Monday, June 26, 2006

Cult Update:The True Agenda of Saving the World Cults, inc.Cloudbusters Movement

Save the earth at all costs
The environment as usual has been in the news. What does this all mean about bio-diversity and an environmentally safe planet?
Pagans, witches, and new age spirituality believe that everything is alive, sacred, having a soul. That nature spirits exist giving harmony and balance to the earth. Some believe we can even communicate with them. In the new age Spirituality they worship many gods and goddesses, and believe there's a living energy that permeates everything - a god-energy well known by the term Pantheism. This religion is what many practice today as their own spirituality. “The more you contact the voice of the living earth and evaluate what it says, the easier it will become for you to contact it and trust what it provides” (the Sierra Clubs source book Well body well earth by Mike Samuels M.D and Hal Bennett p.73). Trust mother earth! In the new paganism there is no personal Father God, if he is included, it certainly is not the Bible's view of God.
The New Age Movement has its agenda to restore to Earth the Ancient Occult Mysteries. This will be accomplished through bringing mankind to be in harmony with nature. The new society is emerging and is on the threshold of an evolutionary leap of consciousness. The Luciferic Initiation (through altered states), to reveal to man or woman there own divinity, to manipulate and control a universal energy, and to usher in the New World Order. They see the Earth as a living organism; humanity is billions of cells that make up the global brain. But they see many cells as disharmonious, cancerous and need to be eradicated, to complete the transformation. Traditional ways of thinking are being replaced with altered states of consciousness and a cultural paradigm shift to environment as our savior. To be in harmony with nature is to be in harmony with ourselves.
Dominican priest and founder of the Institute for Culture and Creation, Matthew Fox, noted, “I think frankly that the survival of the Earth today depends upon an earth consciousness, that we move beyond nationalism, for example, to a sense of bio-regionalism,…. That we move beyond dualism's of first world/third world, north/south, communist/socialist/capitalist. It's all, um, it's over with. I think the only future the planet has is a spiritual awakening that's global; global but local. And this is why I think the earth religions are coming forth at this time in history.” (Full Circle: The Women's Spirituality Trilogy)
This new allegiance that wants to do away with borders of nationalism is expressed by Gary Snyder a poet who writes “I pledge allegiance to the soil…/one eco system/in diversity/under the sun-/with joyful interpentration for all.”(Bill Duvall and George session Deep Ecology p.206)
A U.N. document, Agenda 21 was drafted for the purpose of creating “sustainable societies” and saving the earth from environmental catastrophes, has been welcomed by nations around the world. Political, cultural, and media leaders have embraced the concept of a healthy planet.
What could be wrong with preserving our natural resources for the next generation? Why not limit our consumption and reduce energy use? Why not find alternative uses of energy that will not destroy or pollute. We can all share in saving the planet by trading in our cars for bikes, by establishing a global system of equality we can abolish poverty and meet everyone’s needs? Sounds like utopia. Certainly there is nothing wrong with alternate energy sources that can be less hazardous to the environment. But there is a spiritual intent to the environmental movement most are not aware of.
Recently I watched a newscast that stated the ozone protects the planet so we must protect the ozone like we do endangered species. If we don't do something about the ozone soon we will all be burning from the sun's rays. Why is it the ozone layer is the thinnest in the Antarctic where there is no pollution, the thinning should be seen closest to the cities that produce it if in fact CFC’s and other irritants are its source. The air currents keep pollutants on each side of the equator.
What they ignore is nature itself, the earth's orbit around the sun, the gravitational pull of the moon affects tidal forces producing earth movements like earthquakes, triggering volcanoes which cool the earth. Major volcanic eruptions also affect the ozone layer, far more than all our human activity, they have been occurring (according to science) for “millions of years before man appeared.” The earth's magnetic field is also affected by sunspots which can bring storms, sunspot activity produces solar turbulence which heats the earth and recurs every nine to thirteen years. It was nature that produced El Nino, which brought disasters. These are all viewed as mother earth trying to regain balance instead of the ruin it really brings. No one wants to blame Mother Nature for anything, because she sustains us and to say anything bad about her might get her mad. But Nature kills species of animals too, such as the one horn rhino. Nature brings floods in India yet it is man that must come to rescue them, would they come to our rescue?
The fact is nature has no “right” or “wrong” it is amoral, it has no consciousness or personal intelligence. No one can say it is “wrong” for a volcano to produce lava and poisonous gases into the atmosphere since it is only doing what comes “natural” to it. Yet if nature is intelligent as they claim, it's personally causing more problems then man does. If man is a product of nature through evolution, then whatever he does must likewise be natural. As environmentalists fight to stop the extinction of certain species, they end up fighting the natural evolutionary process which has, according to them been eliminating species over millions of years. It is called the survival of the fittest. Humanity would be fulfilling our ultimate evolutionary purpose through survival of the fittest.
How can man be the product of evolutionary forces when there are no ethics or morals in nature? Universal moral laws which are shared by all reflect a higher standard than what is found in nature.
As a new creative tolerance for the earth is accepted, the truth has fallen to the ground trampled over by the masses that look to nature to be their God and their salvation.
Legislation was designated for just such spirituality on April 22, 1990 called Earth Day. One of its promoters was then Senator, now vice president and possibly soon to be president, Al Gore (not anymore). He claims to believe in Christ and the Bible as a Baptist but what does he really believe?
Al Gore believes that a return to goddess-worshipping religions will bring both planetary and personal salvation. In his best-selling book, Earth in the Balance; Ecology and the Human Spirit, 1992, he offers some alarming answers. He identifies THE ROOT PROBLEM OF WESTERN CULTURE as. “We lost our feeling of connectedness to the rest of nature” (page 1)
“We should actively search for ways to promote a new way of thinking about the current relationship between human civilization and the earth” (p. 355). I think we should actively seek the ancient way for man to be in a right relationship with his creator. This has nothing to do with nature and everything to do with the creator of nature.
Gore is clearly against drilling for oil on our own continent believing we are presently in a crises on the environment. Yet like many other environmentalists they have no problem buying oil from other nations that drill and harvest it from their own soil. He believes “every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action …” every means needs to be used to “halt the destruction of the environment”(p. 274 ). we must take bold and unequivocal action: we must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization.” (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit 1993, p.269). Its amazing that someone who is so pro-choice for human life is not pro choice for the environment, he instead allows people a choice for babies he would not want to afford for the earth’s environment
HE VIEWS THE EARTH AND ALL ITS PARTS AS SACRED: “ God's covenant, made not only with Noah, but with' all living creatures,' again affirms] the sacredness of creation ... (p.245 “Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit”) “ may now be necessary to foster a new “environmentalism of the spirit” (p. 242). What 'spirit' is Gore referring to? The GODDESS, nature spirit of the New Age. After addressing the elimination of Goddess worship and religions swing to a masculine orientation. He states “The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity . . . . [I]t seems obvious that a better understanding of a religious heritage preceding our own by so many thousands of years could offer us new insights . . . .” (page 260)
Gore quotes Hindu environmentalist, Dr. Karan Singh, who looks to the Hindu dictum: “The Earth is our mother, and we are all her children. . . . Guru Nanak [founder of Sikhism] said, ‘Air is the Vital Force, Water the Progenitor, the Vast Earth the Mother of All.’” (p. 261)
Gore's concern for the world being in danger of being destroyed refers to the new age Catholic theologian, Teillard de Chardin when he said, ‘The fate of mankind , as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a new faith in the future.’ Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to resanctify the earth.” (page 263)
Gore's promotion on the New Environmentalism and Goddess Worship are blatantly clear… “Our religious heritage is based on a single earth goddess who is assumed to be the foundation of all life…all men have a god within. Each man has a god within because creation is God.”
Is God in the trees the sky the water and mankind? Does the tree has any separate or equal intelligence to man. Can it communicate? If I were to go over there with an ax to level it, what would happen? If it had any intelligence it would say stop don’t do this or would pick up its roots and run. Wouldn’t you do that if someone came over to you with an ax! Yet man is reduced to the same level as nature.
Gore states “Native American religions, for instance, offer a rich tapestry of ideas about our relationship to the earth. One of the most moving and frequently quoted explanations was attributed to Chief Seattle in 1855, 'Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our mother? This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all” (p. 259). This is the pantheistic view of the occult, God is not personal nor transcendent, but is subject to the very laws of nature he or she made, depending on your view.
Eagle Man, a modem shaman says of the Native Americans' "Getting, back to nature will be the key to saving the planet" (Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, Rainbow Tribe: Ordinary People Journeying on the Red Road (Harper San Francisco, 1992), 3).
Black Elk, the spiritual leader of the Lakota Indians had said, “Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and realize that the center is really everywhere. It is within each of us.” This is the nature religions answer, as well as the new age answer.
Forrest Shaklee who began the Shaklee vitamin company had a spiritual experience with the oneness of nature where he learned to tune in to what he called “the creative intelligence of nature.” This changed his worldview in which he stated, “For I too was product of nature perhaps no better than the old cow on the hillside. Being a product of nature it behooved me to cooperate with nature.” This pantheistic revelation has been experienced by many and it always yields the same results, it makes man equal with all other things.
Carl Jung thought the ground seemed more connected to the things of nature such as animals, trees, meadows and running waters. He felt a close affinity for all of this in his own life. Later Jung admitted that he never realized how pagan this foundation was. He would spend many hours sitting on a large rock behind his house, and at times would have trouble distinguishing if he was the boy sitting on the rock or the rock being sat upon by the boy. In short, he felt an unusual oneness with nature. (Quoted from the New World religion Gary Kah)
Budd Hall and Edmund Sullivan write in Transformative Education and Environmental Action in Ecozoic Era; “We have to completely revise our western understanding of what it is to be an inhabitant of the planet Earth, our human story and the western story; for indeed our new situation reveals the true reality of what we have been doing ...We must pass from a human-centred to an earth-centred sense of reality and value. (Budd Hall and Edmund Sullivan, “Transformative Education and Environmental Action in Ecozoic Era;” Empowerment: Towards Sustainable Development 1995, p.102).
Environmental groups, like the Sierra Club, promote the pagan idea of Gaia, the Earth Goddess. It was the Greeks that called the primordial mother goddess Gaia, which means earth. Many deities of the ancient pagans had both a masculine and feminine side. Ishtar was the queen of heaven who represented fertility originally from Babylon. Rev.17 addresses her as Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth. The Greeks participated in a religious prostitution that consisted of perverted sexual practices in their temples, especially in Corinth to the Goddess originally from Babylon.
Today spiritual environmentalists view Gaia as a living feminine force of divine power and wisdom that is one with all of nature. It is considered sacred, and all-powerful. Those involved perpetuate the myth that ancient cultures were in perfect harmony with nature, discounting the disasters nature brings without discriminating on both animals and man.
Those who are tuned into this nature religion see thanksgiving feasts as celebrations to thank the earth for her provisions. These are the harvest festivals that were seasonal and by the moon by the ancients. Witches, or Wiccans, believe they derive their spiritual powers by a relationship with the earth, they celebrated them in conjunction with the moon.
While Israel did have feast days that coincided with the harvest calendar, God made it clear that they were to acknowledge Him as their source, not nature, which He created. It was He who gave them the provision, they were not to worship as the pagan nations did around them. What we find is a revival of the same spirituality that the Egyptians practiced before the true God judged the nature gods to set Israel free.
Going backward to the jungle and tribal paganism is not the answer for mankind. Are we now to live in huts to be in tune to nature and closer to the earth? I don’t think paganism holds the answers for mankind in any age past, present or future.
The environmental movement has had quite an impact for public awareness. Have you seen the endangered species souvenir stamp saver cards. They have on a 2-3 inch hard cover the pictures of endangered species with a stamp plastic wrapped. On the back it explains its specie type, where it lives, what it eats. They have the California condor, the Florida Manatee, American Crocodile, the Hawaiian Monk Seal, and even the San Francisco garter snake. But there was an important species that has had more of them killed than any other in a very short amount of time, humans, 42 million of which were killed right here in America. What is more valuable? If there was a decision between a person who was an environmentalist and a seal, would they be willing to give their live to let the seal live? I think very few given this choice would be that irrational.
“We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of six-year-old children to Asian brothels.” (Carl Amery, German Greens)
New Age leaders have consistently taught that the earth is seriously overpopulated. The Organization Friends of the Earth has stated their position in agreement with others, “an earth population of 6 billion, already overburdened by 4 billion.” (Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow).
Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau was quoted in the UNESCO Courier in November 1991, “The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics-it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes... This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it.” (“The Population Controllers,” New American Magazine, 6/27/94, p. 7)
Prince Philip of Great Britain, leader of World Wildlife Fund gave this solution if he had the ability “If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” This is not so offensive a statement for those who adhere to the belief of reincarnation, because there is no death only recycling.
The New Agers have it wrong. It was Noah who gathered the animals into the ark to survive. If it wasn't for him no air breathing animal would have survived. We know after the flood-waters subsided numerous types of animals (and species) died off, but it did not make an ecological disaster. When the humongous reptiles (dinosaurs) died off there was no eco disaster. We may not be as interdependent as they want us to believe.
God gave Man to be the caretaker of this world, we have not done a very good job. However being reduced to a secondary class creature, equal with anything else in nature is not the answer. The new age answer is we are all on the evolutionary ladder spiraling upward to be god. Who knows, maybe another species will beat us there. We have become worth no less or more than any other creature. Who are we to think otherwise after all that’s ego and male domination. The solution of the spiritual environmentalist’s, return to the Goddess.

Man alone was created in the image of God. The solution to humanity's problems is not to get in touch with nature, but in getting in touch with the God who made us. For the new age view there is no distinction between creation and the creator. But this new set of values has been accepted in our society and used to educate the young to be global citizens. Earth-centered spirituality is really disguised socialist values to displace those of Christianity, challenging a transcendent God. The ecological movement will continue, as they reject the Christian worldview that nature is not equal, but instead subservient to man. The evolutionary theories continue to influence the new spirituality, reducing man to being equal to all other things made. By doing this it actually ties our hands to have a responsible and viable solution to the problems that they think we face.
Schools are teaching the solution to the environment comes through the government. Fox News reports this example of the supply of fossil fuels being used up at an alarming rate says one person. Government must save our fossil fuels by passing laws and limiting their use, but consumption figures vary by thousands of years. “Another textbook portrays humans as villains and nature as the victim.” “People are largely responsible for causing the extinction of 10,000 species a year.” Its this kind of hysteria that propels this movement. Senaro says no one knows how many species are disappearing and 26 out of 27 books make a claim similar to this ozone laws will cause millions of people to get skin cancer.” Senaro says there is no scientific proof linking skin cancer to a thinning ozone. Brenda Wolmut teaches high school chemistry in Tuscon, she admits many books over dramatize complex issues. “And so if you present it as crisis they will be more likely to be interested in it” (Oct. 9, 1998).
The environmental movement always shows the catastrophes to give validity to what they are doing when in fact there are very few of these accidents.
NEA influenced 45 million school children with Earth Day curriculum that taught kids that the Earth is alive, she is their Mother and needs to be protected and prayed to. Kids were pitted against industry and development, adults, and parents. The cartoon Captain planet and the planeteer's was a huge success in having children think this way. This was about 5 children from 5 different continents coming together and creating from their imaginations captain planet to go and fight the environmental ills of the world. With their 5 powers combined they summon Captain Planet. The author has stated “The 90’s is the decade of change if we don’t make the decisions in the 90’s we are finished as a species.” The author bought into the do now before we all die propaganda on the movement. The problems are exaggerated to help the children learn that CFCs contribute to the ozone hole. The problem is that the exaggeration becomes the true standard for our children, since no one explains what is accurate. As Captain planet said “my work here is done but yours is just beginning planeteer's and remember the power is yours.” My Kid listened to it and said quite frankly the power is God’s not theirs.
Even the Rev. Billy Graham has been influenced to some extent by the environmental movement. In an interview by Cal Thomas he was asked “In the past you have spoken eloquently and passionately about numbers of issues, he names “communism, sexual promiscuity, racism”… “you have been reluctant to speak out on the top social issue of our time abortion, why? Rev. Graham responded “I think the top social issue of our time may be ecology, I think that’s more dangerous to the future of this planet than the atomic bomb and I’m going to start speaking out on this.” While the environment is important, the scripture tells in the book of Revelation that the earth will be replaced as sin has affected it and it needs to be renewed .
Its not intolerance that is a problem, but over-tolerance. Not just for alternate lifestyles and marriage, but for other species. Who knows where this will all lead.
Recently I had watched a video that I had from over 8 years ago with Satanists Anton Lavey’s daughter and Nickolas Shreck being interviewed on Sally Jesse Raphael. On the other side of the interview was Johanna Michaelson and Dave Hunt who were consistently attacked and interrupted. Shreck’s solution is for the beast to take over, allowing the world to do whatever they please, returning to the rule of the jungle. Only the strong survive a law of nature, while the Bible's solution is to uphold the weak showing mercy. He also stated a need of cleansing the population especially of Christians and Jews. Isn’t that interesting that the Satanist is open and honest about what the new age is teaching. Alice Bailey, and Maitreya the new age Christ are defining what is espoused in Satanism in all its cruel injustice. John Randolph Price's spirit guide Asher spoke to him of World Healing Day on December 31st, 1986, in Price's book, “Practical Spirituality” his guide curiously said the same term “Nature will soon enter her cleansing cycle.” “Those individuals with their lower vibratory rates will be removed during the next two decades.”
Schreck admittedly said it was Satanism that was the ultimate end for the witches and nature worshippers. Satanist high priest, Dr. Michael Aquino of the Church of Set, also describes his brand of Satanism as a more refined and concentrated version of New Age philosophy and practice. That it is closer to the truth than the new age practices.
Rom. 8:19-23: “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.”
The Bible tells us the earth is not our home although we are not to abuse it we a not to relinquish our control over to it either. When you besiege a city for a long time, while making war against it to take it, you shall not destroy its trees by wielding an ax against them; if you can eat of them, do not cut them down to use in the siege, for the tree of the field is man's food. Only the trees which you know are not trees for food you may destroy and cut down, to build protection against the city that makes war with you, until it is subdued.” (Deut. 20:19-21)
The Lord never did intend for man to use, as he wished, anything from the earth without purpose. We were to rule with wisdom and not abuse the land he gave us to live on. So both views of seeing the earth as sacred and those who care not for it are wrong, each are extreme. We are stewards over what God has given and we should not abuse our authority. However the earth will not always stay in this state, it is wearing down (Ps.102:26), God will make a new heavens and a new earth void of sin and its affects on the human condition and environment. Creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay at the same time man will be transformed into immortal beings that worship and follow the true God. When one rejects the true God who transcends all that He made and rules over it, they will run to what they see, which is the creation.
As Christians OUR citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:19-20), we are now only sojourners on earth. While we should not abuse the earth at the same time we should not have our focus on it either. God's concern is the eternal occupancy of the people. To have any other focus as Christians brings ruin to our theology and practice. Let's remember to work while it still day for the night comes when no man can work and this work consists of people’s eternity. What good does it do to have a beautiful earth, when one passes to the next life only to find oneself separated from the one who created this beautiful world.

Monday, June 19, 2006

A collection of handy Urls 4


Let Us Reason

Light FM

Living Sacrifice

Messiah Revealed


Oneplace Shopping Cart

Grace to You - John MacArthur

Moody Church Hour - Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Running To Win - Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

'Preach The Word'

Strongholds Of Satan - A Biblical Critique of Cults and Religions

Precious scroll found, but experts remain cautious

RZIM Radio Ministry

Replacement Theology

Revival Ministries International, Inc

Revival Sermons at SermonIndex

David Wilkerson sermons


Saint Matthew's Churches

Sermon Audio-Israel

Sermon Audio-Cults

Sermon Audio-Jews

Sons of Korah

Muslim Hope - Welcome

Ted Pearce

The Berean Call

The Interactive Bible

The Real Truth Mag

The Rice Paper

Watchmen Fellowship


The Berean CALL

God's Generals


Whit's End

Wilbur Ministries

Willow Creek Association

Word Bookstore

World Challenge

A Collection of Handy URLs 3

Speaking In Tongues, with John Safran And Father Bob

Voice of the Believers

66/40 with Chuck Missler


Hidden Manna for the End Times Audio Series

An online Bible Study

Trusting in the Lord

Audio Bible Studies

Audio Resources Online

Bible Answers Ministry

Bible Inspired

Bible Research


Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Christian Israelite Church

Audio Bible Questions / Christian podcasts

God's iPod

Col Stringer

Tune into the Creation Science Hour

Does the Bible say Mt. Sinai is in Saudi Arabia?

Early Jewish Writings

Early Christian Writings

Europa: The History of the White Race-Chapter Seventeen-Christianity

Exploration Films

Fathers Glory Ministries

First Love

Focus on the Family



Links to Audio by Avi Lipkin

Hillsong Television

Writings Of Abraham

How Do You Know The Bible Is True?

Teaching and preaching

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Jeremiah 8:8 and the Corruption of the Torah

Aren’t there some striking parallels between the Jesus and Mithra stories?

Jeremiah Films

King Messiah Project

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Collection of Handy URLs

A Collection of Handy URLs(doesnt mean i agree with them all but some of there infomation is useful.

Clay Crosse

Alien Intrusion

Alpha & Omega Ministries

The Power New Testament

23 Minutes in Hell

Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

Face to Face Ministries

Hear Good News

Australian Christian Channel


Beth Lechem Messianic Ministry

Bob larson



Christian & Jewish Message Board



Papers by Sam Shamoun
A Series of Answers to Common Questions and Claims
If Jesus is God ... how can God die? (Who was running the universe those three days that Jesus was dead?)
If Jesus is God ... was he praying to himself?
Since Jesus has a God, how can he be God himself?
Is Jesus God because he did mighty miracles?
Jesus says that the Father is greater than he is, proving that he is not God.
Jesus said that all authority was given to him, ... which means that Jesus cannot be God.
How can Jesus be God, when he calls the Father the only true God?
How can Jesus be God when he will be in eternal subjection?
How can Jesus be God when he denies being all-powerful?
Jesus wept, slept, was hungry and thirsty, but God never sleeps, thirsts or hungers
Did Jesus become the Son of God only through his virgin birth?
The Bible says that God cannot be tempted, yet Jesus is said to have been tempted ...
How can Jesus be God when he says that only God is good?
How can Jesus be God when the Hebrew Bible says God is not a man?
Since God cannot change, but Jesus did, how can he be God?
Objections to Jesus' Pre-existence
God spoke through his Son only "in these last days", thus he could not have been the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament
Jesus allegedly emptied himself of Deity, which is impossible for God to do
Paul says there is only one God, and that is the Father, this means that Jesus is not God.
Since the Bible states that God has never been seen, Jesus cannot be God! [Part 1], [Part 2]
Doesn't Jesus say that the Spirit does not know everything? How can he then be God?
Did Jesus deny the ascension of Elijah and Enoch?
Does the Apostles' ability to forgive sins imply their deity, too?
What about God commanding the annihilation of the Amalekites?
Why did Matthew not record even a single one of Jesus' "I AM" Sayings which are found in John's Gospel?
Was Jesus a created being after all?
The authenticity and implications of the baptismal formula in Matthew 28:19
A Misquotation of the Old Testament in the New Testament?
God's Promise to Abraham's Offspring: Singular or Plural?
Doesn't the Bible degrade women, placing them on the level of animals and possessions?
Should or should we not trust a/the son of man?
General Issues
Biblical Consummation versus Islamic Abrogation: [Part 1], [Part 2]
A Christian Defense of the Gospel to the Muslims
Christian Answers to Muslim Charges
The New Testament Documents and the Historicity of the Resurrection
Dr. Badawi's repeated Misinformation and Misquotations: [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3], [Part 4]
Dr. Badawi's offer of a million dollars for "Holy War"
Dr. Jamal Badawi and Shirk
Women in Islam: [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3], [Part 4]
Women in the Bible: [Part 1], [Part 2]
Does the Old Testament Condone Rape?
The Holy Bible on the Age of Marriage
The Historicity of Jonah Examined
The Challenge (On an alleged distortion of the Torah by the Apostle Paul)
An Open Challenge to all Muslims
Theological Issues
Allah's Guessing Game - Is Allah an All-Knowing God?
The Imperfection of Allah
Is Allah the God of the Bible?
Allah's Oaths
The (In)Justice of Allah Examined
Allah - An Immaterial Entity or an Invisible Man?
Can Allah be seen and did Muhammad see his Lord?
The Uncreatedness of the Quran and the Unity of Allah: A Brief Critique of Islamic Monotheism
Does Yahweh Really Deceive?
Where is Allah Exactly?
Christological Issues
Jesus Christ in the Bible
The New Testament on the Worship given to Jesus: Its Significance and Implications for the Deity of Christ
Is the Prophet Daniel Worshiped as God?
Jesus As The Way, The Truth, And The Life : An Examination of John 14:6 In Light Of Muslim Claims
The Sonship of Christ: Eternal or Temporal?
The Eternal Generation of the Son
Christ the Heir
"I Say: Ye Are Gods" — An Examination of Jesus' Use of Psalm 82:6 in Defense of his Deity
Examining Psalm 110:1 — A look at Its Implications on God as a Multi-Personal Being and upon the Deity of Christ
An Examination of John 1:1, 8:58 and Colossians 2:9 and their Significance for New Testament Christology
Is there an Evolution in NT Christology? — Analyzing Muslim Claims That the Christological Portraits of the Bible Are Contradictory: [Part 1], [Part 2]
Jesus Is Yahweh: Examining the New Testament Use of Old Testament Passages to Demonstrate the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
Answers to 12 Anti-Trinitarian Arguments
Answers to "Top Ten Reasons to Reject Jesus’ Divinity!"
Origen's Christology
Jesus or Muhammad: Who is God's True Seal of Prophethood?
The Jewish Messiah And The Prophet of Islam
The Concept of Messiah in the Hebrew Bible and the Quran
Jesus’ Divine Claims and Islam: An Examination of Biblical Christology In Light of the Quranic View of Allah’s Attributes
Al-Tabari On the Birth, Life, Death and Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus in the Qur'an and the Bible: [Part I], [Part II], [Part III]
The Birth Narratives of Jesus in the Quran: A Christian Analysis
Mary the Mother of Jesus: A Houri in Paradise?
Jesus is from the Seed of David
Jesus in the Rabbinic Traditions
Quranic Issues
Parallel Passages of the Quranic Text: CONCILIATION OR CONFLICT?
Allah, Adam, and the Angels
Variant Readings of the Quran
Islam and Stoning: A Case Study Into the Textual Corruption Of the Quran
The Quranic Witness to Biblical Authority: [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3]
The Quran Confirms the Bible Has Never Been Corrupted: [Part 1], [Part 2]
The Quran, Bible Preservation and the Crucifixion
Tahrif and the Torah: The views of the early Muslim Writers and Polemicists on the authenticity of the Hebrew Scriptures
The Classical Muslim Commentators and their Exegesis of Surah 5:48 — Muhaimin and Its Relation to the Integrity of the Holy Bible
The Challenge of the Quran and Its Implications for the Muslim Corruption Charges
The Crucifixion of Christ - A Christian Critique of the Quran
Muhammad's attempt of damage control (How Surah 3:7 suddenly makes sense)
The Quranic View of Christians - Fellow Believers or Unbelieving Polytheists?
The Myth of Islamic Tolerance (responding to Dr. Jamal Badawi)
Seven Wonders of the Quran (responding to Dr. Jamal Badawi)
The Quran on Muslims Entering Hell
Does the Quran Teach a Local Flood? and Some questions on the Flood answered
The Days of Creation in the Quran: Literal or Indefinite Periods of Time?
The Quran and the Shape of the Earth
The Rock that Gave Birth to a Camel & The Mysterious Body on Solomon's Throne
The Message of the Qur'an: Worship of Allah Alone?
Surat Ar-Rum Revisited
Abraham, Mecca and the Qibla
Fully Detailed Or Incomplete? E.g., The Statements On Wine
Islamic Scholarship on the Issue of Incest and Sodomy
Muhammad and the Unbelievers: Worshipping the Same or a Different God?
To Intercede or Not To Intercede? That is the Question!
Pharaoh's Magicians - Muslims or Rejectors of Faith?
Who Suffers the Consequence of Sins according to the Qur'an?
Islam's Unjust Punishments: Examining the Quran's Ruling on the Consequence of Premeditated Murder
What about Jonah?
Messengers Amongst the Jinns and Angels?
Analysis of Muhammad
Muhammad in the Bible
Is Muhammad predicted in the Gospel of John?
Muhammad's False Prophecies
Muhammad and Poison
Jews, the Messiah, and the Prophet of Islam
Muhammad and Idolatry
Muhammad's changing of the Qiblah
Evidence for Muhammad Being Deceived
Muhammad the compromiser and doubter
Muhammad and the Mosaic Law
Muhammad and the Meccans: Who Antagonized Whom?
Muhammad's Excessive Cruelty
Muhammad's Alleged Night Journey to the Jerusalem Temple
Muhammad and the Making of Wills
Ishmael is not the Father of Muhammad
Muhammad's Marriage to a Prepubescent Girl And Its Moral Implications
Zaid, Zaynab and Muhammad
Mary, Muhammad's Concubine
An Examination of Muhammad’s Marriage Privileges
Muhammad’s Multiplicity of Marriages
Muhammad and the treatment of wives
What is the Seal of Prophethood?
Analysis of the Hadith Literature
Hadith Cosmology
The Amazing Fables of Islam
Talking Beasts and Insects: Revisiting the Amazing Fables of Islam
Islam and the Magical World of Genies and Dragons
Islamic Science Fiction: The Thunder and the Moon
Polemical Issues
Abraham and the Child of Sacrifice - Isaac or Ishmael?
The Ishmaelites and the Worship of God
Is "the Holy Spirit" only another name for the Angel Gabriel?
The Apostles of Christ: Messengers of God or Mere Disciples?
The Quran Affirms: Paul Passed On The True Gospel of Christ
Islam and the Sins of the Prophets
Adam and Eve: The First of the Polytheists and Associators?
Sunni Islam's Real Shahadah
Islam's Doctrine of Substitutionary Atonement and the Ransoming of Sinners
Islam and The Nursing of Adults
The Quran's Confused Stance on Sexual Ethics
Islam and Wine Consumption
The Quran's use of Filial Terms: A Critique of Muslim Arguments against Jesus being the Son of God
As-Samad: The Quran's Teaching on Islamic Monotheism
Ahad: Monotheism vs. Eloquence of the Quran
Many more articles by Sam Shamoun are found in the section of Rebuttals to Muslim Polemicsanswering various Muslim writers and speakers whose material is found on the internet.
Sam Shamoun welcomes your feedback, questions, disagreements, etc..
Debate Challenges
Sam Shamoun's Challenge to Shabir Ally
Debate Challenges by Nadir Ahmed
Jalal Abualrub Challenges Sam Shamoun to Debate
Articles by Sam Shamoun on other websites
Biblical Monotheism Examined
Jesus as the Mighty God of Isaiah 9:6: Is Christ Yahweh God, or just one of many mighty gods?
60 Questions For The Christians Answered [Part 1]
Hebrews and Jesus as Creator
Hector Heinz and Job 9:8
Heinz and Job 9:8 Revisited
Jesus as ‘a god’ alongside God: Jehovah’s Witnesses and John 1:1
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
Further Heinz Rebuttal
Jesus Superior to Angels
Jesus as the Son of God: A Biblical Exegesis
An Examination of the Uniqueness of Christ in A Pluralistic Age
Sola Scriptura
The Compilation of The Quran
Predestination in Islam
Salvation in Islam

Responses to Nisar Muhammad:
St. Paul and Islam
Paul and Muhammad Compared
The Quranic View of Pauline Christianity
Looking at FALSE Christian beliefs in... Son of God (Part 1), Son of God (Part 2), Jesus Christ
Answering Islam Home Page


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Christians Under Attack

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cult Report:New Age Movement

The New Age Movement

The term "New Age" seems to be saturating the media these days. One can hardly turn on a talk show without being bombarded with some aspect of the "New Age", be it "channeling", or "holistic health", or "astral travel", etc. The so-called "New Age" is big business. " Time Magazine" of December 7th, l987, reported some very interesting facts, namely that Bantam Books reported a tenfold increase in New Age titles in the past decade. Also that New Age Bookstores have doubled in the past five years to total about 2,500. The "Grammy Awards" have a special prize now for "New Age music."
Shirley MacLaine has written five books on the subject totaling 8 million copies. Her recent 15-city tour brought her an estimated income of 1.5 million, and she plans to open a 300-acre retreat in Colorado. She is quoted in this same "Time Magazine" as saying,
"I want to prove that spirituality is profitable". Also "If you don't see me as God", says MacLaine, blithe as ever, "it's because you don't see yourself as God". (page 68, Time Magazine 12/7/87).
One thing is certain. People are flocking to the New Age Movement, or to various parts of it, looking for answers in this life, and the Christian must be prepared to deal with New Age concepts and understand them, if we are to offer these honest, seeking persons, a better alternative.

It is difficult to place a firm definition on the New Age Movement, because it encompasses so many concepts. It mixes revived Gnosticism and Eastern mysticism with health and well-being treatments, and includes astrology, and even mediumship or channeling. Not all persons believe all aspects of the New Age, but practice some of them. We will therefore briefly list some of the identifying marks of the New Age Movement, and present a Christian, Biblical perspective.

Christians will notice right away, how difficult it is to witness to a person who has had various experiences in the New Age. When presenting Christian counsel, the New Ager will often reply, "I'll allow you your truth, and you allow me mine". This "reasoning" flies in the face of the meaning of the word "truth". The Doubleday Dictionary defines "truth" as "conformity to fact or reality".
The Christian will wish to use the Bible as "fact" to establish "truth", while the New Ager will wish to use his "experience(s)" to establish "truth". He may even deny reality altogether. New Agers do not want to hear that anything is necessarily "right" or "wrong", "good" or "evil", as each wants to be god and make his own decisions. In our experience, we have usually had to wait until the New Ager has had a bad "trip" with his seeking, and has succeeded in finding out that he no longer has control. He wants help, and he wants out! Persons out of a Christian background involved in New Age activities are often convicted of violating Bible principles when these are lovingly pointed out to them, with real concern.

The New Age Movement has the Eastern view of God, namely that "God is All" and "man is god". Since they believe that God is the sum total of all things, then there is no evil, nor any standards to live by, according to their reasoning. They are constantly trying to draw closer to the "godforce" or "energy" by their various techniques, indeed, they hope to enter the Godhead. The Bible view is the exact opposite. We worship a personal God, who is the Creator of all. Romans 1:20-23 says,
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man...."
There is only one scripture in the Bible where humans are told they can become gods, and that was Satan the Devil lying to the gullible and foolish Eve! (Genesis 3:4,5).

New Age teaching presents Jesus Christ as a "world teacher", an "ascended master", a man with "Christ principle", a "cosmic Christ". The Bible presents Jesus Christ as Almighty God manifest in the flesh. (See John 1:1,14). Quite a difference!
I like to ask New Agers, would Jesus Christ teach truth or error? They admit that He would teach truth. Then the Christian is in a position to present the claims of Jesus Christ as to who He is. We recommend the chapter "Defending the Deity of Jesus Christ to the Cults" in our book "Coping With The Cults".

Most New Agers are expecting Messiah to reveal himself any day now. Most believe he is already alive and living somewhere in the world. Those believing the date 1982 for his revealing already have "egg on their faces" for spending thousands of dollars to take out a full-page ad in major newspapers in major cities worldwide, to announce the arrival of the "Maitreya" or "Messiah". Followers were blamed for the failure, for not creating enough positive "energy", so the date has been moved forward, rather indefinitely at this point.
This view does not surprise Bible students as they have been forewarned in 1 John 4:1-3
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming and now it is already in the world."
We sincerely believe that New Agers have been deceived into anticipating the arrival of the Antichrist.

The New Age Movement is extremely humanistic. Since each person believes he is a god and in charge of his own universe, it follows that he can "work out his own salvation", and has no need of a savior. He is therefore continually "turning in" with meditation, and striving to become part of the godforce. While missing the true Jesus Christ of the Bible, he tunes in various "spirit guides", and accepts the experiences they give him as "truth". He imagines he is making progress towards salvation, or self-realization. The Bible, once again, presents the opposite view. Rather than being self-sufficient gods, the Bible teaches that we are humans who have all inherited sin from our common forefather, Adam. Romans 5:12 reads,
"Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned."
We truly cannot save ourselves. We may seek in various experiences for light, but Jesus Christ is the true light. John 1: 9,12,13 reads
"There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. But as many as received Him (Jesus Christ), to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
Those seeking for a better life can find it in the person of Jesus Christ who promises in John 10:10,
"...I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly".

Channeling is a popular new word for an ancient experience, that of allowing oneself to be a spirit medium, and have voices supposedly from the dead speak through that person. The person lapses into a trance and has no remembrance of the experience after. No matter how famous or obscure the medium is, the messages delivered are all similar. Namely, that you are god, there is no sin or punishment, good or evil, and Jesus is not the only son of God. Egos are often inflated by claims that the person was somebody famous in a past life. Great wisdom from ages past is supposedly imparted, but, in fact, is usually vague and disjointed.
The Bible strongly warns against contacting spirits through mediums. Leviticus 19:31 says,
"Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God."
God lovingly protects us from demon spirits (New Age word is "entities"), and anyone foolish enough to dabble in the occult in this manner is asking for, at the very least, demon oppression, and very possibly, demon possession. Deliverance is possible, however in the name of the true Jesus Christ.

Emptying the mind in an altered state of consciousness and calling on Eastern gods or entities will result in the entities visiting you, to guide you spiritually into new, and often frightening experiences.
Bible meditation is the filling of your mind with the truth of God's word and reflecting on what you have learned. True meditation, done God's way, will protect you from the dangerous, counterfeit meditation, of the New Age movement.
Other similar practices to avoid are regression to supposedly former lives, hypnosis, subliminal, suggestive tapes, soul (astral) travel, rebirthing, sensory isolation (floating tanks), or any other practice designed to alter your consciousness. Do not allow your mind and body to be used by demonic "entities". Heed the warnings in the Bible.

On the surface, holistic health sounds wonderful. It makes sense to treat the whole person, spirit, soul, and body to ensure good health. However, many questionable practices have crept into the movement to treat the whole person. Often, one finds a medically untrained psychic doing the diagnosis, perhaps with the aid of a "spirit guide" or an "entity" posing as a doctor from a former life.
Often Eastern meditation is prescribed, or a diet lacking in essential nutrition. Medically unproved practices abound, such as Iridology (examining the iris to diagnose ailments all over the body), or Kinesiology (the testing of muscles and body balances), and Homeopathy (the treating of ailments with small amounts of poisons to build up a resistance), or Reflexology (the treating of all bodily ailments by massaging various areas of the feet). Of themselves, these treatments may be of some help, but one should examine carefully the beliefs of the practitioner.
For example, some years ago I went to a Chiropractor for a neck problem. He professed to be a Christian but had Eastern-type posters on his wall, saying things like, "The Force be with you". When questioned closely by me, he admitted that he was trying to align my spine so my "energy flow" would be attuned to the universal energy, and not be impeded. I promptly left. Christians need to inquire carefully beyond surface appearances. and choose treatment that will not violate their Christian values, or open them up to oppression by the forces of darkness.

Many today are turning their attention to practitioners who promise to "regress them to their past lives" and deal with lingering traumas from past lives, so they will feel better today. This practice is based on the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation, that when you die, your soul is reborn in another human. In other words, you recycle after death, no heaven or hell, just go around again!
New Agers claim without one shred of evidence that the teaching of reincarnation was removed from the Bible at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. What nonsense! The Council of Nicea dealt with the Arian heresy and the Deity of Jesus Christ. Also, if this claim is correct, then how come recent finds of extremely ancient copies of the Biblical scriptures contain no references to reincarnation? I would suggest that New Agers spend some time in their local libraries finding out the truth about this important matter. The Bible, in fact, teaches the opposite of reincarnation. Hebrews 927 plainly states
"It is appointed unto men to die ONCE, and then the judgment".

Hypnotism plays a large part in so-called regressions to a former life. Admittedly, some have been regressed, and have given correct details of a former life. Could this be because the demons have knowledge at their disposal to deceive man? The Bible warns in 1 Timothy 4:1,
"But the (Holy) Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons".
If souls merely recycle (to new humans only according to reincarnation), why then is the world's population increasing, if the same number of souls are going round and round. Also, the birth rate exceeds the death rate, so where are these supposedly newly reincarnated souls coming from? Also, shouldn't we see some evidence of our natures improving after so much purifying?
Beware of the misuse of Bible texts to try to prop up these non-biblical teachings. In context, there is not one scripture to support this belief. It is clearly not of God, and should be avoided.

New Agers also involve themselves in astrology, reading crystals, color therapy, dream studies, tarot cards, physic readings, faith healings, physic surgery, ESP, and even UFO's. Not all New Agers participate in all things, but it is certainly a mixed bag, and a mixed group.

This is not a complete list by any means, but we hope it helps you identify some of these groups
Theosophical Society, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Findhorn, Chinook Learning Center, ESP, TM, Eck, est (the Forum), Silva Mind Control, Lifespring, Pacific Institute, Numerology, Scientology, Yoga, Academy of Universal Truth, Kabalah, Masons, Astrology, Baha'i Faith, Aetherius Society, Anthroposophical Society, Edgar Cayce (Association for Research and Enlightenment), Astara, Baba Ram Dass (Hanuman Foundation), Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, The Holy Order of Mans, "I AM" Movement, Inner Peace Movement, International Community of Jesus (The Jamilians), Jainism, Megiddo Mission, Psychiana, Radha Soami Society, Rajneesh, Rosicrucians, Ruhani Satsang, Sathya Sai Baba, Self-Realization Fellowship, Spiritual Advancement of the Individual Foundation, Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, Spiritualists, Occult, Sri Chinmoy Centers, Still Point Institute, Subud, Sufism, Summit Lighthouse, Swami Kriyananda Taoism, Unitarian-Universalist Association, Zoroastrianism,Cloudbusters.There are many others.
The New Age Movement is not new at all, but is Eastern Mysticism and the occult, blended in with humanism. The Christian should not have part in any aspect of it. It has even crept into the Christian church, with some TV teachers promising you can be "a god", and some "inner healing" seminars dabbling in areas they should be avoiding. Christian Bookstores should take responsibility and rid their shelves of Eastern-influence books masquerading as Christianity.
"Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Monday, June 05, 2006

Cult Profile Expansion:The Christadelphians

The Christadelpians: What do they Believe?
by the McGregor Ministries
This page in a glance:The Background Of The ChristadelpiansView On The GodheadChristadelphian View Of JesusChristadelphian View Of Satan The DevilChristadelphian View Of SalvationA Parting Thought
The Background Of The Christadelpians
The Christadelphians have been with us since about 1848. They rose up after the Mormons, but prior to the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Seventh Day Adventists. A man name John Thomas founded the group. The Disciples of Christ denomination attempted to discipline this man for his "strange doctrines," but the discipline was not accepted by him. John Thomas drew off his own followers under their original name, "The Royal Association of Believers in New York", now known as the "Christadelphians".
John Thomas' book, "Elpis Israel" (Hope of Israel), and his successor's book, "Christendom Astray from the Bible", by Robert Roberts form the basis for the group's beliefs.
View On The Godhead
The Christadelphian publication, "Key to Understanding the Bible", page 13, reads under "The Godhead:"
"God is one, not three. He has revealed Himself as the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ and of all who are related to Him in Faith."
God is therefore believed to be ONLY God the FATHER. Christians do believe there is only one God. However, whereas we agree that the Father is called God, the Son, Jesus Christ, is also called God. Therefore He is likewise a manifestation of the One God of Scripture.
Prophecy calls Jesus God - Matthew 1:23
The Disciples called Jesus God - John 20:25-28
The Father called Jesus God - Hebrews 1:8
Christadelphian View Of Jesus
Again, we quote from "Key to Understanding the Bible", page 14.
"Jesus Christ is not God the Son, but is the Son of God, begotten of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. He was a man of our race, identical in nature with all mankind."
Jesus Christ is therefore presented by the Christadelphians as being the son of God ONLY, having no existence prior to his birth to Mary and being only a man by nature. However, the Bible plainly teaches the preexistence and eternal nature of Jesus Christ. For example, John 1:1 states,
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God." (NAS)
Verse 14 continues, regarding Jesus,
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." (NAS, c.f. Revelation 19:13)
The Word, Jesus Christ, was plainly there "in the beginning". In fact, He is "before all things" according to Colossians 1:17, which chapter of the Bible portrays Him as Creator of all.
The prophecy in Micah is of special interest. Micah 5:2 reads,
"But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity."
The key word here is "eternity", also translated "everlasting". This is the Hebrew word "olam." This word was never used for any creature, or product of creation. It is ONLY used for GOD. This same Hebrew word is used of the Father in Psalm 90:2,
"...Even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God."
The eternal nature of Jesus Christ is also evident from 1 Timothy 1:17,
"Now to the King ETERNAL, immortal, invisible, THE ONLY GOD, be honor and glory forever and ever, Amen."
Jesus Christ did function on this earth as a man to perfectly redeem us, but this did not detract from His eternal Deity. Colossians 2:9 says of Christ, "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form."
All is all, full is full. Jesus Christ, even in the flesh never ceased to be truly and fully God.
Christadelphian View Of Satan The Devil
Under the heading "Devil" and "Satan" in the Christadelphian publication, "Key to Understanding the Bible", on page 15, we find,
"Devil.....Its general meaning is sin or lawlessness, whether manifested individually or politically. It is also applied to the unlawful lusts and tendencies of human nature which invariably lead to sin. It is not a supernatural being. Satan is a Hebrew word signifying "adversary", "enemy", or "accuser"."
Christadelphians therefore reduce the Devil to our own sinful lusts, and make every adversary in the Bible a "Satan". Both views are in error, as we shall see.
In Zechariah 3:1,2, we see Satan standing before the angel of the Lord, and God Himself speaks to Satan, rebuking him. Was God rebuking His own lustful thoughts? Ridiculous. Likewise Jesus carried on quite a conversation with the person of Satan the Devil in Matthew 4, verses 1 through 11. Jesus, who was perfect, certainly did not have a sinful nature talking to Him! He was speaking to a real personage, Satan the Devil. Jesus went on to call him, the "father of lies" and a "Murderer" in John 8:44. These are titles for a real person, not abstract feelings.
Christadelphians need to know that there is a real person in the world called "Satan the Devil" and he delights in having people deny his existence, for then they never gain the mastery over him.
Christadelphian View Of Salvation
According to the booklet, "Christadelphians" by L. Hutchins, a Christadelphian gains salvation by
Accepting the gospel preached by Jesus Christ and His apostles, as interpreted by Christadelphians.
Being baptized by total immersion.
Obeying the commandments of Christ.
The Bible, on the other hand, promises us salvation by GRACE alone. Ephesians 2:8,9 puts it this way
"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God, NOT AS A RESULT OF WORKS, that no one should boast."
We as Christians should have good works, but they are a RESULT of our salvation, not a CONDITION for our salvation.
A Parting Thought
No doubt there will be sincere Christadelphians reading this tract, as well as Christians, so I want to add this personal note.
I understand so well how many hours you have given to your faith, always striving to improve, for I was once in a group similar to yours. I was a Jehovah's Witness for 15 years before the Lord set me free. Friends, please do not stumble over salvation by grace alone, because it seems too easy. First off, begin by praying an honest prayer to God, asking Him to reveal the truth to you through the pages of the Bible alone.
Set aside your Christadelphian publications for a time and really seek Jesus Christ through the pages of the Bible, and personally in prayer. You will find out that He is far different from what you have been taught. Nevertheless do not stop seeking until you find Him. After all, if you have the right Jesus Christ, you are right for all eternity, but if you have the wrong Jesus Christ you are wrong for all eternity. Please write to us in total confidentiality if we can assist you in any way in your search for the real truth.
Answering a "refutation" of "Is Christadelphianism Christian?"

It is quite a complement when the groups I tackle on CARM attempt to answer the charges of them not being Christian. Following is one of the papers I found on Christadelphian website that attempted to refute my paper titled "Is Christadelphianism Christian?" It is located at I will respond to the "refutation" of my paper. His comments are in brown. Mine are in green.
Christadelphian: The C.A.R.M. has an interesting approach to the condemnation of various cults. A religious system is either 'Christian,' and therefore able to save despite minor errors, or 'non_Christian,' which cannot save because of major errors. The Christadelphians, they say, are non_Christian. The Christadelphian faith cannot save.Why not? The mind behind the C.A.R.M. has taken it upon himself to conjure up the 'Three Essential Doctrines' of Christianity. Any group which denies any one of these doctrines is non-Christian. These three doctrines are: Jesus is God, the physical resurrection, and salvation by grace through faith.
My Response: No cult member considers himself to be false. But, Christianity by definition states Christadelphianism to be false. The Essential Doctrines that I have on my website are not "conjured up" by me or anyone else. These essentials are essentials proclaimed by the Bible. I have merely brought them to peoples' attention. For this Christadelphian author to state that I have conjured them up tells me that he did not read the article where I give ample biblical references establishing their essential nature.
Christadelphian: Now where did the C.A.R.M. get the idea that these are the three essential doctrines of Christianity? Certainly not from the Bible. The Bible teaches that the gospel is 'the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ' (Acts 8:12).
My Response: Again this person fails to cite the scriptures that I have listed in that article. Therefore, I will briefly list them here:
Jesus is God in flesh
1 John 4:2-3: "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
The above verse needs to be cross referenced with John 1:1,14 (also written by John) where he states that the Word was God and the Word became flesh. In 1 John 4:2-3, John is not simply stating that Jesus existed, for that would be too obvious. Rather, he is dealing with the issue of Jesus’ incarnation.
Likewise, Jesus said in John 8:24: "I said, therefore, to you, that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sins."
"I AM" is a phrase God used to describe Himself in Exodus 3:14.
Salvation by Grace
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast" (Eph. 2:8-9, NIV). "You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace" (Gal. 5:4).
The Resurrection of Christ
"And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith" (John 2:19-21), then your faith is useless.
Christadelphian: The C.A.R.M. says that Christadelphians deny the essential doctrine that Jesus is God in flesh. Christadelphians believe that Jesus was made of the same fallen, no_good substance that composes the rest of humanity: sinful flesh. Because of this, they follow a false Jesus, and 'they are then damned' according to the C.A.R.M. However, never did Jesus preach that we have to believe he is God _ it is not an essential doctrine. In fact, it is not a doctrine at all. The Old Testament teaches One God and Father of all, not One God, a Father, a Son and a Holy Spirit. The New Testament must teach the same thing, since God does not change. I am aware that I am arguing without Biblical backup: this is because I do not want to repeat what is said in the Trinity section of this website. If you want to see proof that Jesus was made of sinful flesh, go there.
My Response: The Bible does not teach that Jesus had a sinful nature. It teaches that Jesus was sinless (Col. 2:9 says, "for in Him dwells all the fullness of deity in the bodily form." John 1:1,14 says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God... and the Word became flesh and dwelt to among us." As far as Jesus not teaching that we needed to believe that He was God, we simply need to look at His own words in John 8:24 where Jesus said, "unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins." Again, Jesus uses the title "I am" in reference to Himself. Of course, many cultists state that Jesus was simply saying that He was the messiah. But, note that in John 8:58, Jesus said, "before Abraham was, I am." At this, the Pharisees picked up stones to kill Him, but Jesus fled. Then in John 10:30-33, they again picked up stones to kill Him and the reason they gave for trying to kill Him was because He being a man made himself out to be God (John 10:33). When Jesus said "I am" He was equating to Himself the very name of God found in Exodus 3:14 where God says to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’"
Christadelphian: The C.A.R.M. also speaks of one doctrine of Christadelphians as 'absolute heresy' and 'demonic doctrine.' This is the doctrine that Jesus Himself had to be saved. Why is this doctrine demonic? Jesus' mother required atonement for giving birth to him (1 Pet. 3:21), a covenant sign of God's work upon the heart (Col. 2:11-12)." These are flowery words with no real meaning: inward reality? A covenant sign of God's work upon the heart? You should note that when you are writing and put a Bible reference in brackets at the end of a sentence, it is supposed to back up what you have said. However, the two references they quoted have nothing to do with inward realities or the heart. What does Col. 2:11-12 say? Speaking of Christ, "In whom ye also are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:" In the context Paul is explaining that the traditions of men such as circumcision are obsolete (v. 8). Writing to the Colossian believers (mostly uncircumcised Gentiles) he tells them that through the circumcision of Christ, they have put off the sins of the flesh, and can be redeemed. What is this 'circumcision of Christ' that is required to put off sin? Read on _ verse 12: "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead." When a person is immersed in water, they are figuratively buried and risen with Christ. Through this act of faith, we can obtain resurrection from the dead, since God raised Christ from the dead and we are being 'buried with Christ.'
My Response: Baptism is a very important part of Christianity. All Christians should be baptized. But, baptism is not an essential requirement of salvation. We can see this when we look at the whole of scripture which tells us that we are justified (made righteous) by faith (Rom. 5:1), not faith and something we do (Rom. 4:5); that people are saved before baptism (Acts 10:44-48; that baptism is not part of the gospel which saves (1 Cor. 15:1-4); and that Paul came to preach the gospel and not to baptize (1 Cor. 1:17). For more on this please read "Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?"
Christadelphian: I should also speak of how the C.A.R.M. condemns baptism as the works of the Law. Paul speaks frequently in his epistles about how the works of the Law were not necessary to be saved anymore. The Law had waxed old as a garment; it was a schoolmaster to teach the Jews about the coming Messiah. This is all fine and good. Now look at the C.A.R.M.'s major stretch of reasoning. Rom. 3:20 tells us that "by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his [God's] sight." This is the Law of Moses, which at this point had become obsolete. But the C.A.R.M. says, in other words, we are not saved by anything we do. Where did that come from? We are not saved by the Law of Moses: we are saved by grace through faith. And as Col. 2:12 told us, baptism is the operation of our faith! Baptism is necessary for salvation.
My Response: I do not want to get into a dissertation on baptismal regeneration and its error. My previous mention of the article "Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?" is worth reading here.
Christadelphian: C.A.R.M.'s conclusion to this section is that Christadelphianism is a false religion. They are sincere, but "sincerity does not bridge the gap between God and man. Only the blood of the real Jesus does that." I agree, sincerity cannot save us. However, the C.A.R.M. has not shown us that Christadelphianism is a false religion.
My Response: The fact that Christadelphianism denies that Jesus is God in flesh is sufficient to make it a non-Christian cult. Faith is only as good as who you put it in. The Christadelphians have a "savior" with a sinful nature who himself needed to be saved. This sinful version of Jesus cannot save anyone. The true Jesus needed no savior. The Christadelphians do not have the true Jesus and because of that their faith is misplaced and in vain.
Dear reader, do not be deceived by the Christadelphians. Jesus is God in flesh. It is only God who can save us from our sins. We have a perfect and holy High Priest, Jesus. He was sinless and will forever love us and hold us close to Him. But, the Jesus of the Christadelphians, our older brother who had a sin nature, is false. A false Christ cannot save.
Jesus said, "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect," (Christadelphian Page
John Thomas (Christadelphian)
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Dr. John Thomas (April 12, 1805 - March 5, 1871 ) is generally considered to be the founder of the Christadelphians.
1 Early life
2 Emigration to the United States
3 Association with Alexander Campbell
4 The birth of the Christadelphian movement
5 Summary
6 Reference:
7 External links

Early life
John Thomas was born in London, England in 1805. His father graduated as an Independent preacher in 1812 and one of his congregations was in Chorley, Lancashire. While living there, John Thomas began his medical studies around the age of 16. His family having moved back to London, at the end of two years he went to continue his studies at Guy’s and St. Thomas’s hospitals for a further three years.
During this period of his life his father left the ‘Independents’ and joined the Baptists, caring for a small congregation in Brentford. John Thomas shared his beliefs and wrote articles in the Lancet that appear to indicate a belief in the immortality of the soul.

Emigration to the United States
Like many people of that era, in 1832 his father made the decision to seek fresh opportunities and emigrate to America. So it was that Dr John Thomas having few ties decided to go with his family, agreeing to go on ahead and prepare for the family. He took the opportunity to further his career and accepted an appointment as ship's surgeon on the Marquis of Wellesley which was bound from St. Katherine’s Docks, London to New York.
The ship embarked on May 1, 1832 and immediately sailed into stormy weather that lasted the whole voyage. During one ferocious storm the ship lost the top of the main mast and heavy seas stove in the bulwarks, washing everything moveable off the deck. Now well off course, the ship eventually ran into shallow water and ran aground off the coast of Nova Scotia. The ship was raised up by the waves on twelve successive occasions each time the keel striking the sea bed with such force that both crew and passengers were convinced the ship would break up.
Fearing that his life was about to end, Thomas determined to die with a prayer on his lips, prayed for mercy. He was very conscious of a void in his knowledge about what was to happen to him should he die. Thus he made a vow to dedicate his life, should he be spared, to religious study and to seeking out the truth about the matter of life and death.
Aided by a change in wind direction, the captain’s efforts to turn the ship back out to sea were successful and after one final bone-jarring grounding, the ship floated free. Thomas never forgot his vow and spent the rest of his life devoted to Bible study, determined to understand the true message of the scriptures.

Association with Alexander Campbell
The Marquis of Wellesley docked in New York and Thomas travelled on to Cincinnati, Ohio where he discovered the teachings of Alexander Campbell. After further study he eventually joined the "Reformation Movement" and in October 1832 he was baptised in the Miami Canal. Initially he became a Campbellite evangelist, spending his time travelling around the eastern States of America preaching, until eventually settling down as a preacher in Philadelphia. It was here on the 1st January 1834 that he married Ellen Hunt who became his lifelong companion and constant support throughout the trials of faith that persisted throughout his life.
Dr Thomas also wrote for and was editor of the Apostolic Advocate which first appeared in May 1834. His studies during this period of his life generated the foundation for many of the beliefs he came to espouse as a Christadelphian. However, disagreement over beliefs eventually surfaced between Alexander Campbell and Dr Thomas. Dr Thomas believed that the Bible taught the requirement for candidates to demonstrate knowledge of the scriptures before baptism and that there would be a resurrected when Jesus Christ returned. Because of these differences in belief Dr Thomas was "disfellowshipped" in 1837. However some of the Campbellite congregations agreed with his views and departed with him.
At this time the Millerite or Adventist movement was growing and in 1843 Dr Thomas was introduced to William Miller, the leader of the Millerites. He admired their willingness to question orthodox beliefs and agreed with their belief in the second coming of Christ and the founding of a millennial age upon his return. Dr Thomas continued his studies of the Bible and in 1846 travelled to New York where he gave a series of lectures covering thirty doctrinal subjects that later formed part of his book Elpis Israel (The Hope of Israel).

The birth of the Christadelphian movement
Based upon his new found understanding of the Bible, Thomas was rebaptised in 1847 and the groups of congregations and individuals who shared his beliefs continued to grow. In 1848 the movement became international when he travelled to England in order to preach what he now saw as the true gospel message. Upon his return to America Dr Thomas moved from Richmond to New York City and began to preach there. He made a point of speaking to the Jewish community because Dr Thomas had come to believe that Christianity did not replace the Law of Moses, but rather fulfilled it. He believed that Christians must though faith and baptism become the ‘seed’ of Abraham.
It was at this time that Dr Thomas and those who shared similar beliefs became known as the Royal Association of Believers. This group of believers used the term "ecclesia", a Greek word meaning church, to describe them. Instead of having a system of clergy, all the brethren took equal responsibility on a rota to take on the role of presiding and speaking during their meetings.
When in 1861 the Civil War broke out, Dr Thomas travelled to the South and became concerned that the war had placed believers upon opposing sides. However, the movement did not have an ‘official’ name until 1864. The movement as a whole considered that the war required them to make a stand for what they believed in as conscientious objectors. However, in order to be exempted from military service, it was required that believers had to belong to a recognised religious group that did not agree with participation in war. Thus in 1864, Dr. Thomas coined the name Christadelphian to identify members of the movement. The term Christadelphian comes from Greek and means ‘Brethren in Christ’. It was during the war that Dr Thomas worked on the three volumes of Eureka which discusses the meaning of the Book of Revelation.
On May 5 1868 Dr Thomas returned to England where he travelled extensively giving lecturers about the Gospel message and meeting with Christadelphians in England. During this period of his life he found extensive support and help from Robert Roberts who had been converted during a previous visit to England by Dr Thomas. Following his return to America he made one final tour of the Christadelphian congregations prior to his death on 5th March 1871 in Jersey City. He was buried in Brooklyn, New York.

The results of his labours were committed to several books one of which, Elpis Israel, sets out many of the fundamental scriptural principles believed by Christadelphians to this day. However the reader needs to note, that no Christadelphian would view Thomas as being anything more than a sincere man who was an avid student of God’s Word.
John Thomas was neither prophet nor a type of messiah. He was neither leader nor director of any movement. He was just a man determined to find out what the Bible really taught and was able to inspire others to read and study the Bible for themselves. Dr John Thomas’ one overriding belief was that it was vital for individuals not to simply accept what they are taught about the Bible, but rather to read, understand and believe the scriptures for themselves.
This example and his work is the legacy that he has left to all true ‘Christadelphians’.

Peter Hemingray, John Thomas, His Friends and His Faith (2003: ISBN Number 81-7887-012-6)
Charles H. Lippy, The Christadelphians in North America (Lewiston/Queenston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1989).
Robert Roberts,Dr Thomas: His Life and Work (Birmingham: The Christadelphian, 1873)
Bryan R. Wilson, Sects and Society: A Sociological Study of the Elim Tabernacle, Christian Science and Christadelphians (London: Heinemann, 1961; Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961).

External links
Works by John Thomas
Who are the Christadelphians?
Works by John Thomas and other Christadelphian writers
More information on the Christadelphians
Retrieved from ""
Categories: 1805 births 1871 deaths Londoners
some known Christadelphian websites

Wrested Scriptures

Christadelphia World Wide

Christadelphian Pamphlets

Booklet Selection

The Foundational Books of Christadelphianism Leader John Thomas, The Elpis Israel, 1 , 2 , 3
The Eureka

Christadelphian History

Christadelphian Resource Links 1, 2, 3, 4 (christadelphianism own explanation on what a cult is)
Cults By Rev. Paul Seiler



HERESIES EXPOSEDA Brief Critical Examination in the Light of the Holy Scriptures of some of the Prevailing Heresies and False Teachings of Today
Compiled byWM. C. IRVINE
Loizeaux Brothers, Bible Truth DepotNew YorkFirst Edition, 1917 - Fifteenth Edition 1944
Christadelphianism1By A.J. Pollock



Truth Eternal:Christadelphian Predictions Reviewed in the Light of the Bible

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Signing Off
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