Friday, June 02, 2006

Answering Roman Catholocism


Since its inception, Roman Catholicism has polluted the Christian world with her false roman catholic doctrine and unbiblical teaching. Roman Catholicism is easily exposed by holding her many false doctrines against the light of the Bible. some good examples of Roman Catholic doctrine are: the Rosary, confession to a priest, infant baptism, the Mass, Holy Communion, transubstantiation, Mary as co-redeemer, Easter, purgatory, prayer to the saints, papal infallibility, etc.these are all false catholic doctrine and man made fairy tales without any biblical foundation whatsoever. For too long the Roman Catholic Church has fooled billions with her claim that she is the "one true church" Jesus founded. A cult is characterized by brainwashing her members to the point that they are not to question the "authority" of the cult itself over religious things. For this reason many roman catholics are what The Bible calls, blind guides leading the blind never to question their church or leaders, cause after all they are the "one true church" right?Or are they?The world is beginning to wake up to the truth about this counterfeit church. Roman Catholicism is white sepulcre counterfeit christianity. Remember the best way to deceive is to counterfeit and the master of counterfeit is satan.If you are a Christian and you believe Roman Catholicism is Christianity I urge you to investigate Roman Catholicism and catholic doctrine for yourself on this website.God Bless,Erol
Testimony of a former catholic


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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