the mediator for JW's?
JW's and the Nazis
In the early part of WW11 the WT supported Adolph Hitler.
Jeruselem Fell? 586 or 607 What Year?
History says 586 BC, the WTS says 607 BCE Who is right? All their end time dates and prophecies are based on these dates.

Jesus & Lucifer were brothers?
Mormons and JW's actually agree with each other on this point! Never mind what the bible says.
Knowledge, Does the "WT Book Knowledge lead to Eternal Life"
This book is one of the first books potential JW converts will study. See for yourself how they put the twist on the scriptures when they are studying with the enquiring person. Be prepared to help them see the errors in WT logic.
Kingdom Interlinear Translation
A most dangerous book. The worlds most dangerous book. See how they twisted it to suit their peculiar logic.
Lorri's Testimony,
15 years a Jehovah's Witness and how God set her free! Copy the file to your computer then listen to her story.
Life after Armageddon
(HUMOR) The Diary of a JW survivor and what life may be like as a JW in the "New World" they hope to be part of.
Michael the Archangel
"a god", an archangel, a created being? Can he save you? JW's and SDA's have a problem with Michael, lets see what the scriptures say.
Michael Becomes Jesus
Where did the Watchtower come up with this idea. How do they explain this teaching.
Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ, and Michael the Archangel
What the bible teaches about Michael.
Mental Terrorism
From a victim of 40 years.
Jehovah's Witnesses consider Jehovah their heavenly Father but the organization is their spiritual "mother". Don't dissobey "mother" or else.
Mind Control
When an organization is employing the use of mind control techniques, it is said that it has a hidden agenda and is known as a cult. The book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism - A Study of Brainwashing in China, authored by Robert Jay Lifton, has been used over thirty years to analyze organizations and groups to see if mind control is employed.
Nazis and the Watchtower
Despite coverups the links to the Nazis are there. In the early days of WW II the WT tried to protect their assets in Germany and tried to cozy up to Hitler. Most JW's are totally unaware of the coverups of today.
New Heavens & New Earth
A topic most Christians are not sure of. Are You?Can you explain from scripture these biblical topics correctly?
Opening the Closed Mind.
How to communicate with JW's and other cult members. Your JW friends have bought into a very clever mind control group. Can one understand where they are and be able to help them?
Ode to the Watchtower A look at Watchtower history with humor.
Who are these people? What does the bible really say about who and where these people are.
What about the 144,000
Prophecies of the Jehovah's Witnesses
We are true Prophets of God they claim. Lets put their claim to a biblical test. What is their record? For a more complete comprehensive list. check into this file. For a more complete comprehensive list. check into this file.
Power of Attorney
A warning for those with elderly families involved with JW's. If you have elderly parents or family involved with the JW's be sure and read this article.
to ask JW's when they come to visit and before you get into any heavy topics. Be prepared if you are going to invite them in for a visit.
65 Questions
to ask every JW using their New World Translation of the bible. What do you say to them when they come for a visit. YOU take control of the discussion and put them on the spot. Make them answer it will make them think.
Religion or Salvation?
Which have you? The hope all mankind is looking for is "salvation" to abetter world beyond this life. Is there any assurance in any particular "religion" or group?
Resurrection and Jehovah's Witnesses
What do JW's teach about Jesus' resurrection? JW's have a very different view then the biblical one most Christians understand.
Russells Grave Site
See the pictures for yourself.
Salvation: When Does a JW get "Saved".
What must they do or are they ever 'saved"?
Son of God
Who is He, What do the JW's believe about Jesus. Is He the Jesus of the bible?
Second Coming & 1914
The foundation of WT doctrines are built on the 1914 date of Christ's return. Are they right or wrong? Pull this important doctrine out from under them and the house falls down.
Support for John 1:1
Desperate for support the WT Society turns to spirit mediums. Why would they quote from the works of spirit mediums as biblical authorities?
Should You Pay Attention to Daniel?
An examination of a recently book published by the Watchtower Society. Is their teaching on this topic scriptural or a deliberate attempt to cover up the bible truth.
Studies in the Scriptures
C. T. Russell's writtings...... See for yourself how they change.....
Salvation by Works?
How many "works do you need to be saved?
They Told Me if I Left....
What you will be told if you ever think of leaving a cult group. How cults keep members under their control mentally.
The Bible and the Counting of Time
Most all JW teachings are based somehow on "Time" and certain events that happened in the bible. If they are wrong on certian key dates like 1914 then what else are they wrong about?
The Trinity, Understanding
Almost all cult groups attack the biblical teaching on the "Trinity". Unfortunately most Christians while saying they believe in it have never thought it through and are unable to explain the bible view to anyone convincingly.
The Soul and the Spirit
The JW's teach both are the same but what does the Bible teach.
The Last Generation
Are we in that generation now. What does the WT teach on this topic?
The Great Crowd
THE 144,000 AND THE GREAT CROWD OR MULTITUDE After dealing with the 144,000 in Revelation, chapter seven, the account continues in Verses 9 and 10,
The Sinners Prayer
The shortest sinner's prayer in the Bible is recorded for us in Luke Chapter 18, a chapter where Jesus was giving some parables on the subject of prayer. In verse 13 Jesus has a publican, that is, a hated tax gatherer praying the following words "God, be merciful to me, the sinner!"
The Watchtower Fairytale.
If you want to talk to a JW you should have a good overview of their theology. So it is easy to understand we presnet it in laymans language. As any JW's if this is truly what they believe. Mosy have never thought it through.

The "Son of God"

Many times when discussing the person of Jesus Christ with the Jehovah's Witnesses, I ask them if Jesus is God or "a god", and they answer that He is the Son of God.
This sounds like a right answer. However, being very familiar with their doctrine, I know that they believe Jesus is created, that he is the Archangel Michael, and that He is "a god", according to their own New World Translation of the Bible. However, we can show from the Bible that they are incorrect on all three of these statements, but it seems harder to answer when they refer to Him as the Son of God.
The New World Translation
A most dangerous book. Who wrote it? What were their qualifications, can it be trusted? What do scholars say?
Testimony of a victim.
The Bill Blatz story.
The Great Dissapointment
Ride the Ark Through Armageddon. Book review.
The Pagan Roots of the Watchtower Society
What is the source of their theology?
The "Truth"
According to Jehovah's Witnesses, what is "Truth".
The Weymouth Translation
The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society usually quotes scripture from their own translation titled the New World Translation (N.W.T.). They have also quoted from numerous other translations in the attempt to support their various unique interpretations of doctrine.
The Watchtower Charter (Official)
See how it changes wen presented in their publications. Most JW's would be disfellowshipped if they believed their own charter.
United Nations
What is the Societys record of involvment with the UN?
Was Jesus God?
This is the most important topic to deal with when talking to a JW. Former JW, James White reveals what he found out from an examination of the scriptures

Was C.T. Russell a Mason?
Does the foundation of the WT rest on a man involved with Masonry? Lets look at the evidence.
Why JW's Call at Your Door
What motivates them to call at your door? Are they really interested in your salvation?
Why JW's go Door to Door
What motivates them to call at your door? Are they really interested in your salvation?
Which Organization?
Do we have to be involved with any organization to have salvation? Most cult groups say you have no hope unless you belong to their organization.
Witnessing Effectively
YOU can be an effective witness to those who are lost.
Watchtower Disfellowshiping
Is there an honorable way to leave the organization without them slandering your character. How to protect yourself and your name. Suggestions for leaving? How to protect yourself and your name.
Witness at Your Door
When they call at your door are YOU prepared for them? Ideas to help you communicate with them.
Women in the Church
Women in ministry in the Church. JW's and some other groups have a problem. What does the bible say. Every woman who feels like a second class person should read what God says
Where did they say that?
The end is coming?...I wish I had that quote....
Promo for CD is in our catalog.
This is a sample of the CD "Dictionary of Watchtower Documents". All the hot quotes from 1874 -1999.
586 or 607 What Year Did Jeruselem Fall?
History says 586 BC, the WTS says 607 BCE Who is right? All their end time dates and prophecies are based on these dates.


Thinking about a phone ministry to JW's or having a regular support group for
those leaving cult groups?
Visit this new web site and drop them a note for information on the above.
They have been very successful with both.

Horror Stories
from the Watchtower.
Every week we get letters like these from the victims.
Do you have an experience to share with others about events in your life in the WT?
Drop us a note and tell us.

Active JW's questioning the WTS stand on blood transfusions.
Every JW should read this and see the doubletalk that is coming from Brooklyn.
Letters to Brooklyn
Teaching & Testimonies
Audio tapes on the web. Listen while you surf!
Testimonies, teaching messages.
Hear from the victims of cult groups.
MP 3 format, copy and save.

Items in catalog with are also in audio files you can listen to while you surf and are also available on CD's (mp3)
Hundreds of hours of listening.

Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses
Forum and Recovery SiteA Friends and Support group
for those who have left the Jehovah's Witnesses
or are considering such.

My Journey From a Jehovah's Witness
to a Christian:
A College Professors Story and Why it Matters

Looking for a special quote from the WT.
Check out these files. Actual scans from numerous WT publications.

For other topics dealing with JW's, research materials
and documentation visit these web sites.
Free in Christ Ministries Assisting those in Australia who are or have friends/relatives who are trapped in the WT. Two support group meetings held each month in Kingswood and Albion Park, NSW. Non-denominational but Christian based. Newsletter available. Printed material to show witnesses available.
First & Last Ministries is a evangelistic outreach to Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK. We offer a a variety of tracts aimed at challenging the JW's on vital issues. We also produce a quarterly printed and online for those evangelizing JW's.Email us at
The Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood, is a diverse group of Jehovah's Witnesses from many countries, including elders and other organization officials, Hospital Liaison Committee members, Doctors, and members of the general public who have volunteered their time and energies in an effort to bring about an end to a tragic and misguided policy that has claimed thousands of lives, many of them children. Will you please join forces with us to help save the lives of innocent children? Read some of their stories on our web. AJWRB - P.O. Box 190089 - Boise, ID 83719-0089 U.S.A.
Quotes for JW's Since 1879, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (the legal and corporate arm of Jehovah's Witnesses) has published millions upon millions of pages of information. This web site contains a collection of interesting or significant quotes from the publications of the Watchtower Society. In all cases, references are provided to the original work. All quotes can be verified by any interested person. The context of the quote has been preserved by including a reasonable amount of surrounding text.
WT Information Service A starting page for information on the WT Society and the JW's. Updated daily

More links to other ministries are on our "LINK" page.


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Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!