Friday, June 02, 2006

More Exposure on the Cult of Islam

Main : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Anis Shorrosh :
The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 1 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, President of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
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The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 2 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, resident of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
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The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 3 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, resident of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
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The Qur'an Or The Bible: Which Is God's Word? - Part 4 (video) by Anis Shorrosh
Description: Representing the Christian viewpoint is Dr. Anis Shorrosh, an Arab from Nazareth, and representing the Islamic faith is Sheik Ahmed Deedat, resident of the Society for the Propagation of Islam in South Africa. The debate is divided into four parts of approximately one hour each.
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Universal Brotherhood

Universal Brotherhood - Part I (59 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Universal Brotherhood - Part II (1 Hour) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Universal Brotherhood - Part III (59 Minutes 34 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Debate: The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of Science

The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part I (46 Minutes 17 Seconds) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000

The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part II (55 Minutes 10 Seconds) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000

The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part III (36 Minutes, 47 Seconds) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000

The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part IV (58 Minutes) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000

The Qur'ân & the Bible in the light of science - Part V (1 Hour 1 Minute) - Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. William Campbell - Islaminfo UK Dr. Zakir Naik Vs. Dr. William Campbell Recorded at Chicago ICNA Conference 2000

Debate: Is Non-Vegetarian Food Prohibited or Permitted? Top

Is Non-Vegetarian Food Prohibited or Permitted? Part I (1 Hour 57 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - IRF Debate with Rashmi Bhai Zaveri and Dr Zakir Naik

Is Non-Vegetarian Food Prohibited or Permitted? Part II (1 Hour 2 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - IRF Debate with Rashmi Bhai Zaveri and Dr Zakir Naik

Is Non-Vegetarian Food Prohibited or Permitted? Part III (18 Minutes 52 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF Debate with Rashmi Bhai Zaveri and Dr Zakir Naik

Is Non-Vegetarian Food Prohibited or Permitted? Part IV (59 Minutes 28 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF Debate with Rashmi Bhai Zaveri and Dr Zakir Naik

Is Non-Vegetarian Food Prohibited or Permitted? Part V (40 Minutes 12 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF Debate with Rashmi Bhai Zaveri and Dr Zakir Naik

Concept of God Top

Concept of God in Major Religions - Part I (1 Hour) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Concept of God in Major Religions - Part II (1 Hour 31 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Concept of God in Major Religions - Part III (59 Minutes 32 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Qur'an & Modern Science Top

Qur'an & Modern Science - Part I (1 Hour 2 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Research Foundation

Qur'an & Modern Science - Part II (44 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions

Qur'an & Modern Science - Part III (54 Minutes 17 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions

Qur'an & Modern Science - Part IV (59 Minutes 34 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions

Qur'an & Modern Science - Part V (23 Minutes 02 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions
Focus on Islam and Universal Brotherhood Top

Focus on Islam and Universal Brotherhood - Part I (1 Hour) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions

Focus on Islam and Universal Brotherhood - Part II (1 Hour 1 Minute) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions

Focus on Islam and Universal Brotherhood - Part III (41 Minutes 39 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - Islamic Video Productions

Press Debate Top

Press Debate - Part I (55 Minutes 32 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Press Debate - Part II (57 Minutes 39 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Press Debate - Part III (34 Minutes 56 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF
Women's Rights in Islam Top

Women's Rights in Islam - Part 1 (58 Minutes 19 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF Modernising or Outdated

Women's Rights in Islam - Part 2 (52 Minutes 36 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF Modernising or Outdated

Women's Rights in Islam - Part 3 (1 Hour) - Zakir Naik - IRF - Modernising or Outdated

Women's Rights in Islam - Part 4 (50 Minutes 49 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF Modernising or Outdated

Is the Qur'an God's word? Top

Is the Qur'an God's word? - Part I (1 Hour) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Is the Qur'an God's word? - Part II (1 Hour) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Is the Qur'an God's word? - Part III (58 Minutes 28 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF
Al_Qur'an - Should it be read with understanding? Top

Al_Qur'an Part I - Should it be read with understanding? (1 Hour 1 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Al-Qur'an Part II: Should it be read with understanding? (1 Hour 1 Minutes) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Al-Qur'an Part III: Should it be read with understanding? (56 Minutes 38 Seconds) - Zakir Naik - IRF

Da'wah or Destruction Top

Da'wah or Destruction? (1 Hour 17 Minutes) - Zakir Naik

Dr. Ahmed Deedat

Dr. Jamal Badawi

Shabir Ally

Dr. Ahmed Sakr

Abdul Majeeed Zindani

Mokhtar Maghraoui
Naik-Campbell Debate Video:
TOPIC: "The Quran and Bible in light of Modern Science"
COMMENTS: Yet, another crushing and humiliating defeat of (a pro-Israeli website), but this time the damage is bad, real bad. Dr. Zakir Naik exposes the lies and the deception of Answering Islam's premiere writer and scholar, Dr. William Campbell . Unfortunately, the Answering Islam team has systematically refused to put the debate on their website, nor to even make known that such a debate took place to its congregation! Nevertheless, the debate can be purchased just a stones throw away from the Answering Islam's head quarters (South Asian Christian Friendship Center) here in Chicago, at a Muslim bookstore right down the street ;-) . Therefore, I see it as my duty to make this debate available to all.
Click on the links below or you can right mouse click and select "save target as":
Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 1of5.rm
Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 2of5.rm
Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 3of5.rm
Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 4of5.rm
Qura'n & The Bible in the light of science 5of5.rm
The Kaaba Black Stone is What???????????
Islams So called History of Australia
Islamic Liar & Islamic Scholar Ahmed Deedat Links
1, 2
Islamic Liar & scholar Zakir Naik Links
1, 2

What is Religion? This word that most people are willing to die for, that wars have been fought over, that people have been persecuted and isolated for…Is something most people don’t really know much about!.
WHERE WAS MOHAMMED? A historic journey using the information contained in the Scripture to retrace the steps of many of God's prophets, ending with the seal of the prophets Mohammed.
5 Pillar Myth God Has provided mankind with a SYSTEM and not a set of rituals...In this page we will present the 'true' pillars that all Muslims will unite around, as well as presenting select articles which will show different understanding of today's pillars.
Etiquette Besides the laws revealed by God that were designed to govern our lives, the Scripture has also indicated a list of 'Etiquette' which we are advised to maintain in our dealings with each other on this planet.
Education Questioning oneself and others is the FIRST and the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of intellectual and spiritual growth. The growth of a person/nation depends on how much are they ready for self-criticism. This aspect has been totally missing from the muslim attitude of late.
Why do Muslims Lose?What the Muslims worldwide have on their hands is a true dilemma. In every single country and every single place for the past centuries the Muslims have consistently been losing! They have been subjugated to occupation and humiliation. What is it that the Muslims need to do? A clue is found through the words of the messenger himself...
Human Heartthe center of our life is our heart - if we use it, it will take us closer to God, and if we don't then we will go astray.
Why Islam & Mormonism are so closely Related
The 2 Faces of Islam

religion is - of and by itself - a crime
the Qur'an calls men not to religion but to live full lives
today's 'Islam' is an outgrowth of the pre-Islamic Arab tribal cults
while 'Islam' is against idolatry the Arabs actually promote it
much of the world's hostility towards 'Islam' is justified
Interpretations and translations of the Qur'an are designed to
protect the Arab tribal cult
Even in this day and age, the iconoclast's job is far from done

Latest Additions:
Gilchrist Vs Buckus - Bible or Quran P1
Gilchrist Vs Buckus - Bible or Quran P2
Gilchrist Vs Buckus - Bible or Quran P3
Brimingham 2000
D1 Manchester 1997
D2 Birmingham 1998
D4 Atlanta2000 - p1
D4 Atlanta 2000 -p2
Deedat Vs Swaggert - Is the Bible God's word P1
Deedat Vs Swaggert - Is the Bible God's word P2
Deedat Vs Swaggert - Is the Bible God's word P3
Deedat Vs Swaggert - Is the Bible God's word P4
Badawi Vs Douglas - Islam & Christianity - P1
Badawi Vs Douglas - Islam & Christianity - P2
Badawi Vs Douglas - Islam & Christianity - P3
Quran, Bible and Science - Zakir Naik Vs William Campbell - P1
Quran, Bible and Science - Zakir Naik Vs William Campbell - P2
Quran, Bible and Science - Zakir Naik Vs William Campbell - P3
Quran, Bible and Science - Zakir Naik Vs William Campbell - P4
Quran, Bible and Science - Zakir Naik Vs William Campbell - P6
Gilchrist - Common objections to the Gospel 1
Gilchrist - Common objections to the Gospel 2
Glasgow 2000 - Jesus was a Muslim P1
Glasgow 2000 - Jesus was a Muslim P2
Muslim Christian Perception of God - Schenk vs Ally P1
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Nadir Ahmad Vs Sam Shamoun
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The Cross in The Gospel and The Quran
Shamoun Vs Ally - Quran or the Bible P1
Shamoun Vs Ally - Quran or the Bible P2
Shamoun Vs Ally - Quran or the Bible P3

The Qur'an:
Misinterpreted, Mistranslated, and Misread.
The Aramaic Language of the Qur'an

Come Visit The Crusader Castle

Encyclopedia of Islam Myths: Arabs are not descendants of Ishmael!Refuting the Arab claimsRefuting the Islamic claims

Islam: Truth or Myth? start page

"Arabian literature has its own version of prehistoric times, but it is entirely legendary." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 2:176)
"there is no historical evidence for the assertion that Abraham or Ishmael was ever in Mecca, and if there had been such a tradition it would have to be explained how all memory of the Old Semitic name Ishmael (which was not in its true Arabian form in Arabian inscriptions and written correctly with an initial consonant Y) came to be lost. The form in the Quran is taken either from Greek or Syriac sources." (Islam, Alfred Guillaume, 1956, p 26-27, 61-62)
The first positive reference to the Arabians extant occurs in an inscription of the Assyrian, Shalmaneser III, who speaks of the capture of a thousand camels from Gindibu, the Arabian, in 854 B.C. (Islam and the Arabs, Rom Landau, 1958 p 11-21)
According to Muslim tradition, God told Abraham to begin the rite of pilgrimage to Becca (now Mecca). In a rite called tawaf, Arab pilgrims from time immemorial circled the stone counterclockwise seven times and ran seven times between the two promontories in memory of Hagar's seven passages. The historicity of this Abrahamic tradition is difficult to confirm; the first verifiable reference to the Arab people occurs in an inscription of Shalmanezer III dated 853 BC. (The Joy of Sects, Peter Occhigrosso, 1996, p394-397)
"The pure Arabs are those who claim to be descended from Joktan or Qahtan, whom the present Arabs regard as their principle founder...The ‘Arabu ‘l-Musta’ribah, the mixed Arabs, claim to be descended from Ishmael.they boast as much as the Jews of being reckoned the children of Abraham. This circumstance will account for the preference with which they uniformly regard this branch of their pedigree, and for the many romantic legends they have grafted upon it...The Arabs, in their version of Ishmael’s history, have mixed a great deal of romance with the narrative of Scripture." (A Dictionary of Islam, pgs. 18-19)
"Muhammad was not informed about the family of Abraham." (Encyclopedia of Islam) I: 184. See also pages 544-546.
"There is a prevalent notion that the Arabs, both of the south and north, are descended from Ishmael; and the passage in Gen. xvi.12, "he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren," is often cited as if it were a prediction of that national independence which, upon the whole, the Arabs have maintained more than any other people. But this supposition is founded on a misconception of the original Hebrew, which runs literally, "he shall before the faces of all his brethren," i.e., (according to the idiom above explained, in which "before the face" denotes the east), the habitation of his posterity shall be "to the east" of the settlements of Abraham’s’ other descendants...These prophecies found their accomplishment in the fact of the sons of Ishmael being located, generally speaking to the east of the other descendants of Abraham, whether of Sara or of Ketuah. But the idea of the southern Arabs being of the posterity of Ishmael is entirely without foundation, and seems to have originated in the tradition invented by Arab vanity that they, as well as the Jews, are of the seed of Abraham--a vanity which, besides disfiguring and falsifying the whole history of the patriarch and his son Ishmael, has transferred the scene of it from Palestine to Mecca." (McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, (Vol. I:339)
In the Qur’an, "Gen. 21.17-21...are identified with Mecca." (The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p. 193). It also states that the Southern Arabs come from Qahtan, not Ishmael (p. 48).

The Arab Claim to Palestine because they are descendants of Ishmael:By Robert Morey
The Arabs’ claim to the land of Israel rest entirely on three false assumptions:
All Arabs are the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael.
Ishmael and his descendants were included in the covenant God made with Abraham.
Since the Abrahamic convenant included the land of Israel, the Arabs have a legitimate claim to it.
Ten Historical Facts that refute these Arab claims:
According to the Torah, when Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees, he went West to what is now called Israel (Gen. 12 ff.). He became a dweller in tents in that land. It was in Israel that God made a covenant with him for the land in which he was living at that time. It was in Israel that he fathered Isaac, Ishmael, and many other sons and daughters. Isaac was the only son of Abraham chosen by God to be the heir of the covenant. Abraham took Isaac to Mt. Moriah to be offered up as a sacrifice to God.
The Torah is contradicted by Qur’an at nearly every point. According to Surah 2:119-121, Abraham and Ishmael did not dwell in tents in Israel but in the city of Mecca in Arabia. Together they rebuilt the Kabah and placed the black stone in the wall. It was Abraham who started the tradition of an annual pilgrimage to Mecca, throwing stones at the devil, etc. Abraham took Ishmael (not Isaac) to nearby Mt. Mina to offer as a sacrifice to God.
Ishmael’s twelve sons were named Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. (Gen. 12:11-16) They intermarried with the local population in North Arabia and produced several nomadic tribes know as the "Ishmaelites."
It was prophesied in the Torah that Ishmael and his family would "live to the East of all his brothers." (Gen. 16:12) "And they settled from Havilah to Shur which is east of Egypt as one goes toward Assyria." (Gen 25:18) This broad area is the desert section East of Egypt in Northern Arabia toward the kingdom of the Assyrians.
The Ishmaelites are mentioned as a distinct tribe in the Assyrian records. They later intermarried with and were absorbed by the Midianites and other local tribes. In Gen. 37:25-28; 39:1, the Ishmaelites are called the Midianites and in Judges 8:22-24 cf. 7:1f, the Midianites are called the Ishmaelites. The identification cannot be made any stronger.
Arabia was already populated by the descendants of Cush and Shem long before Abraham or Ishmael were born (Gen. 10:7). Their cities and temples have been well documented by archeologists.
If all the Arab people descended from Ishmael as Muhammad claimed, where did all the original Arabs go? What happened to them? Who did Ishmael marry if the Arabs did not already exist? If Arabia was unpopulated, who built Mecca? Since he lived there, obviously it existed before he was born. The facts speak for themselves. The Arab people existed before, during, and after Ishmael moved started roaming the wilderness of North Arabia.
The descendants of Ishmael were scattered in Northern Arabia from the wilderness of Shur to the ancient city of Havilah. They were absorbed by the local tribes such as the Midianites (Gen. 37:25-28; 39:1; Judges 8:24). There is no historical or archeological evidence that Ishmael went south to Mecca and became the "Father" of the Arab race. Some modern Arab scholars admit that before Muhammad, Qahtan was said to be the "Father" of the Arab people, not Ishmael.
The Abrahamic Covenant was given only to Isaac and to his descendants. Ishmael and the other sons of Abraham were explicitly excluded by God from having any part of the covenant made with Abraham. (Gen. 18:18-21)
Therefore the descendants of Ishmael and the other sons of Abraham do not have any claim to the land of Israel because they are not included in the covenant God made with Abraham. Only the Jews have any claim to the land of Israel.
The Islamic Claim to Palestine because they are descendants of Ishmael:
Muslims like to claim that Islam gave them the right to claim the land of Israel as their own. This claim rests upon two false assumptions:
All Arabs are the descendants of Ishmael;
Muhammad went to Jerusalem.
Three Historical Facts that refute these Islamic claims:
The first assumption has already been proven false. The Arab people are not all the descendants of Ishmael and hence they are not the heirs of the Patriarchs, the prophets, the Scriptures or the land of Israel.
The claim that Muhammad went to Jerusalem is false. According to the Qur’an and the Hadith, Muhammad had a dream in the middle of the night in which he traveled through the sky, visited seven heavens, met great people like Jesus, and visited the Jerusalem. Since this was only a dream, he was never actually in Jerusalem. The Mosque on the temple site in Jerusalem is a hoax built on the lie that Muhammad stood on the site.
Nowhere in the Qur’an does it state that Ishmael is the progenitor of the Arab race. Since it is not taught in the Qur’an, it cannot be a true Islamic belief.
The Arab people are not the children of Ishmael. Even if they were, they would still have no claim to Israel because Ishmael was excluded by God Himself from having any part in the covenant made with Abraham. Isaac was the only heir of the Abrahamic covenant. Thus the Arabs as a people have no claim to the land of Israel.
The Muslims have no claim to the land of Israel either. Muhammad never went to Jerusalem except in a dream. The only ones with a spiritual and biblical claim to the land of Israel are the descendants of Isaac, the Jews.
Other references:
The Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 7, pg. 296 where the connection between the Midianites and the Ishmaelites is noted.
The Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam, pgs. 178-179.
A Popular Dictionary of Islam, p. 127.
Organized by Brother Andrew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.